How do you kill alien fighters?

wondergirl, on Jul 9 2005, 05:21 PM, said:

I could never get the timing down to be efficient with the darn things. I usually ended up doing more damage to my own ship. <_<
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Here's the way I used Space Bombs effectively:
Get a fast ship (I suggest having an afterburner), and with the bombs, speed towards your enemy. A little before you reach him, release a bomb. The bomb will move at almost the same speed you are (but you're going fast enough to avoid the blast). Have fun! 😄

I killed them with forklifts, but if you don't want to cheat...

I killed the fighters with space bombs, easy as you please. Lay an assload of bombs all in one place while still, run out of the blast area, and the fighter will try and follow you, and be 'sploded. This also works with the cruiser, but not as well.