Names of Baddies

Posts about the Armadillopines in another thread has prompted me to wonder: what are the official names of the various creatures inhabiting Teraknorn? We know of Habnabits, Manditraki, and goblins, but what of the big frog things? The flying firebreathers?

Enlighten us, O Ben.


"Miren al pepino. Que suaves movimentos. Es como montequilla en un chango pelon." -- Larry the Cucumber


JonBob wrote:
**Posts about the Armadillopines in another thread has prompted me to wonder: what are the official names of the various creatures inhabiting Teraknorn? We know of Habnabits, Manditraki, and goblins, but what of the big frog things? The flying firebreathers?

Enlighten us, O Ben.


Hey...big frog things and flying firebreathers work for me! 🙂 Not to mention the snorking blob things.


The giant frogs are known as Toadies. The monsters who jump out of lava are Salamandrakes. The flying firebreathers are Gremlins. The blobs are known as... wait for it... Blobs.

I think that should cover most questions. 🙂

