Flash Freeze - can't even begin!

I've just entered Flash Freeze from that awful Storm Valley and can't seem to go beyond the first two areas. How do I get around that low-hanging wall in the second area (the one with the frozen pillar that needs to be opened). I have tried everything with all that I've got. Was there something I needed to get in Storm Valley that I need here? Please don't tell me I have to go back!!


Well, I'm not exactly sure where you are. But it sounds like you need to learn to slide. If you come to an area where the space between the floor and ceiling is too small to get through, and there's ice covering the floor, here's what to do:

Back up a little and get a running start. Then right before you get to the little opening, duck! Since the ice is slippery, Ferazel will slide right under and through the opening.

Hope that helps!

Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)


Ereid wrote:
**Well, I'm not exactly sure where you are. But it sounds like you need to learn to slide. If you come to an area where the space between the floor and ceiling is too small to get through, and there's ice covering the floor, here's what to do:

Back up a little and get a running start. Then right before you get to the little opening, duck! Since the ice is slippery, Ferazel will slide right under and through the opening.

Hope that helps!


Thanks, Elizabeth!! I must be really burnt out from Parched Earth still. Even the simplest tasks are eluding me. Sliding around is fun for a change, but I'm sure that that, too, will become exasperating!! 🙂



Dian wrote:
Thanks, Elizabeth!! I must be really burnt out from Parched Earth still. Even the simplest tasks are eluding me. Sliding around is fun for a change, but I'm sure that that, too, will become exasperating!! 🙂


It will. Don't worry. Heh heh heh. 😄
