eastern reaches

where do I go after I opened the door and activated the rocks.


Could you explain a bit more? I'm not sure what you mean about "activating the rocks." Also, if you have white boxes, you have a glitch, and should probably start over again from a previously saved game.


I assume you're talking about the last room. be sure that you activated both of the switches, then jump across them to the ledge to finish the level.

"Sometimes I think that the surrest sign that there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."

Speaking of Eastern Reaches, has anyone gotten %100 of the secrets here? So far, 94% or some number like that has been the best I've heard of.

Or maybe someone from Ambrosia could tell us if it's even possible?

(wonder if there are any xirchrons in Mandratiki Wizard level, too, since can only get 0% there).

Thank you


Amorisse . . . I don't think that there are any xichrons in the Manditraki Warrior level, but when I finished it, it said I had gotten 100% of everything.

I am missing some secrets and xichrons -- it says I have 84% of each. I have looked everywhere I can think of! :frown: So, if anyone wants to give a couple spoilers, my ears are open! :rolleyes:


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

I'm having the same problem in Eastern Reaches -- I have 2 saved games, one with 90% of the secrets and one with 94% or something like that. I don't even know why the figures are different, I'm sure I got everything I know about in both, including 100% of Enemies and Xichrons.

There seems to be a room beneath the last room with the blocks -- you can see it to the right when you drop down to the ledge on the eastern side of the chasm. That's the only place left I can see with a possible secret. I've been back and forth in this level numerous times.


MissNif wrote:
**Amorisse . . . I don't think that there are any xichrons in the Manditraki Warrior level, but when I finished it, it said I had gotten 100% of everything.

I am missing some secrets and xichrons -- it says I have 84% of each. I have looked everywhere I can think of! :frown: So, if anyone wants to give a couple spoilers, my ears are open! :rolleyes:


84% in Central Caverns you mean? I mean the Wizard, not the Warrior, though... Although if you meant Wizard, too, then there might be a bug there.

Anyhow, in Central Caverns, there are some caves you can go to that are down by the end, also, there is a place where you can blast through a wall that's not easily figured out...by where you have to climb down a certain way...well, hard to explain. Want to email and try to figure it out in detail?



Amorisse wrote:
**84% in Central Caverns you mean? I mean the Wizard, not the Warrior, though... Although if you meant Wizard, too, then there might be a bug there.

Anyhow, in Central Caverns, there are some caves you can go to that are down by the end, also, there is a place where you can blast through a wall that's not easily figured out...by where you have to climb down a certain way...well, hard to explain. Want to email and try to figure it out in detail?


Yes, I do mean 84% in Central Caverns. Sorry, I haven't gotten to the Wizard yet, so I was thinking of the wrong place.

In Central Caverns, I have found both secrets in "the pit of death". And I have gotten the xichrons off the little ledge above the "mysterious habnabit". I have no idea what I'm missing. I've gotten the treasure chest at the top of those swinging things at "the pit of death" too. I'm a little curious about that transporter that is under water. Is the only point of it to take you back to the one floating in mid-air? I'm not pulling my hair out over this (yet), but it would be nice to know what I'm missing! :mad:

Thanks for your help.

Nif (jenmon@hogx.csl.sri.com)

Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.


MissNif wrote:
**Yes, I do mean 84% in Central Caverns. Sorry, I haven't gotten to the Wizard yet, so I was thinking of the wrong place.

In Central Caverns, I have found both secrets in "the pit of death". And I have gotten the xichrons off the little ledge above the "mysterious habnabit". I have no idea what I'm missing. I've gotten the treasure chest at the top of those swinging things at "the pit of death" too. I'm a little curious about that transporter that is under water. Is the only point of it to take you back to the one floating in mid-air? I'm not pulling my hair out over this (yet), but it would be nice to know what I'm missing! :mad:

Ok, we're still talking about Eastern Reaches...right? 🙂 You guys are confusing me!! 🙂 I'll assume we are.

The transporter under the water will never take you anywhere interesting.

You've gotten to both caves on either side of the pit, and the cave that's above the mysterious habnabit. Have you figured out how to use the catapult to get the heartstone? Found the smite ring that's over by the all the frogs? Used the "walking on water" powerup to get those extra xichrons? Found all the xichrons on the crumbling ledges? I can't really think of anything more. None of us have been able to come up with more than 94% of the secrets on this level.(If there has been someone who's managed, that person has neglected to tell us about it.) We can come up with 100% of enemies and xichrons though.


Yes, sorry, I meant Eastern Reaches...I started to get confused. I don't have %100 of the secrets in either Eastern or Central because in Central I didn't break into the room with Dimbos' secret stash (I suppose it'd be even more of a spoiler to state why, so I won't, but I do have my reasons <babble> ).

It is Eastern Reaches where I couldn't find all the secrets (only 94%) and there is that one pipe sticking out that, as far as I can tell or anyone has mentioned, has absolutely no purpose. I wonder if Ben reads this topic... <hum> Aw shucks, I suppose he won't give spoilers though.

So anyways, I was the goober who mixed up the titles of the levels. 😛


linedrawing after opening the door with a key, I jump up on the wall to reach a button. This causes rocks to fall from two places from the celling.This room also contains blocks, more like line drawings of cubes. These cubes are above your head.


The outlines will turn solid if you activate the correct switch. You might want to find this switch first before you activate the one on the wall...

Oh, THOSE white boxes! :redface:

Sorry, I've had a couple of levels that have had white squares (just spaces) where walls, etc. are supposed to be. If I jump into those, EVERYTHING crashes! Ouch! I've learned to avoid them if/when I see them, and mostly things go on as usual.
