Another Error Report

Hello, I'm reporting another strange occurance with POG. I use a Mac G3 running OS 9.1.
I just finished getting the Black Dragon tooth and returned to Fatrima (SP?). I entered the town, stopped to check my possessions window. Insted of the Possesion screen window appearing, only several item lines showed up ontop of the township graphic. I managed to close it by clicking on another part of the screen image. When I tried to open the possesion window a second time, the same thing happened, then the game crashed.

I managed to start the game back up but I was back outside the cave where I got the black dragon tooth.

That's all I wanted to say.


Just increase PoG's memory. The disk cache mumble empty mumble (technical term). 🙂

"Treat animals just like they're people"
"But, we don't even treat people right."

i got that too when i first started playing. however, i just kicked the memory allocation up to 130 mb and it doesnt do it anymore. (the great glory of 448 mb of ram) my only problem now is that the computer crashes if i save any less than half an hour after i last saved. its probably because im running off of os 8.6. besides that and the slight choppiness (i have a g3 300mhz) it runs like a gem

lol i accidentally posted it twice :rolleyes:

"The most likely way for the
world to be destroyed,
most experts agree, is by
accident. That's where we

A little etiquette tip: hit (edit) on one of the posts and write erase me or whatever, rather than posting even more.

"Treat animals just like they're people"
"But, we don't even treat people right."
"Americans are people?"