What is ziridium?

Is ziridium (or whatever it is that the habnabits mine) the purple liquid that recharges your energy? Or is it something else? It would be nice to know. 🙂 :frown: :redface: 😄 😉 😛 🆒 :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: 😕

(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 02-04-2000).)

zridium is what those yellow crystals you pick up to get magic power are made of. the purple liquid is ziridum brine.

"Sometimes I think that the surrest sign that there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."

Which brings up a barely related point to make: Ferazel is not realistic. No duh. 🙂

But seriously. Since when could one stab a torch with your sword and get ziridium? Or a rock pile? And what does Ferazel do with those countless Xichrons? If they're actual size, there'd be sure to be no room!

Do I hear an ominous "off-topic" from the audience? 🙂

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"
-Dr. Strangelove
Will Oram

Actually Spamguy, what are the xichrons for? Is it just a reference for how many points you accumulate? Or do they add up to something? I haven't been completely deligent in going after those "spider-shaped thingies" but I've been collecting just in case they turn out to be something I need.

Another question, why does Nimbo take 250 coins from me? Is it somehow related to the empty treasure chest in Dimbo's private stash room?



Although I won't go into any details here (dang, I'm busy.. honest), you basically collect Xichrons to gain entrance to some of the later levels.



Could you give a spoileler on xichrons...

Specifically relating to Mandriki Wizard?
and getting the number needed after sandy place...
That is hard.. :redface:


Amorisse wrote:
Another question, why does Nimbo take 250 coins from me? Is it somehow related to the empty treasure chest in Dimbo's private stash room?


I asked that question on one of the other boards. I thought that perhaps it was a bug. I mean..the chest is empty, why would I have to admit to stealing it and then give Nimbo money? Oh, you can opt not to give it to him, but then he won't give you any help later on...not even when you find his stupid brother.


Ziridium is a mineral, that because of it's strange crystellin form, warps reality and holds a small bit of magic. Habnabits can absorb it through their skin, thus infusing them with the magical charge. After the mandriki (or whatever, the bug guys) raided the ziriium mines, humans discovered a few (this was while Ferazel was away fighting for justice). They realized the capabilities of the gems found in these mines, and began to procese them. They made magical marble-like tools called Materia. When Ferazel returned, he kicked their sorry butts, and reclaimed the mines for there rightful owners, the Habnabits. Now, the humans have forgotten all about Ferazel, Ziridium, Materia, and the whole thing.

-from "A Short History Of Ziridium", By Tom Servo 😛

Bubble, Bubble, toil and trouble...

(This message has been edited by Tom Servo (edited 02-08-2000).)


Zelda wrote:
**I asked that question on one of the other boards. I thought that perhaps it was a bug. I mean..the chest is empty, why would I have to admit to stealing it and then give Nimbo money? Oh, you can opt not to give it to him, but then he won't give you any help later on...not even when you find his stupid brother.


Well, you didn't steal it because it was gone. But you did look into the chest (as did I). The result would have been that the coins would have gone to you had the chest not been empty. I think to not get blamed for the theft, the player cannot check the chest out at all.




cats wrote:
**Well, you didn't steal it because it was gone. But you did look into the chest (as did I). The result would have been that the coins would have gone to you had the chest not been empty. I think to not get blamed for the theft, the player cannot check the chest out at all.


Hmm..I don't think I even walked over to the chest...but I'm going to go check that theory out. I have a saved game...I'll blast into the room but not go anywhere near the chest.



I didn't blast into the room at all (second time through the game) and so, when I went to see Nimbo, this time he didn't accuse me or take my coins. I sure hope 1200 coins come in handy when needed. I feel the urge to shop!

