Stuff I never found...

Could anyone spoil me on where to find the Vorpal Dirk and the pickaxe?
Just the level name and general location, if it's not hard to describe, but level name alone would be great...


and where the bloody heck are those poppyseed muffins???!!

"Sometimes I think that the surrest sign that there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."

And the spells, too... ice crystals, density ball, sandstorm, energy bolt, ice shards... Do they really exist, Ben, or will only tinkering with resources put them in the game? 🙂



Rilla wrote:
**And the spells, too... ice crystals, density ball, sandstorm, energy bolt, ice shards... Do they really exist, Ben, or will only tinkering with resources put them in the game?:)

I found the Ice Crystals. They are in The second ice level (the one after Flash Freeze). From the start you jump up the platforms untill you can head left. You then kill a frog and get a shield power up. Then you run right and jump onto a spikeball and stand on it as it goes up. Then you go right again onto another spike ball. Follow that path and you will get to the Ice crystals.. Their not to special though.. 😃



I never found the VBlade spell. I know it's supposed to be in the Fire In The Hole level, but I just couldn't find it! :frown: Can anyone help me?


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

The V-Blade is definitely in Fire in the Hole. Unfortuately, you may not have seen it in your game. It's one of those disappearing spells. When it didn't show up in my game, I put in my disc, and the next time I played, there it was. Hint...go to the left and up, after you drop into the stage.'s not on a chair.



Cain wrote:
**I found the Ice Crystals. They are in The second ice level (the one after Flash Freeze). From the start you jump up the platforms untill you can head left. You then kill a frog and get a shield power up. Then you run right and jump onto a spikeball and stand on it as it goes up. Then you go right again onto another spike ball. Follow that path and you will get to the Ice crystals.. Their not to special though.. 😃


Yes, the Ice Crystal spell is there, but it's not supposed to be. The spell you get there is supposed to be the Ice Wall spell, and presumably when the update comes out it will be.

Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)


Rilla wrote:
**And the spells, too... ice crystals, density ball, sandstorm, energy bolt, ice shards... Do they really exist, Ben, or will only tinkering with resources put them in the game?:)

I'd like to know that too. it's kind of a nagging little thing. you don't have all the secrets, so you look at the rescouce fork and Lo! you find a dirk, poppyseed muffins, 5, maybe 6 extra spells, and a mirror. Ben? little help??

"Sometimes I think that the surrest sign that there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."


lindawing wrote:
**The V-Blade is definitely in Fire in the Hole. Unfortuately, you may not have seen it in your game. It's one of those disappearing spells. When it didn't show up in my game, I put in my disc, and the next time I played, there it was. Hint...go to the left and up, after you drop into the stage.'s not on a chair.

After you drop into the stage? I don't know where you're talking about there. Also, I wasn't really aware that the game could be played without the disc, so it has been in my machine ever since I got it! 🙂 I will go back and look though.



Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

V-blade is just one of those missing spells. I've tried opening from saved games, reformatting screen, having the CD in, and various other suggestions to no avail.

Because I was too impatient for the update, I sent the saved game in for help. Good thing for really really nice game developers. Just can't stop saying thank you over and over to Ben. A really nice guy!