Problem with Rebel gun-running mission

So I got this mission in NGC-6564; unfortunately I let one of the weapons transports get away. I came back and the weapons transports showed up again, so I disabled them and retrieved the weapons. No weapons transports show up in NGC-6564 any more when I jump into the system. However, nothing happens in NGC-1027 when I land, which is where the mission is supposed to be completed. Am I screwed? Or is there some way to kick EV to recognize that I've got the weapons?


Welcome to the boards, Dan Williams.

When you landed on NGC-1027, did you still have cargo in your hold? If so, then you haven't retrieved all the cargo, or else you landed on the wrong planet. If you don't have any cargo when you landed, then somehow you failed the mission. Is the mission still active for you? If not, you failed it somehow, either by taking too long or accidentally shooting one of the ships you are to disable and board, and you can pick it up again.

Do you have to disable three or four ships? If four, do you have enough cargo space for all four ships' cargo? I think each ship you board has 5T of weapons, so if you only have 15T of cargo space and have to board four ships, you won't be able to finish the mission. It also seemed to me when I had exactly 20T of cargo space I still wasn't able to finish, I had to have 25T cargo space.

If you let a transport get away, you should be able to jump out of the system, then jump back in and the ship(s) should be there.

Good luck, let us know what happens.

Are you playing the Nova port? If so you can post a pilot log (see appendix IV of the Nova bible) to help us see what's going on with the mission.

Thanks for the welcome!

It's been a long time; it seems every few years I come back around to the old-school original EV again. This time, I get to run it in SheepShaver (PPC emulator) on Linux since my Mac is in the closet somewhere. I think I picked up a pilot I had lying around since ~2000 or so (I still play a SimCity 2000 city I've had going since 1994 too when it was originally the Big City scenario from the original SimCity).

Anyway, hitting I to bring up the mission screen has a "Gun Running" item that says "Ambush a Confederation military convoy and take the stolen munitions to New Antigua in the NGC-1027 system." Hitting P and choosing the Cargo tab gives me "Current cargo aboard your ship: Passengers." and "Free cargo space: 30 tons". So I guess I never actually got all the weapons; though I did board a total of 3 disabled Confederate weapons transports and steal their munitions. I still have the red arrow denoting an unfinished mission on the NGC-1027 system.

When I jump into NGC-6564/Ruby (which I'm pretty sure was where the mission originated) there is usually a Confederate Frigate and a few gunboats. But there aren't weapons transports and more 😞

Aha; so if I abort the mission and go back to Ruby (bribing my way to the planet) then I get the mission again in the bar. Looks like I'm OK now 🙂 Thanks!

Glad you figured it out. 🙂