List of Secrets

By popular demand (or pleading as it were :)), I have started to put together a list of all the secrets for Ferazel's Wand. So today I am proud to announce:

The list of secrets for A Scent Of Peril is now available on my website!!

Ok, that's probably not that exciting for most people since I think most people have already gotten 100% of the secrets in this level. But it's exciting for me since it was sure challenging to put it together.

I would appreciate it if some people who have already found 100% of the secrets would check out my descriptions and let me know if you think they would have gotten you to the secrets if you hadn't found them already.

In the meantime, on to the next level... 😄


P.S. The link to the list is in the menu on the left, under Demo Version - Secrets - Level 1

Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)

Beautiful job, Elizabeth - both design and clarity.

One thing, you say something on the site about emailing you but there is no email address.



Thanks Cathy. It's nice to know somebody else could follow what I did. 🙂

Regarding my email, where it says "Elizabeth Reid" is a mailto: link. But I should probably change that for anyone who doesn't have their browser set up to do email. Thanks for pointing that out.


Check out my Ferazel's Wand Player's Guide at (url="http://"")http://employees.3gi.../~ereid/ferazel(/url)

(This message has been edited by Ereid (edited 02-05-2000).)