Clueless in Caverns

Somebody mentioned keeping a list of secrets -- or those that are probable secrets. I'd like that, too, please. :redface: I'm in the Western Reaches...have been to the Eastern, too, and the one thing I haven't been able to do (besides what's hidden that I can't find) is jump from one gold cloud to another.

What I mean is, there is a spot where three gold clouds hover back and forth over acid. Jumping from them onto a swinging stone step will bring you up to a chest and then also to a high ledge. From that high ledge, to the west, are two more gold clouds (official name?) that hover east to west. I can jump from the ledge to the first "cloud" but not from the first to the second cloud. Fortunately there is a room full of purple water next door.

Would someone be able to help me discover the technique for jumping to the second cloud? More than that, please, what is up there that I'd want to find? I have the statue spell, which is probably the most important find from the Western Reaches, but what else should I not leave there without?

Thank you in advance 🙂


p.s. What is the wooden shield for? I don't know where it came from but my son found it. '=}


I obviously cannot sleep tonight. 🙂 You don't even have to use the top two clouds! From the ledge, just fast run and jump to the next ledge. There are...xichrons there!

The wooden shield...I believe that's from the Mandaraki Warrior level? You can use it to shield yourself from various things that bad guys might throw at you. Crouch down and then hit the direction key that's opposite from where you're facing.


😄 Thank you! I posted too soon because with persistance, I made it across. Of secrets, I've 84% in Western Reaches and 80% in Eastern. I think I know what I missed in Eastern (the doors on the cliff... been there before but didn't want to try again my second time through).

Here's one more (yes, I can't sleep tonight, either) and I hope it's close enough to the topic...Why is it that, even though I've defeated the Manditraki Warrior, I only have 50% of the secrets? I've tried blasting through everything (can't blast), and up every wall, pillar, down to the health water, and so on.

And there really is no beating the Goblin Chief... I've tried the suggestions to no avail. What good is the escape ring when you can escape by restarting the game, too? It doesn't let you defeat the monster afterall. Is there some other route I could be heading to avoid that nasty thing for a while without staying in the levels I've completed to get there? Sheesh, I'm pathetic, ain't I? Might as well have someone else play it and I watch.

Grumble. Why did I get a game to drive me nuts when I'm supposed to be writing documents? A sign of a good game when folks are up late obsessing... :redface: Hehe.

(Well, it really is a nice game, though). Where's Larry Boy when you need him, eh?



(This message has been edited by Amorisse (edited 02-02-2000).)

Amorisse wrote:
**:D Why is it that, even though I've defeated the Manditraki Warrior, I only have 50% of the secrets? I've tried blasting through everything (can't blast), and up every wall, pillar, down to the health water, and so on.

And there really is no beating the Goblin Chief... I've tried the suggestions to no avail. What good is the escape ring when you can escape by restarting the game, too? It doesn't let you defeat the monster afterall. Is there some other route I could be heading to avoid that nasty thing for a while without staying in the levels I've completed to get there? Sheesh, I'm pathetic, ain't I? Might as well have someone else play it and I watch. AM

I'm pathetic too. I asked my eight year old niece to just "get me through" the Flash Freeze level. I'm to the point where I don't care about the secrets there!! Ohhh..I'm going to keep trying a bit longer. But I've run into a couple of walls on a couple of the levels and I'm getting fruuuuuustrated!!

The other secret at the Mandatraki Warrior level isn't really worth the effort. Try spin jumping everywhere and see what happens.

And if you want to wait until you're a bit stronger before you take on the Goblin Warrior, go work on the levels on the otherside of the map. There are two exits out of Unemployed in Greenland.

Did you get ANY sleep last night? 🙂


I thought that Goblin Chief was impossible too...

But, I reached a point where I had 6x crystals (so 6 fireballs with one shot)

I defeated him in about 2 seconds...he died before he could even hit me.

I would say find a place where you can get really powered up with crystals, escape that level and go right to fight the Chief.

You mean multi-crystals? I haven't seen any since scent of peril, and that one broke right away.

For spin jumping, I did plenty. I tried breaking through to the blue water with no success, and did get through to the purple water (is there an official name for this water? Holy water? Health water?). I'll keep trying but maybe it's a buggy thing? Nah. Again, not to be redundant but before I fulfill that promise to ease up on the posting, a list of secrets (less obvious ones at least) would be a nice thing. Maybe tell which exist and general vaccinity without every detail how to solve. Have to keep a little mystery in it, eh? Only levels with %100 secrets for me are the ones in the demo.

And I'm more pathetic because my five-year-old son breezes through all these things in less than an hour - except he can't always explain exactly how he did it.


No, I didn't sleep last night. I need another me to keep up with work and have fun, too.


Quoth Amorisse:
You mean multi-crystals? I haven't seen any since scent of peril, and that one broke right away.
There are quite a few of these scattered throughout the game, mostly in secret areas. They break as soon as you sustain a significant amount of damage; one hit from a swinging mace, or anything that damaging. A good source of many crystals in a hurry is the (shh) secret level. And yes, you can get to it without defeating the Goblin Chief first.
For spin jumping, I did plenty. I tried breaking through to the blue water with no success, and did get through to the purple water (is there an official name for this water? Holy water? Health water?).
Ziridium brine. The same stuff as the crystals you find scattered about, but in solution. And while you can find this secret by spin jumping, it is much easier, as I mentioned earlier, if you wait till you have VBlade.
I'll keep trying but maybe it's a buggy thing? Nah. Again, not to be redundant but before I fulfill that promise to ease up on the posting, a list of secrets (less obvious ones at least) would be a nice thing. Maybe tell which exist and general vaccinity without every detail how to solve. Have to keep a little mystery in it, eh? Only levels with %100 secrets for me are the ones in the demo.
Spoilers are eeeeeevil!


"Miren al pepino. Que suaves movimentos. Es como montequilla en un chango pelon." -- Larry the Cucumber

where is the vblade?

"Sometimes I think that the surrest sign that there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."

OK, I'll give you a general hint first to avoid spoilers, and I'll get more specific as need be. Think about it this way: The Dig would be too easy if you had VBlade, so Ben has cleverly prevented that.


"Miren al pepino. Que suaves movimentos. Es como montequilla en un chango pelon." -- Larry the Cucumber

Hidden areas? One reason why it took me so long through the caverns is that I spent ages looking for all the secrets...and getting to the health power up under that catapult took for-eever because, well, I'm just a plain idiot I guess. I mean, I had, ah, crumbled before, but I just wasn't putting two and two together.

What's this talk of a (shh!) secret area?! Ya know, if you didn't mention this stuff, maybe I wouldn't be so baffled curious. 😉

Okay, okay, ignore my ramblings. Anyhow, is there any clue to tell me I'm spin jumping in the correct place? Is it on the ground or up high? How many times do you suggest I spin jump? Is there something different about the way he'd land from one of these jumps that would point me in the right direction? As for secret hidden multi crystals on the path from central caverns to goblin chief, how about a clue for one?

Okay, maybe that's close to a spoiler... Hehe.

Thanks in advance!



Amorisse wrote:
Hidden areas?
What's this talk of a (shh!) secret area?! Ya know, if you didn't mention this stuff, maybe I wouldn't be so baffled curious.

There is a SECRET level and it will help you with many things...but best of's great for a laugh. 🙂

Amorisse wrote:
Okay, okay, ignore my ramblings. Anyhow, is there any clue to tell me I'm spin jumping in the correct place? Is it on the ground
or up high? How many times do you suggest I spin jump? Is there something different about the way he'd land from one of these
jumps that would point me in the right direction? As for secret hidden multi crystals on the path from central caverns to goblin
chief, how about a clue for one?
Okay, maybe that's close to a spoiler... Hehe.

The secret area you are looking for is on the the right...but it's not worth the effort. 🙂



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