How long does it take? (Ben, see)

How long does it take for Ben to fix your saved game? I sent mine yesterday...

Think Different.

-Admiral Dennis

I sent mine in 3 days ago, so I dunno.


I sent mine in last Friday night before I took a shower, and he had already sent it back by the time I got out! :eek: I guess it depends on how busy he is.


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

I sent mine 3 days ago. I don't wanna play Ferazel until my game is fixed. I'm dieing here without my Ferazel! :frown: Please hurry, Ben! :mad:

Think Different.

-Admiral Dennis

I sent my game to Ben last weekend and still haven't received the fixed copy yet... :frown:

When any of you sent in your saved game, had you saved after getting the ice crystal spell? I think Ben only fixes games in which the ice crystal spell is already in your inventory.

I am trying to gather information on this bug, so any replies would be GREATLY apprecieted.


(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 03-11-2000).)


gundlach wrote:
I sent my game to Ben last weekend and still haven't received the fixed copy yet...:frown:

Email is no more reliable than USPS...sometimes even trickier. Try sending your saved game to him again, with a nice note explaining where you are in the game, and asking if he could help. Maybe he didn't see the subject line, it was bounced by the server, or accidentally deleated.




Amorisse wrote:
**Email is no more reliable than USPS...sometimes even trickier. Try sending your saved game to him again, with a nice note explaining where you are in the game, and asking if he could help. Maybe he didn't see the subject line, it was bounced by the server, or accidentally deleated.

Given the number of us who are waiting, I think it's more likely he's on vacation or something.

Yep, my saved game was after I had gotten the ice crystal spell.

I also emailed David Dunham recently about it, and haven't gotten a reply, so I'm leaning towards the vacation explanation (either that or family emergency, etc).

Hi everyone. I'm back. Sorry about the delays in fixing people's saved games -- I got way behind on my email. I'm all caught up now. If you haven't gotten a fix yet, mail me again and I'll take care of it right away.



And, when Ben says "right away", he means "right away". I sent my game to Ben at lunch time today, and I got it back in only a few hours. Thanks, Ben.




Ben Spees wrote:
**Hi everyone. I'm back. Sorry about the delays in fixing people's saved games -- I got way behind on my email. I'm all caught up now. If you haven't gotten a fix yet, mail me again and I'll take care of it right away.


YAY! 🙂 Now I can go back to waisting ti... I mean playing Ferazel. 🙂

Think Different.

-Admiral Dennis