Realm of Prey


I just started playing RoP for the first time. Does anyone remember having this problem:

Regarding Rush Bulk missions. I accept a mission and a red arrow shows up on the correct planet. I go there, land, and hey! The mission is still active and the red arrow moves to completely different planet! So, I head to the next planet but the mission fails because I ran out of time.

This post has been edited by Callide : 27 January 2006 - 04:34 PM

Nope, never played it. Sounds like a prank that's supposed to be in the plug-in, though.

Prank? I doubt it, I haven't seen any pranks in Isles' plugs. Thanks anyway. Besides, I'm past the need for quick cash now.

Prank is perhaps the wrong word. Let me rephrase it: It sounds like it was put in on purpose, much like the Vorlons in B5.

This post has been edited by Rameretz : 04 February 2006 - 01:16 PM

yeah it's a relatively minor bug. You could just buy a couple of those navicomp upgrades that reduce your time in hyperspace. Of course, the real money is on Luna...

I have the jump enhancer/navicom upgrade. It doesn't matter, I'm waaaay past the need for quick cash.

I do have another problem. I am supposed to dominate a planet with provided escorts. I demand tribute, the planet status turns to Hostile and sends out it's defense, they get eliminated.

But when I go to demand tribute again, the planet status isn't Hostile anymore, it has reverted back to the original non-hostile. So, I click on demand tribute, again, the status goes Hostile, but no ships come out. I can not get the planet to a dominated status.

Can anyone help me fix this using ResEdit? Thank you.

That sounds like an error on the plugmakers part. I would contact them.

No, it's not the author's fault. I think it's operator error. 😉

well, technically it is Tim's fault for setting the mission parameter's incorrectly, but it's such a small glitch that it really isn't worth his time to fix.

Small glitch? I still need help on this mission, I can't get it to continue for some reason. I'm stuck on Masters and Slaves VI.

Masters and Slaves VI says to:
1. Leave from Dragoran then head to the Onedin syst.
2. Dominate Port Paladin. Land.

Ok, I tried to dominate Port Paladin but it wouldn't let me. I landed anyway. The planet is is blue, not dominated, and I'm a galactic scourge there. :laugh:

The next mission, which is supposed to come from Port Paladin (I checked), does not appear:

Masters and Slaves VII:
1. Eliminate Merc Hunter group.
2. Then head to Blackthorne.

I've looked for the Merc group, it isn't anywhere. I've been to Blackthorne, Port Draco, back to Port Paladin. Nada.

Some bit has not been set and I can't figure out why. I guess I can use my last saved pilot, but..... <_<

Callide, on Feb 9 2006, 05:40 PM, said:

Small glitch? I still need help on this mission, I can't get it to continue for some reason. I'm stuck on Masters and Slaves VI.

Masters and Slaves VI says to:
1. Leave from Dragoran then head to the Onedin syst.
2. Dominate Port Paladin. Land.

Ok, I tried to dominate Port Paladin but it wouldn't let me. I landed anyway. The planet is is blue, not dominated, and I'm a galactic scourge there. :laugh:

The next mission, which is supposed to come from Port Paladin (I checked), does not appear:

Masters and Slaves VII:
1. Eliminate Merc Hunter group.
2. Then head to Blackthorne.

I've looked for the Merc group, it isn't anywhere. I've been to Blackthorne, Port Draco, back to Port Paladin. Nada.

Some bit has not been set and I can't figure out why. I guess I can use my last saved pilot, but..... <_<
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Wait is this the same one you asked me about earlier? If it is, I was confused and thought you were talking about a different mission. No I'm aftraid the next mission will not appear until you have dominated Port Paladin. As to why it won't let you, I'm not completely sure. One strategy I've used is, if you have a ship with fighters, to first demand tribute. Then desable but do not destroy the fighters the capital ships launch at you. Next destroy the capital ships, more will launch from the station. Disable and fighters and repeat until you notice that capital ships that carry fighters are not sending them your way. Then select your own fighters in the secondary weapons menu. You will notice that you cannot launch them because EVC has a limit to the number of ships permitted in a system at a time. So, each time you destroy a capital ship, hold down the second trigger as it blows up to launch a fighter. You will notice that a fighter will launch from your ship but a new one will not launch from the station. Once the station can no longer launch ships it will surrender to you even though you haven't exhausted its defense fleet. This means you will probably need more than four fighters, as the planets usually launch 5 defense ships at a time. Try this and see if it works.

Yeah, it's the same mission, I apologize for the confusion. I ended up using a saved pilot, unfortunately it hadn't joined a side yet. So I get to do the mission again and see what I did wrong, and I'll back up my pilot file just before I start it. Thanks for the strategy advice (and all your other help), I'll use it. 🙂