I'm Stuck

Just got the game and I can't get through the third level. I'm at the part just after the deep pit and through the door where there appears to be invisible blocks overhead (you just see the outline of them). To the bottom right is a narrow area I can't get to and to the upper right is an area too high to reach. I found a button just above the door that activates the top row of invisible blocks and it also causes rocks to start falling, but this doesn't help. I've started over again and went over the level with a fine tooth comb, but I must still be missing something!!!! Can anyone help?

Spoiler Alert!
One way is to climb up high enough on the West side to jump from block to block until you are across.

The other way depends on being able to blast your way through the wall just below the pipe where the rocks appear, then drop past the red button, spin jump down far enough to get the high jump power-up. That will allow you to jump above the pipe and exit the level.
By the way, "third level" is ambiguous, since the paths branch. Another possible third level is Western Reaches, which would make Eastern Reaches the fourth level! Confusing, heh?

Hope this helps.

**** Davies

See, jbohn, like I said...come here and you WILL get help 🙂 And in only half an hour at that! Much better than trying to get an answer on the IMG board, right? 🙂

By the way, this is Jeff...the person who mentioned this board to you earlier today on the IMG board.

-- Jeff

You do need to activate both buttons and that will make all the blocks solid. Then you can just hop across them to the top area where you exit the level. You found the button above the door, the other button on the east side. You can either, as Davies said, figure out a way to blast through to the red button or you can toss a fireball on the button in order to push it.

Yeah, I had to stop and think about what you meant by "third level" as well. 🙂
