Strike Cruiser or stay with Rus Dreadnought?

To keep or not to keep the RusCon Dreadnought , thats the question

Okay, so I have come to the part of the string where I need your help. Not that it would be a mission problem, oh no. There were 2 impossible missions but I just edited the data files... figured it was faster... instead of having to wait for hours. So... my question is basically: should I get the Strike Cruiser or should I stay with the Russian Dreadnought? My RusCon Dreadnought is powerful enough to stay with it, thank you very much... but it has a few advantages, like the devastating Disruptor... the only real reason I consider it (actually). And 5 Neutron Turrets, which gives you a huge shower of the devastating neutron bolts.... The Dreadnoughts 5 Surge Turrets are good, but fire too slow to instantly vapor Sauridian fighter swarms. They still destroy them fast all right, but you need to point your cannons at them. Mmm Disruptor with turrets at a fighter... 😄 It has REALLY heavy shields for E3 standards, 700 (for some reason, ships, even capital ones, regenerate extremely fast but have little shielding compared to earlier plugs). That can only the two other RusCon capital ships that the Escort Carrier Match... in armor. It has okay armor, 150. But not that kind of carelesness that you can have with the Russians ships. I took out a Scavenger Cruiser in a Corvette and my Dreadnought took out 3 ThunderDragons without regenerating and without dying. With a Weave ship I would likely actually have to care how I do it. Unless the beam works absolute wonders. Also, it has a shield regeneration rate thats practically fighter-like, 50. With my current ship, 175. That would make up for its lack of armor so much. Too bad its missiles are rot (Torps & Missiles) Oh well, free mass or replace with Mines. Also, it has slots for 8 turrets. Attractive! And 6 gunslots! So yeah... should I kit my ship with this much-vaunted Disruptor, get a Assault Bomber bay and go on? I can post exact stats on the Cruiser and even the Dreadnought if you want.

I can't remember which ship I chose when I played E3. I prefer anything that gives me the best speed because shields regenerate faster. Oh, and I rarely use mines, I find the timing a bit difficult to make them effective. Does the disrupter use up fuel? Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Isn't this supposed to be in the ev nova web board mrxak?

No. It is for E3 which is an EV Plug.

Believe it or not I do know what I'm doing here :).


Go with the strike cruiser, its shield regen rate is absurd (something like 50 which is around what a fighter ususally has). A well upgraded strike cruiser is basically indestructible.

Haha, points for MacDevil for fooling me for a couple seconds. I totally thought this was a new topic and got all confused.

I guess that's the "sometimes" part of my previous post.