need help with northern territories(screens included)

I am trying to find the symbol of garendall, but I cannot enter the northern territories. I tried to enter at the temple, but it says I need a key (there was a "strange lock mechanism". There also appears to be a blocked enterance to the right....Any ideas? Thanks


(This message has been edited by emjp (edited 09-03-2001).)


Originally posted by emjp:
I am trying to find the symbol of garendall, but I cannot enter the northern territories. I tried to enter at the temple, but it says I need a key (there was a "strange lock mechanism". There also appears to be a blocked enterance to the right....Any ideas? Thanks

You need access to the highest level of the learning tree. The key for the lock mechanism is there, and that will take you beyong the 'blocked entrance' as well.


Thanks, but I have not been givin acess to the highest level. I have not completed the search for orders in the learing tree, but I have looked "orders" up in the tree. When I talk to Emilius, he tells me only to return when I find the item needed to stop the giants. The only other quest I have is too find the symbol of garendell. Help!


Originally posted by emjp:
Thanks, but I have not been givin acess to the highest level. I have not completed the search for orders in the learing tree, but I have looked "orders" up in the tree. When I talk to Emilius, he tells me only to return when I find the item needed to stop the giants. The only other quest I have is too find the symbol of garendell. Help!

When you looked up Orders, did it say something about the Plains of Endless Wind? Have you been there, and explored thoroughly? There's someone there you need to talk to, and then you have a few quests ahead of you before you get access to the highest Learning Tree level. (To get to the Plains of Endless Wind, go across the bridge (from Gwyden Camp) and then south/southwest, or find some other way to get across the river from north of Fantrima. There are a few options.) Trying not to be spoilery, but it sounds like you've missed a fairly major person, and you'll need him before moving on to High Garendall.



When you looked up Orders, did it say something about the Plains of Endless Wind? Have you been there, and explored thoroughly?

I went there, explored, and found the elf, whom I think you are refering to, but he told me to go play somewhere else. Is there someone else there I need to talk to, or do I need to do something before the elf takes me seriously?
Thanks for all your help

btw, I also went to the resort, and found nothing of interest...

He told you "play somewhere else"? Hmm. I'm guessing you just didn't click through the right responses, because there's definitely a lot of stuff to do for him. Talk to him in-depth, see if you can get him to start offering you quests. I can't remember exactly what the phrasings are, but it should come up.

Thanks for all your help, I figured out my problem. I went to the learning tree, and searched for "elf". when I came back, the elf had more dialog choices. Weird. Anyway, I really appreciate all you help.

"Water Polo--We
probably won't grab
your nuts that much..."

Looking up "elf" didn't work for me. Still says "Go play somewhere else, kid." I've registered, got to lvl 21, found the black dragon tooth, the harp, the dark fairy, done all Katrina's quests, freed Dernath from the cyclops -- and this is stopping me dead. Any ideas?

When you look up "orders" in the learning tree. also look up the names of the orders you find, once the book tells you what and who there are, namely the order of seasons. Then the elf should talk to you.

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Thanks -- but I've already done that. On the first two levels of the Learning Tree (is there way to get to the third without the elf?) there is no reply to "season," "crystal," "seasons," "order of the seasons," or any other combination I can think of -- only to try looking on another level.

I'm truly at a loss.

You type "order of the seasons" or "order of seasons"?
the later one is the correct way.

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That was it! Thanks!

Where is this Elf? I've wandered all around the Plains of Endlesswinds, looking for something... anything, and didn't find anything of use. (And have wandered all around places around it too!)


Experiences = Integrate( Life, {t, birth, death} )

Paploo, when you find the Plain of Endless Winds map with the HUGE ruins, enter and search the cave you find in it. The cave is near the top of the map, btw.

"Treat animals just like they're people"
"But, we don't even treat people right."

Thanks. I'll give it a try. 🙂


Experiences = Integrate( Life, {t, birth, death} )

Okay, thanks. Where is the elf in relation to the tunnel? Oh well, I'll find him. I have 3 quests. Warn guards (I've gone to Belgum and Dernath, freed Dernath), in the path of theviery (how do I get to him?), and symbol of high garderell. I'll search for mage, order of season, elf, etc.


"I don't need romance." Zak Kebron told her confidently. "I have goldfish."

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but if I recall correctly, What's-his-name the theif is southwest of Varendeep Lake. There's a skull that you have to enter filled with zombies. As for the symbol of High Garendall (not Garderall :)), that's inside High Garendall, so you hve to get to the third level of the Learning Tree first.

A Whisky and Splash (of Soda)

In the Land of Fwaah, there is much...... fwaah. And the people of the Land of Fwaah, they..... well, they fwaah a lot.


Originally posted by A Whisky and Splash:
**Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but if I recall correctly, What's-his-name the theif is southwest of Varendeep Lake. There's a skull that you have to enter filled with zombies.

The skull cave is the order of crystal, the theif is far southeast in a normal looking cave but its a crypt inside.

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