Has anyone been able to get 100% secrets and xirchons in demo level 1?

I have found two extra xirchons and one extra torch in a room that I am thinking is secret :eek: but is inaccessable by Ferazel to me. :mad: Has anyone been able to come here and get 100% secrets instead of 70% secrets? 😕

"One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat only has nine lives."
--Mark Twain (Samuel Longhorne Clemens)


100% of secrets in Scent of Peril? Yep. Just where do you see this room that you can't get into? Are you talking about the place that you see underneath the cannon on the bottom level?


Actually, I meant the one near the beginning. After you swim through the water ( :mad:BEFORE :mad: you go through the ground), you climb up a wall so you are facing the water, but are above it. There should be a torch and 2 xichrons in there. What I want is a spoiler on how to get in there ( :mad:NOT :mad: just plain find it).


(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 02-04-2000).)

Lord Gwydion,

On my website (see the URL in my signature), under the section for General Q & A, there is a question titled "How do I break through a wall higher than Ferazel can jump?" I believe it will give you the answer you're looking for.


Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"http://employees.3gi.com/~ereid/ferazel")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)

Thanks, Ereid. 😉 I found out how to get to the place I was talking about. It turns out that there is a path leading to another rock thrower and a treasure chest, along with a xirchon!. 🆒 The only thing is, I just got 90% secrets instead of 100%. :mad: Does Rojinko count as a secret? 😕 Or did I miss something else?


(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 02-04-2000).)

Yes, that Ben is a sneaky fellow. If you think finding secrets in Scent of Peril is nerve-racking, then you'll really have fun in the full version - like me. 😛

Anyhow, there is a room that you must jump, climb, and break through a wall to get to. There is a place that you must swim deep to get to. There is a place you must risk landing on spikey things to reach. And even beyond that place that's north-west of the water and knife-thrower, is another room, if you keep breaking walls. Also, there is a place, between the two cannons by Rojinko, where you can spin jump through the ground. Try that. :}



I think what's hard is that we don't know what you've found so far! I'll give you a spoiler for what I considered one of the harder secrets in the level (besides the rock throwing goblin, and you found that one)...if I'm wrong then I didn't really spoil anything for you.

Ahem. SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 (that was for Cathy)

There is a pit in front of the door that you go through to leave the level. Have you explored it thoroughly?


Yes - it is hard to say what you might look for when the reader can't tell what you have found - not, in any way, your fault; it's hard to explain where a player is in this game.

I am assuming you blasted through the wall at the very start of the level (the place where the table is).

The place I got stuck was just above and east of the water pool.There is a wall that you can't reach with fierballs unless you have to jump up and at the same time shoot fireballs upward (8 key) to blast through the wall.



I just played it and found 100% secrets. I must have missed one of them last time I played.



Zelda wrote:

Ahem. SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 (that was for Cathy)

There is a pit in front of the door that you go through to leave the level. Have you explored it thoroughly?


I've found the pit, but is there anyway to get down and over into the room without being spiked? I can run and jump over the spikes to get out. 😕

Also, whenever I open the boxes (with magic or dagger), a flurry of crystals fly out. Is that right... or did I just anihilate them into uselessness?


Jodeo wrote:
**I've found the pit, but is there anyway to get down and over into the room without being spiked? I can run and jump over the spikes to get out.😕

Also, whenever I open the boxes (with magic or dagger), a flurry of crystals fly out. Is that right... or did I just anihilate them into uselessness?**

I don't think I managed it without taking a hit...but since I had quite a few torches above me, I didn't worry about it awfully much. As you said, you can get back without touching the spikes.

As for the boxes..yeah..I think there are crystals inside. Multi crystals in the demo level? But be careful...the boxes with exclamation points may or may not have something useful inside...and you'll probably take some damage from that if you don't stand back.



Zelda wrote:
I don't think I managed it without taking a hit...but since I had quite a few torches above me, I didn't worry about it awfully much. As you said, you can get back without touching the spikes.

I know that one or two times I successfully crossed without getting hit, by jumping from just the right spot on the eastern wall. But by and large it's not worth the effort.


"Miren al pepino. Que suaves movimentos. Es como montequilla en un chango pelon." -- Larry the Cucumber

On level one, (demo version, anyway), I accumlate about 125+ coins and go to Rindinko (or whatever his name is) and buy one of each potion BEFORE going down below (digging down to the second level with the spiked balls, swinging platform, etc.). During the course of that level I'll take advantage of those potions (usually just the magic potion), and before leaving the level, go back and buy another potion from the fellow. He won't sell the same potion to you unless you've used the one you BOUGHT from him before.

Also, if you are short on money to buy a potion and threaten him, he may steal something from you. I think he stole my key last night, and I was stuck on L1. So I just spiked myself in the pit a few times and called it dead.

"Miren al pepino. Que suaves movimentos. Es como montequilla en un chango pelon." -- Larry the Cucumber

Do you like to talk to Tomatoes?
(Larry rules!)

With the box with the exclamation point on it . . . I jumped on top of it and then pushed it out onto the spikes. If I get it out far enough, I could do a running jump (using the Shift, Option, 8, and 6 keys) and not get any damage on the way out.

Also, I never found any multi-crystals, but did see shards of breaking box that I thought looked like crystals.


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.


MissNif wrote:
**With the box with the exclamation point on it . . . I jumped on top of it and then pushed it out onto the spikes. If I get it out far enough, I could do a running jump (using the Shift, Option, 8, and 6 keys) and not get any damage on the way out.

Also, I never found any multi-crystals, but did see shards of breaking box that I thought looked like crystals.


It's easy enough to clean out the coins from both boxes, then just do a running jump across the spikes with no damage.

