This just in! Ferazel is missing!

After spin jumping through the bottom of the world, Ferazel falls down a waterfall into a pool of deep blue water.

A strange, eerie world, Ferazel takes notice and soon hears a muffled chant:

Fera-Chaka, Fera-Chaka, where are you, where are you? We-must-have-your-fire-spell, We-must-have-your-fire-spell, ding ding dong, ding ding dong.

Could it be! Are those Sleestack! Is Ferazel Cha-Ka's great great grandfather!

(ok, see Ben, this is what happens when you make the secrets really hard to find)




Is this something from your imagination or something that you actually found in the game? If it's your imagination, then I would love to add on to it as a story! Who knows, we might even get a whole Ferazel novel out in a couple days if enough people keep adding! 😉


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.


MissNif wrote:
Is this something from your imagination or something that you actually found in the game?

Its just out of my sick little mind 🙂

Got my full game today, so I am ready to encounter all of the bugs you have!

Add away to the story, could be fun!


Ferazel swims to shore and looks for the source of the chanting, and after a little bit he comes across a clearing. In it are five large birds. The birds are dancing crazily and chanting. Ferazel creeps closer, and one of the birds sees him and asks "Do you know the fire spell?". Ferazel inches away from the eight-foot tall bird and says "Well, I know the fireball spell". The bird yells "Bretheren, this thing here knows the fire spell!" and all the birds turn and stare at Ferazel...

Ferazel the goblin frizzler

(This message has been edited by Ferazel (edited 03-13-2000).)