Ends of the Earth

When I had enough red xirchrons, about midway through "If You Can't Stand the Heat," I used an escape ring and went to "Ends of the Earth," paid the 20 to the toll keeper, then went back to Nimbo and got the zir seeds and fire seeds...

At those fairy things (what are they called?), no matter how long Ferazel used the magic shield to bounce the magic back at them, they didn't go away. I hit it, then it turns red, fades away, comes back, shoots at Ferazel, I'd bounce the magic back at it again, it'd turn red, fade away, come back.....babble! Over and over. Please help!

Also, is there any way at all to pass through the part with the purple spiked balls and fire without getting burned? Does Ferazel have to just take a beating? Maybe there is some special fire-proof suit to be found somewhere nearby? Or another route to take?

One other question...well, a problem...When you start from a saved game, the game centers the save point. That's a problem because when I saved the game in "If You Can't Stand the Heat," Ferazel was to the far east, far from the wall of fire. Now if I return to that save spot, he's dead center -- literally, because before the screen is fully functional, the fire is right there...

Would there be a way to make it so that when you outrun the fire, it doesn't go faster just to keep pace with you? It's rather silly that the fire speeds up just because Ferazel is running, always there on the left side of the screen. Wouldn't the fire burn at a constant pace, making it possible to run further ahead of it at certain times? How annoying it is to be stuck at the right edge of the screen and not able to see what's up ahead because the fire wall is on the left side keeping you back. It's hard enough having the fire there -- it shouldn't be so illogical. And why should the fire be far from Ferazel when making a save, yet close to him when returning from a saved game? Argh!

Thanks for hearing me out,


"Life is like a chocolate chip cookie."

(This message has been edited by Amorisse (edited 02-27-2000).)

Well, I've never even tried to kill those wraith things (I think that's what they're called, judging from the resources), so my personal advice would be to run past them as fast as you can. There might be a way to do to away with them, but if so I'm not aware of it.

As for the fire... well, Amorisse, you aren't going to like this one. 🙂 When you get past If You Can't Stand The Heat and the next level, Out Of The Frying Pan and then the boss level after that with the twin fire guardians, you get your very own, one-of-a-kind, limited edition fire necklace, which protects Ferazel from those fires that burn on the ground. So yes, you can protect yourself against those fires, which makes Ends of the Earth a whole lot easier! I can't imagine doing that level without it. Sorry about the bad news. 😛


You're right that I'm not thrilled about having to go through "If You Can't..." because I can't. What is the trick to doing it, I wonder. 😛

I'm curious, though...you know how after the place where you blast through, then climb up the spiked wall with ice wall, then go through the cannons... is there a way to avoid the cannons or does it not matter? Then past that, where those "wraith" thingies are, there are a few swords on the ground...Do you use tree trunk to get high enough to start climbing the spike walls up there? (Hard to describe, but I hope you know what I mean)

Thanks for the help 😄

"Life is like a chocolate chip cookie."

I used tree trunk to get up there, but I don't know about the cannons.

I also used the tree truck spell. I don't know how you could avoid the cannons, althought I tried, but it never worked... I can tell you for sure that if there is anything beyond, it isn't particularly important.


Thank you for the advice! Now, if only we can get Ferazel to survive long enough to climb up the tree trunk!


"Life is like a chocolate chip cookie."

Yes, well, there's a lot of luck involved in that... 😛
