Which plugin do you like the best?

A cliched topic, maybe, but I felt it was worth bringing up again.

Even after all this time, there's still two old plugins I really, really like.

Clavius & Beyond, and The Grinchians.

Clavius is where some of my oldest EV memories are. I remember flying around in the Neutronic Kestrel, and busting up enemy ships with my dad -- getting blown out of the water in my shiny Phantom by a Korg, having trouble landing on planets, etc. Those were some very cool times. Everything was new and fresh.

The Grinchians appealed to my desire for heavy firepower, but it did it in a cool way, with a cool story. Like with Clavius, I have some good memories from playing it, and they're pretty deeply in (this stuff happened over five years ago).

As high in status as these two plugins are, I also like New Horizons -- the big plugin that did so many original things, but yet could have been much more. In many places, the tech design was old and tired -- the balance was lacking, and I can probably count the number of ships I've seriously flown in it on one hand. But it was still fun.

- Bob

I liked Clavius & Beyond and Oreste. Clavius had a strong story, neat tech, and an arena. Oreste had all sorts of random new stuff; it completely re-made every ship and all the missions from scratch and then added a bunch more. You could also play all of the strings (including Confed, Rebellion, Pirate, Alien, and possibly more) so long as you did them in the right order. Oreste was the first plugin I know of that had smart bombs (kamikaze escort ships with ludicrous masses, that would ping enemies with a laser gun and blow up at the first hint of damage) and "spray" weapons (the starburst javelin pod and a beam weapon with 360° inaccuracy and high firing rates). It was also my first introduction to simultaneously-firing guns. A bunch of neat ideas on the whole.

I have to agree with you guys on Clavius and Beyond. Great plug. Of course, I wouldn't bother with the Phantom, as I would just save up and extra million credits for a Korg. 🙂

What I've played:

Dark Horizons
Empire of Crime
Galactic Scourge
Heart of Darkness
Brotherhood of the Kestrel
Realm of Prey
Mugabi & Destiny

I never finished Heart of Darkness because I got kinda bored with it, only because I played four of his other plugins back to back.

@consul-bob, on Mar 2 2007, 05:42 PM, said in Which plugin do you like the best?:

Clavius & Beyond, and The Grinchians.

Clavius is the next plug on my list to play, and I will add The Grinchians to my list. Hopefully it's still on the addons page.

I also have on my list:
Angels of Vengeance
Eye of Orion
Star Trek Preview
Ultima 1.0.4

Wait til you see Clavius rEVisited with the rEVisited graphic and gameplay update for the EV Classic port for Nova. :ninja:

I still need to play rEVisited.

puts it on her list

I enjoyed Clavius and Beyond immensely. I also enjoyed Pale. I wish I could run EV Classic under OS X and relive some of those memories...

...and I miss my decoy flares. 😞