Ferazel's Wand Cheat Centre Opens


PrinceOfPersia wrote:
**You can't finish the game without the fixes, so waiting for the update when you actually have the Programmer offering to fix your game for you is a waste of your time.

I loooove it when people tell me what wastes my time. Yes..I need MORE people to do this! 🙂

Actually, I want to start over because there are some things I plan on doing differently this time around. And I figure since the update will have some bug fixes and a few other changes, why not just wait for it? I don't mind waiting. Honest. Furthermore, I want to see any and all changes so I'd have to play the game over anyway. Yeah, I know Ben will fix my game if I ask. Yeah, I know it won't take him oodles of amount of time. Yeah, I know I can have it back fast. But I'd rather do it this way. What can I say? I enjoy wasting my time. 🙂



Ferazel's Sidekick wrote:
Correct me if I am wrong, but most of the patches made available by this program cost money to utilize, do they not?

I never said they didn't cost money, I just made it known to the people on the board.

Was just toying around with adding spells to a saved file, and I loaded up with a few interesting ones. Most notably was sandstorm and a second type of fireball spell. Sadly, Ferazel waves his hands around but nothing comes out.

Just a quick question for ya Ben (or any other administrator I suppose), but is there any chance of these spells being added into the game at some point? Would be logical for sandstorm to be hidden in the desert somewhere. Can't have too many spells, y'know? 🙂

Oh yeah, and I thought the Purple Haze level was cute. Lots of free Xichrons and I finally got to meet the big kahuna. Speaking of which, did each of the various, ahem, robed people write their own dialogues? Just wondering if they accurately reflect each personality 😉

Ferazel's Sidekick

Visit Ferazel's Wand Cheat Centre at:

There are a few spells, like Sandstorm, that never made it into the game for various reasons. That's what you've found. As for the dialogue in Purple Haze, I wrote all of it, except for Jason's, which he wrote. Or, I should say, adapted from Bionic Commando.



Wow, Bionic Commando. I must have been eight or nine years old when I last played that game. Was just a bit too hard for me and I could only ever beat level 5. All I remember about that game is the frustration 🙂

Kudos for purple haze though. Things like that make finding every little secret worthwhile.

Ferazel's Sidekick

Visit Ferazel's Wand Cheat Centre at:


Ereid wrote:
**Check the progress log athttp://www.AmbrosiaS...ML/000006.html.


Um, so then why are people sending their games to Ben? I don't get it... But I do get why people might start their games over when the update comes out. I'm in the level Eastern Reaches. Would any of the bugs bother me?

Think Different.

-Admiral Dennis


Admiral Dennis wrote:
**Um, so then why are people sending their games to Ben? I don't get it... But I do get why people might start their games over when the update comes out. I'm in the level Eastern Reaches. Would any of the bugs bother me?

People are sending their saved games to Ben when they have run across either the "Missing spell bug" or the "Ice Crystal Spell vs Ice Wall Spell" bug. Ben has volunteered to fix at least those bugs in people's saved games until the update comes out. Particularly the Ice Crystal vs Ice Wall thing, because you can't finish the level unless that's fixed.

I think at the point of Eastern Reaches you probably haven't run into bugs yet, but that's just a guess. I'd have to know more about what you've found so far to tell you if you've missed anything.


Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)


Ereid wrote:
**People are sending their saved games to Ben when they have run across either the "Missing spell bug" or the "Ice Crystal Spell vs Ice Wall Spell" bug. Ben has volunteered to fix at least those bugs in people's saved games until the update comes out. Particularly the Ice Crystal vs Ice Wall thing, because you can't finish the level unless that's fixed.

I think at the point of Eastern Reaches you probably haven't run into bugs yet, but that's just a guess. I'd have to know more about what you've found so far to tell you if you've missed anything.



With the 'Missing Spell' bug, do scrolls just dissapear without any indication they ever existed, or does it display an error box? As for the Ice Crystal, Ice Wall thing, I haven't encountered those spells. I'm pretty much in the beginning of the game. I've been exploring Eastern Reaches for a while, trying to find the spell that some shady charictor (Did he have a name?) told me about. Following on that, where is that spell? I wanna make sure that it didn't dissapear on me.

Think Different.

-Admiral Dennis


Admiral Dennis wrote:
**With the 'Missing Spell' bug, do scrolls just dissapear without any indication they ever existed, or does it display an error box? As for the Ice Crystal, Ice Wall thing, I haven't encountered those spells. I'm pretty much in the beginning of the game. I've been exploring Eastern Reaches for a while, trying to find the spell that some shady charictor (Did he have a name?) told me about. Following on that, where is that spell? I wanna make sure that it didn't dissapear on me.

With the Missing Spell bug, yes, the scrolls just are not on the stand that they're supposed to be on. There's not like a box that says "Spell missing here" or anything.

The spell that the Shady Character was talking about is the Statue Spell. It is found at the end of Western Reaches (as he says, it's west of the Central Caverns).


Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)

And, yes! The Statue Spell IS one of the ones that may not appear when you FINALLY get to the place where it SHOULD be! With my particular computer, I've found that to get the missing spells (and there have been several), I have to change my screen resolution BEFORE I begin the game (I keep it very high), AND be sure that my CD is in place BEFORE I START UP THE GAME.

The only one I haven't been able to get is the Ice Wall Spell, because the glitch there, is that you get the Ice Crystal Spell instead. And, of couse, you get robbed by the merchant in that level (Iceconoclasm), too. You not only get escape rings instead of fire seeds (which can be a big benefit, actually), but you get robbed of about 500 coins!

There are several other problems, but one of the main ones that is holding ME up, is that I tried utilizing the escape rings to help me beat the Fire Guardians, but if I go out and come back in, they're in the wrong places, and after the second or third time going out, they just disappear (above the screen). VERY FRUSTRATING!



lindawing wrote:
**There are several other problems, but one of the main ones that is holding ME up, is that I tried utilizing the escape rings to help me beat the Fire Guardians, but if I go out and come back in, they're in the wrong places, and after the second or third time going out, they just disappear (above the screen). VERY FRUSTRATING!

Well, the problem with the guardians disappearing is one of the fixes in the upcoming update (along with the missing spells, the Ice Wall problem, and the 'crooked' merchant problem)

If only those testers would start testing! 🙂

Hey Ben, do you need any new volunteers? hehe

-- Jeff


Ben Spees wrote:
**The update is done, it's just that the testers haven't been testing it very much and we have to make sure everything works right. We're still on beta 1 because there have been hardly any responses from the beta team.

If you need your saved game fix, send it on! It takes about 30 seconds for me to fix them, so don't worry about that.


C'mon Ben! Tell those beta testers to get on the stick!!!

We're counting on you Ben!!!! 😉


(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 03-10-2000).)

(QUOTE)Amorisse wrote:

There is a confession I must make: I am...well, um...gee...er...I'm guilty of bug abuse. You know, buying escape rings from the merchant who claims he sells fire seeds. :redface:

Guilty of bug abuse? Shame Shame Shame!!!

(Well, so am I)



Ferazel's Sidekick wrote:
**Was just toying around with adding spells to a saved file, and I loaded up with a few interesting ones. Most notably was sandstorm and a second type of fireball spell. Sadly, Ferazel waves his hands around but nothing comes out.

Ferazel's Sidekick

How were you adding spells to a saved game file?


How to add spells, isn't that just the trick? Well, if I told you, I'd have to kill you.

Ferazel's Sidekick

Visit Ferazel's Wand Cheat Centre at:


Ferazel's Sidekick wrote:
**How to add spells, isn't that just the trick? Well, if I told you, I'd have to kill you.

Ferazel's Sidekick

Okay, never mind!
