Ferazel's Wand Cheat Centre Opens

Hey everyone,

I've managed to hack some saved game files and am currently working on a saved game editor for Ferazel's Wand. I have two saved game files available for download on my web site. One starts you off with level 1 completely beat (100% enemies/xichrons/secrets) but also gives Ferazel 99 health potions and 99 mana potions. The other save is in the same situation, but adds a few extra spells and a few extra rings. Anyways, take a look at the site:

If there is enough demand, I may finish the saved game editor, or else I may just scrap it entirely. Depends on you guys I suppose. Happy hunting.

Ferazel's Sidekick

Visit Ferazel's Wand Cheat Centre at:

Well, I guess it was bound to happen, but I still sort of wish it hadn't. :rolleyes:

Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)

I would be interested in a saved games editor, if it could put in 99 rez necklaces. 🙂


Ereid wrote:
**Well, I guess it was bound to happen, but I still sort of wish it hadn't.:rolleyes:

While I entirely agree with you Elizabeth, the idea of 99 health potions seems awfully tempting to me! 😉 I finally finished the Fire Guardians level, but I used up my only 2 rez necklaces, both of my magic potions, and had only one "unit" of health left when I defeated the second beasty! I think if I hadn't killed him when I did, then I would have most likely thrown my computer out the window! :mad:

I'm going to see exactly how well I can do on my own for now. Hopefully the update will also help me a bit! Does anyone have any idea how long it will be before it's released? I don't want to send Ben my save game because I think that the more people who do that, the longer it will take for them to get the update released!

Happy Ferazel-ing!


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

I anticipated that a few people would be distressed at the prospect of an editor, but for those of you who don't want such a thing, nobody is going to force you to use it. The game is by no means easy and I am only halfway through the game without cheats and I haven't even played anything more than the first level with them on. shrug

The bottom line is, if you don't like cheating, don't. Personally, I don't like cheating but if I am stuck, I don't like the frustration of not being able to progress. Ferazel doesn't seem to have any built-in features to get the novice gamer unstuck, so I intend to provide that service to those who do get stuck. (ie me in storm valley).

By popular demand, you can expect an update to the web page tomorrow that offers a saved file with 99 res necklaces, only for the extremely weak of heart and ability.

Ferazel's Sidekick

Visit Ferazel's Wand Cheat Centre at:

Please don't get me wrong FS . . . I was not trying to criticize you for your editor. I am a diligent gamer at times, but definitely not the best at anything! I may very well download your saved games. All I was saying was that I agree with Ereid's point of view as well, and that I am going to try my best to complete the game without the cheats. BUT I am only human and often weak! :frown:


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

Just thought I'd mention that I updated the web site, made it slightly (only slightly) more attractive and added four more saved games. For those super-wimps, there is one with 99 potions (health/mana) and 99 rez necklaces. Most are slight variations of each other. Should do for now.

Ferazel's Sidekick

Visit Ferazel's Wand Cheat Centre at:


MissNif wrote:
**...Hopefully the update will also help me a bit! Does anyone have any idea how long it will be before it's released? I don't want to send Ben my save game because I think that the more people who do that, the longer it will take for them to get the update released!


That is EXACTLY why I haven't sent a saved game to Ben. I'm sure I don't understand how long it takes to write and fix code, but I'm getting a bit frustrated, since 2+ weeks have gone by since we've heard anything. Maybe I need to get a life beyond Teraknorn? Nah.


Time ain't money when all you got is time


Whitedog wrote:
That is EXACTLY why I haven't sent a saved game to Ben. I'm sure I don't understand how long it takes to write and fix code, but I'm getting a bit frustrated, since 2+ weeks have gone by since we've heard anything. Maybe I need to get a life beyond Teraknorn? Nah.


I feel your pain. I've stopped playing the game completely because I want to start completely over and felt there was no point in doing so until the update was released. It's been tough with no Ferazel, but I've been revisiting Harry to help pass the time.

As far as an editor goes...I think such things can be useful if someone gets to the point where they become so frustrated that the game is no longer fun. Fun is supposed to be what's about, after all. 🙂 Creating a super Ferazel with all the spells and jillions of rez necklaces would NOT be fun for me...but it makes someone else happy, go for it.


Well, actually, although I'm not forced to use it if I don't want to, I'm definitely tempted, whether I want to be or not. 🙂 It always happens: I tell myself I'm going to make it all the way through the game without cheating. It's happened every game I play:

  • Myst

  • Riven

  • 7th Guest

  • 11th Hour

  • Marathon II (remember that?)

...und so was. All of these, because I had the opportunity to cheat...so I did.

And now it's Ferazel's turn. I'll buy NetNanny so I stay away from this site. 😛

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"
-Dr. Strangelove
Will Oram

The update is done, it's just that the testers haven't been testing it very much and we have to make sure everything works right. We're still on beta 1 because there have been hardly any responses from the beta team.

If you need your saved game fix, send it on! It takes about 30 seconds for me to fix them, so don't worry about that.




Ben Spees wrote:
**The update is done, it's just that the testers haven't been testing it very much and we have to make sure everything works right. We're still on beta 1 because there have been hardly any responses from the beta team.

If you need your saved game fix, send it on! It takes about 30 seconds for me to fix them, so don't worry about that.


Thanks, Ben, for your willingness to help us all out. Now if those beta testers would just get themselves in gear, we could all be happy campers! 😄 Too bad I wasn't a beta tester.


Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)

(This message has been edited by Ereid (edited 03-02-2000).)

What will the update do? I just got my copy of Ferazel, and I want to know what this all is about.

Think Different.

-Admiral Dennis

Well, I'm assuming since it hasn't been mentioned, nobody knows of the patches that are available for FW. I noticed them a few days ago on Mac Gamer's Ledge in the news section. They're part of a program called Game Doctor which is basically like CodeBook, but it has built-in patches with it.

The four patches that are available in this program are:

Unlimited Health Patch
Unlimited Magic Patch
Unlimited Time Patch
Unlimited Uses Patch

What do they do? The Health one basically makes you invincible (except for falling down voids and the death powerups). The Magic one gives you unlimited magic power. The Time one allows you as much time as you want to beat Scorched Earth (name?), and the Uses one allows you to use items as much as you want (i.e. unlimited fire seeds, smite rings, etc).

For those that are stuck without and hope of passing a level, I suggest you use these patches. Of course, it's not the same when you beat the game with them, but it does make some levels a LOT easier to beat (well, pretty much impossible to lose, unless you fall down a hole or get a death powerup). I just used them for running around levels trying to find secrets, and then I went back into my games with the un-patched version to get them

Here is the link to download it: (url="http://"http://www.macupdate.com/info/35665.html")http://www.macupdate...info/35665.html(/url)

Enjoy...all you cheaters out there! Shame on you! 😛

Oh, by the way, everytime you use a patch, it saves the application as a copy, so when you apply more than one patch to the app, make sure you apply the next one to the copy that was previously patched.


(This message has been edited by Merciless (edited 03-02-2000).)


Admiral Dennis wrote:
**What will the update do? I just got my copy of Ferazel, and I want to know what this all is about.

Check the progress log at (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum18/HTML/000006.html")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000006.html(/url).

Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)


Merciless wrote:
(BWhat do they do? The Health one basically makes you invincible (except for falling down voids and the death powerups). The Magic one gives you unlimited magic power. The Time one allows you as much time as you want to beat Scorched Earth (name?), and the Uses one allows you to use items as much as you want (i.e. unlimited fire seeds, smite rings, etc).(/B)

Great. Now you hit my weakness. Unlimited time looks really good right now!!! 🙂 Nope. I'm going to be strong and wait the update and do it my own dang self!!! And I'm going to have FUN even if it makes me MISERABLE!!!

And Ben...perhaps you might want to utilize a new beta tester or two if you're not getting much response from the current ones. I'm sure you'd find some volunteers on this board.


People, you are silly if you don't send you saved game files for him to fix. With DropStuff, you can shrink it down to about 34K and he usually emails the fix back in a couple of hours.

You can't finish the game without the fixes, so waiting for the update when you actually have the Programmer offering to fix your game for you is a waste of your time.

As for the cheats, know that the game can be completed without it. It gets frustrating at times, but I finally made it all the way to the end. If you finish the game with 99 Rez necklaces, will you feel like you really won?



PrinceOfPersia wrote:
As for the cheats, know that the game can be completed without it. It gets frustrating at times, but I finally made it all the way to the end. If you finish the game with 99 Rez necklaces, will you feel like you really won?

I don't want to use cheats, either. Using strategy to keep unused save spots, build a supply of rez necklaces and health is fun. Some things frustrate me that I wish could be "fixed" (not sure if they're broken).

There is a confession I must make: I am...well, um...gee...er...I'm guilty of bug abuse. You know, buying escape rings from the merchant who claims he sells fire seeds. :redface:

And I'd like it if there was a way to buy a rez necklace or two. And I'd like it if Rojinko would sell more than one health potion. Most of all, I'd like it if that wall of fire in Can't Stand the Heat acted more logical and didn't just speed up because Ferazel does. Always on the left side of the screen like that drives me nuts. If I use good strategy and/or manipulate my controls enough to get a small head start away from it, I think I should be rewarded with those extra 4 or 5 seconds.


p.s. I'd happily be a deligent beta tester 😄

(This message has been edited by Amorisse (edited 03-02-2000).)

OOOOO, I have a sidekick 🆒

Re: Game Doctor

Correct me if I am wrong, but most of the patches made available by this program cost money to utilize, do they not?

Oh, and just so you all know, I plan on putting up a saved game file that is on level 1 with every spell in Ferazel's repetoire made available. Also one with just ice wall added. If I can create a saved game file that for some reason doesn't add 9 V-Blade spells. 😉

Ferazel's Sidekick

Visit Ferazel's Wand Cheat Centre at: