Another unimportant question for Ben

Hi Ben!

Tonight I was watching one of my favorite movies that I haven't seen in awhile. It's called The Princess Bride. In the movie, "the Sicilian" says to "the Spaniard" (I can't remember exact names at the moment -- Fezini and Montoya, I think) something along the lines of "When I found you, you were a drunk and UNEMPLOYED IN GREENLAND!" I was wondering if naming one of your levels Unemployed In Greenland was in any way influenced by this movie? The movie is about 15 years old or so, so I know it wasn't the other way around! 😉

Totally curious . . .


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

"Princess Bride" is my family's absolutely favorite movie, so I picked up on that right away. The rock throwers, of course, are absolute throwbacks to Fessick! (Did I spell that right?) (big grin)

As a matter of fact, we just watched the move again last night, too (on cable), though we've owned it for years, and we watch it approximately two-three times per year. We do the dialogue all the time--it crops up everywhere.

Have fun storming the castle, boys! 🙂


That movie has been a favorite in our household for years as well, but we just hadn't watched in about a year or so. I was talking to my daughter last night while the movie was on though and when Fezini (sp?) said " . . . unemployed in Greenland", I said to my cousin "Unemployed where?!" I was thrown off my track a little bit because I was so surprised about it! It's a rather old-ish movie, so I really wasn't expecting any references to it, like you see a lot of references to The Matrix or something these days.

Happy Ferazel-ing!

🙂 Nif

Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

My wife and I are Princess Bride fanatics as well...we both picked up on the "unemployed" reference, but I hadn't made a connection between the rock throwers and Fezzik (spelling per book, by William Goldman, which predates movie). But I do see the resemblance. 🙂 I'd recommend the book to all you movie fans out get background character info they didn't put in the movie. I've reached the Ends of the Earth without the ice wall spell, and I feel like I'm in the Pit of Despair...maybe I need a miracle.

could the armadillopines be related to the ROUS's?


Time ain't money when all you got is time

I'm glad SOMEONE picked up the "Unemployed in Greenland" reference. Everyone always asks me what the heck that level name means. And yes, I'm a huge Princess Bride fan. 🙂



By the way, the quote from Vizzini to Fezzik is, "I was not talking to you, you hippopotamic landmass. Do you want me to send you back to where you were? Unemployed, in Greenland?"

(This message has been edited by Ben Spees (edited 03-06-2000).)


Ben Spees wrote:
**I'm glad SOMEONE picked up the "Unemployed in Greenland" reference. Everyone always asks me what the heck that level name means.

Personally, if I was in the position to ask you about a level name it would be the Obfuscation & Edification level. What in the world does that mean? I don't feel like looking them up in the dictionary, so I'll just ask you 🙂

-- Jeff

Has anyone noticed that in Ares, many of the levels are named after proverbs? Many from "The Hobbit". Out Of The Frying Pan... was one level; The next was ...Into the fire! A chapter in 'The Hobbit' is Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Fire! Between a Rock and a Rock. Another one. Was Nathon reading that book while trying to think up chapter names?

Think Different.

-Admiral Dennis


Ben Spees wrote:
**By the way, the quote from Vizzini to Fezzik is, "I was not talking to you, you hippopotamic landmass. Do you want me to send you back to where you were? Unemployed, in Greenland?"

(This message has been edited by Ben Spees (edited 03-06-2000).)**

Thank you! I hadn't been able to pay close attention and was even out of the room when that was being said!

Here's to Princess Bride fans! 😄


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

This entire conversation is entirely, as they say, inconceivable!


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. 😛


Okay you all, now one of my goals this weekend will be to rewatch The Princess Bride.



Zelda wrote:
**Okay you all, now one of my goals this weekend will be to rewatch The Princess Bride.

MIne too. Anyone in the San Jose area for a PB fest? 🙂



Geek wrote:
**MIne too. Anyone in the San Jose area for a PB fest?:)


I'm close to San Jose, but unfortunately my weekend is packed -- work and hockey games! 😛 Actually, the hockey game I'm going to is in San Jose -- at the Ice Centre. My brother plays for the San Jose Wolves. This is assuming that you mean San Jose California! 😄


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

(This message has been edited by MissNif (edited 03-10-2000).)


Merciless wrote:
**Personally, if I was in the position to ask you about a level name it would be the Obfuscation & Edification level. What in the world does that mean? I don't feel like looking them up in the dictionary, so I'll just ask you 🙂

I seem to remember an espisode of Babylon 5 with that name. I don't know if Mike S. (the creator of B5) got that from someone else, though.
