Xichra's Lair

Hey all!

I'm wondering if anyone out there has an effective plan of attack for the dreaded queen! :eek: I toss the Zir. seeds at her, but hardly any of them actually hit her! I go into the level with full loads of fire and zir. seeds, and 3 rez necklaces, and I can hardly scratch her! :mad:

Any help would be appreciated!


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

Throw your seeds into the cannons when she flies by... it's hard to get it just right, especially when the cannons start spinning, but eventually you get used to it. 🙂


(This message has been edited by Rilla (edited 03-13-2000).)


MissNif wrote:
**Hey all!

I'm wondering if anyone out there has an effective plan of attack for the dreaded queen! :eek: I toss the Zir. seeds at her, but hardly any of them actually hit her! I go into the level with full loads of fire and zir. seeds, and 3 rez necklaces, and I can hardly scratch her! :mad:

Any help would be appreciated!


Well, there was a Killing Xichra thread, but I can't seem to find it again. Here is something I learned from it that should help..

On the left wall, you can jump up (hold the left movement key down to stay on each invisible foothold) 3 times, and get to a hidden ledge where she can't get you...she can throw fireballs, but you can block them with your shield. Then you can throw fireseeds or zir. seeds out at her whenever she comes nearby. Sometimes you have to jump out some to reach her and throw them from midair; just climb back up there quickly. Once I got on the ledge, it was just a matter of time before she was toast. If you time it right, you can throw seeds into the cannons, and they'll shoot them out and hit her...she doesn't like this much tho. 😄 Good luck.


Let my inspiration flow, in token rhyme, suggesting rhythm... -Hunter/Garcia

Thanks you guys! I remembered that there had been a Killing Xichra thread too, but it was easier/faster for me to just post a new question. It worked too! I ate dinner and when I came back I had some great answers! 😄

Happy Ferazel-ing!

Nif :eek:
