Flash Freeze - jumping off the cliff?

Hey there. 🙂

Two questions. One, i go through a lot of effort to get to a point where
I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I take the ice flow left, across
all the water, enter a black "door way" and im in a small room with not much
in it, going right. If you go too far, you fall off the cliff to the bottomless
pit. However, I cannt figure out what else you're supposed to do. I've spent 17.2 hours on this problem so far....

Of lesser importance...there is a room with a bunch of the gold spiders and a compartment with lots of goodies, with no appearant way to enter. I've tried
lots of different things, but I can't figure out how to get in there. The
main goodies is a big purple heart or something.

Thanks 🙂


If you are where I think you are (going left on the ice floe you had to pass 3-4 spiked balls), you should see a "speedup" powerup as soon as you come through the doorway. That's your ticket. Time for the Ferazel long-jump!

<HINT> Make sure to keep an eye out for lower ledges as you make your way across!

I don't recall how to get into the secret area you're describing. In general, there are (at least) 3 ways to get into a secret area:

1. spin-jump to break through the floor above
2. blast a weak wall from the side (sometimes fireball/boomerang isn't enough and something with a bit more 'kick' is called for)
3. find a teleporter in

Good luck!


*** WARNING: Potential Spoiler below ***


Hootchie Momma wrote:
Of lesser importance...there is a room with a bunch of the gold spiders and a compartment with lots of goodies, with no appearant way to enter. I've tried
lots of different things, but I can't figure out how to get in there. The
main goodies is a big purple heart or something.

The way into the room with all the spiders - they are called Xichron, BTW - is through a set of "doorways". You know how to get where you are you went through a bunch of rooms that you entered on the left end of the room through a doorway and then worked your way to the right end, where there was an exit doorway?
In the room that you enter and there's a speed powerup and a PentaShield powerup right in front of you, and when you go right you have to go through a bunch of arrows... When you enter that room, climb up the wall to your left and you should see the doorway to the room with the Xichrons.

Once you're in there, you will need a fireseed to get to the heart-shaped Health Capacity increase.


Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)