Killing Xichra, revisited

Spoilers! Dont' read this if you don't want to hear about the last battle in the game. You have been warned!


I dunno how many other folks noticed this, but there's a place to hide in Xichra's anteroom -- you go left, and jump at the wall while holding left (and running) -- you'll sort of run against the wall, like you do when you're climbing a tree spell. Keep jumping up while running left, and you land in a little nook, just a little more space to stand on than you need (barely). Xichra's fireballs can still hit you there (but the Manditraki Wizard's magic shield will block them), but all the horrendous stuff she summons to drop on your head can't hit you there!

You then just toss ziridium seeds at her when she makes a close pass near you -- you'll figure it out, but you have to jump and throw to get enough distance to hit her. When she flops down on the floor, you can hit her a time or two more. Then, as someone said earlier, she says a little speech, and then goes into high-stress mode, dropping those explosive eggs all over the place. She's nearly dead by that point, though. 🙂

I'm glad I found the hiding place before trying to dodge all that stuff falling out of the sky... I had just finished the fire levels, so I was already a little frazzled... 😉


(This message has been edited by Seth07 (edited 02-21-2000).)