Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide: Site Update

Hello All,
I've added some new things to the (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide(/url).

There are now complete list of secrets for both A Scent Of Peril and River Of Fears. I'm starting with the demo levels on the secrets lists, but those lists apply for the full version also.

Also, I've added directions to every key in the first four levels of the full version (A Scent Of Peril, Central Caverns, Eastern Reaches, and Western Reaches). There are also a few other new questions. All these are in the various Q & A sections.

I'm continuing to add to the site and will post periodically to let everyone know what's been updated. As always, if you have suggestions, send them my way.

Happy Ferazel-ing!

Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)

(This message has been edited by Ereid (edited 03-04-2000).)

Hey Elizabeth!

I think that it is totally great that you are making this site! Keep up the good work!

I say "Happy Ferazel-ing" too! 😉

So . . . to Ferazel!


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

Here are some more suggested questions:

1. What good is a Smite Ring that doesn't seem to smite anything? The manual says, "It smites every enemy on the screen with a powerful blow of magic." I wish! I used one on the 3 frogs in The Dig -- it seemed to cause an explosion, but the frogs survived intact. I used one right before the first doorway in Can't Stand the Heat, where there are 2 gremlins (the flying things with detachable heads) and several blobs -- again, nada. Anybody use a Smite Ring and actually have it kill something?

2. Of what use is the Feather Fall power-up in Frying Pan? I came to the conclusion that in this context it's more of a power-down, ie. something to be avoided. Has anybody figured out a way to use it to advantage? (Not that I'm ever going back to that level again!)

3. Who are Nimbo and Dimbo and why should I care? In River of Fears, I told Nimbo to "bite me" and didn't give him any money. In Labyrinth, Dimbo says he can't talk to strangers. If I had given Nimbo the money, would Dimbo's dialogue be different? If so, what does he say? What has my miserly defiance caused me to miss out on?

LT 🙂


LT wrote:
3. Who are Nimbo and Dimbo and why should I care? In River of Fears, I told Nimbo to "bite me" and didn't give him any money. In Labyrinth, Dimbo says he can't talk to strangers. If I had given Nimbo the money, would Dimbo's dialogue be different? If so, what does he say? What has my miserly defiance caused me to miss out on?

LT :)**

There is a secret in one of the cavern levels where you find an empty treasure chest with a reference to Dimbo -- ignore that secret!!! Do NOT go there! Nimbo will not ask you for money and you will set Dimbo free in the Labyrinth. Then when you get to Ends of the Earth, if you go back to Nimbo, he will give you a really sweet "gift" for finding his brother!

However, since you have already found that secret, give Nimbo the money he asks you for. I am pretty sure that you will still set his brother free and get the gift, but I'm not 100% on that!

Happy Ferazel-ing!


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.


MissNif wrote:
**However, since you have already found that secret, give Nimbo the money he asks you for. I am pretty sure that you will still set his brother free and get the gift, but I'm not 100% on that!

Okay, I gave Nimbo the money he accused me of stealing. But then in the Labyrinth Dimbo still wouldn't talk to me. Do I have to do something special to set him free? I went back to Nimbo and he told me to let him know if I found his brother, but there was no way for me to let him know that yes, I found your stupid brother. Now what?



LT wrote:
**Okay, I gave Nimbo the money he accused me of stealing. But then in the Labyrinth Dimbo still wouldn't talk to me. Do I have to do something special to set him free? I went back to Nimbo and he told me to let him know if I found his brother, but there was no way for me to let him know that yes, I found your stupid brother. Now what?


Hmmm...still won't talk to you? Even after getting forgiven by his brother, Nimbo? Maybe there's a bug at work or maybe Ferazel was killed before meeting Dimbo again?

"Life is like a chocolate chip cookie."

Getting killed in between is not the problem because I saved immediately after going back to Nimbo and giving him the money -- if I was killed I would have reverted to that saved game or a subsequent one.

It's hard to say whether it's a bug or whether that's just how it's supposed to be. I would still like to know what Dimbo actually says in the Labyrinth to people who didn't take Nimbo's money, since that option is apparently foreclosed to me. Does he say, Thanks for setting me free, or do you have to do something else to actually free him?

Thanks for the replies!


LT wrote:
**Getting killed in between is not the problem because I saved immediately after going back to Nimbo and giving him the money -- if I was killed I would have reverted to that saved game or a subsequent one.

It's hard to say whether it's a bug or whether that's just how it's supposed to be. I would still like to know what Dimbo actually says in the Labyrinth to people who didn't take Nimbo's money, since that option is apparently foreclosed to me. Does he say, Thanks for setting me free, or do you have to do something else to actually free him?

Thanks for the replies!**

You don't necessarily have to do anything else. When I found Dimbo, there was a dialog with Ferazel, then he was out of there! Just disappeared. Ferazel then muttered something about finding his own way out of there without any help.




LT wrote:
**Getting killed in between is not the problem because I saved immediately after going back to Nimbo and giving him the money -- if I was killed I would have reverted to that saved game or a subsequent one.

There is an annoying problem with that approach, unfortunately. :frown: The saved game does not record whether you have talked to Nimbo or not. So if you resume from a game then you have to talk to Nimbo again before setting Dimbo free and on the way not save and then resume any games, just play all the way through.

(This message has been edited by Croikle (edited 03-11-2000).)

(quote)Croikle wrote:
There is an annoying problem with that approach, unfortunately. The saved game does not record whether you have talked to Nimbo or not. So if you resume from a game then you have to talk to Nimbo again before setting Dimbo free and on the way not save and then resume any games, just play all the way through.

Well, I just tried it without saving in between -- going to Nimbo, giving him the money, then going through Labyrinth to Dimbo -- Dimbo still won't talk to me.

Some of my encounters with Nimbo do seem to be recorded in saved games. When I first went back to him, he knew I never gave him any money and asked for it again, just like when I met him the first time I went through River of Fears. Now when I go back to him for the third time, he does not ask for the money, although he doesn't seem to recognize me either.

Jabbing him with my ice pick doesn't seem to help either.



LT wrote:
**Well, I just tried it without saving in between -- going to Nimbo, giving him the money, then going through Labyrinth to Dimbo -- Dimbo still won't talk to me.

Some of my encounters with Nimbo do seem to be recorded in saved games. When I first went back to him, he knew I never gave him any money and asked for it again, just like when I met him the first time I went through River of Fears. Now when I go back to him for the third time, he does not ask for the money, although he doesn't seem to recognize me either.

Jabbing him with my ice pick doesn't seem to help either. 🙂


Well, you may hate this idea, but you could go back to the beginning. It wouldn't mean trashing your previous saved games, just start a new list of them...and don't save on top of them.

Then, when you see the room with Dimbo's Secret Stash, don't break through the wall, don't go in there. Problem is then solved. Either way, initially Dimbo will say, "Dimbo no like strangers!" But Ferazel will answer, "Your brother, Nimbo, sent me." Then Dimbo will get happy, say he loves his brother and any friend of his brother is a friend of his, and so on.

Good luck and have fun!


"Happiness is a warm puppy."
~Charles Shulz