Frying Pan

I've finally made it!! Not so sure I should be so happy about it, though. :frown:

This is one tough level!! Are there any "shortcuts" or "tricks" that I'm missing? I always seem to get down to the area where the hanging chains begin and then die everytime (which is MANY, MANY times now). Or is this another level where "practice makes perfect."


If there are any shortcuts, I didn't find them. I think it is about practice and repitition, so you know what's coming up and can avoid traps. Fortunately there are two save points, so I looked at it as three separate mini-levels. Also, I didn't bother to kill any enemies, just ran right through 'em.

Thanks, LT! Wow, 3 checkpoints? I was hoping it was just going to be one run through and that once I FINALLY (if ever) make it past those chains I would be not too far from the end. Back to the Pan, I guess! :frown:


Unfortunately, this level took me several days to complete! :frown: And even now when I got back to try to get stuff I missed, I still die before I get to the first checkpoint! Not that it would do me any good, since I've already used all of them! 😉

Good luck and happy Ferazel-ing!




MissNif wrote:
**Unfortunately, this level took me several days to complete!:frown: And even now when I got back to try to get stuff I missed, I still die before I get to the first checkpoint! Not that it would do me any good, since I've already used all of them! 😉



Yeah, I hear ya. I did go back once, primarily to get the Rez Necklace, which is not too far from the beginning. Knowing that I'd never make it all the way through again without unused save points, I decided to go as far as I could and then use an escape ring to get out. Basically I traded an escape ring for a Rez Necklace (plus some more Xichrons and coins). I don't know whether this was a good trade-off, guess I'll find out soon enough. I have 6 Rez necklaces and 2 escape rings to get through Ends of the Earth and Xichra.



LT wrote:
**Basically I traded an escape ring for a Rez Necklace (plus some more Xichrons and coins). I don't know whether this was a good trade-off, guess I'll find out soon enough. I have 6 Rez necklaces and 2 escape rings to get through Ends of the Earth and Xichra.


Yeah . . . I think that's a really good trade! 🙂

