Western Reaches Help

I know it is probably very simple, but where do you find the key that will allows passage past the first locked door. I am totally stumped!

"Perseverance Furthers."

OK . . . you're not stupid. I skipped this at least once because I did other stuff and forgot to go back. But, you know where there are two ledges with an ogre on each one and spikes underneath the ledges and you can climb that wall, jump over to the top ledge and push the boulder to the ledges below? On the other side, where there's that giant cockroach-thingy is a treasure chest with the key.

Good luck!

Nif 😛

Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

We're talking about the Western Reaches..right? You find the key from a wounded habnabit. From the locked door, go back east until you see the acid pool with a cloud running along the top of it. Jump over the pool and you'll see a rock. Jump to the top of the rock and you will see a series of ledges above you. Work your way to the top of the ledges and you should find the wounded habnabit.



Zelda wrote:
We're talking about the Western Reaches..right?

Oops . . . sorry 'bout the misinformation! :redface:


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

Thanks for the help, both of you! It's amazing how simple it was once I knew where to look. Those ledges had me totally fooled-they don't look like anything else I have seen so far.

Now if I could just make it through the Labyrinth.

"Perseverance Furthers."


NigeFan wrote:
Now if I could just make it through the Labyrinth.

Join the club! 😛

Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

Or, if you want to avoid the problem of finding a health potion, you can just buy one from the dealer in A Scent of Peril. 🙂

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"
-Dr. Strangelove
Will Oram


spamguy wrote:
**Or, if you want to avoid the problem of finding a health potion, you can just buy one from the dealer in A Scent of Peril. 🙂

I can't. Rojinko, the merchant, just takes Ferazel's coins and tells him to have fun with that "doozy" of a potion, but he never actually gives it to him.

Also, I discovered why I was so low of coins after Iceconclasm. I went back there to get some more fire seeds/escape rings and the merchant stole 300 coins from Ferazel...either he did or Nimbo did...without saying anything about it. Because those are the two places I went before going to Ends of the Earth and there were 600 coins in Ferazel's purse before going those two places and only 200 after leaving, and he only bought 100 worth of stuff.

"Life is like a chocolate chip cookie."

I think it was Nimbo. He says that he knows your pockets are full of stolen coins and tells you to give it back. You can choose, though I would reccomend giving it to him, if you want him to help you later.


Croikle wrote:
I think it was Nimbo. He says that he knows your pockets are full of stolen coins and tells you to give it back. You can choose, though I would reccomend giving it to him, if you want him to help you later.

Does anyone know for sure if this is supposed to be a bug? I mean..the chest is empty; was it supposed to have something in it? Or are you just supposed to have to deal with an unjust loss?


Rojinko just takes my coins as well. Early in the game, he would sell me magic or health potions, but not any more. What gives?

"Perseverance Furthers."


NigeFan wrote:
**Rojinko just takes my coins as well. Early in the game, he would sell me magic or health potions, but not any more. What gives?

Tis a bug. 🙂 It's one of the things listed as being fixed in the update.



Zelda wrote:
**Does anyone know for sure if this is supposed to be a bug? I mean..the chest is empty; was it supposed to have something in it? Or are you just supposed to have to deal with an unjust loss?


I think there were supposed to be a bunch of coins in the chest and because they're not there, it's a bug.

But the way to get around that is to just not blast through the wall leading to Dimbo's Secret Stash. So I never did. So I guess the merchant in Iceconclasm is a thief, then...so is Roj, too. Shifty characters! Sheesh!