I want to play Realm of Prey, but...

some problems

OK, I tried playing it via using the EV for Windows plug, then running it through the plugin converter, but all I get is a big mess-- I'm guessing the plugin convertor does not handle EV plugins quite right.

I also tried running EV in Basilisk II, which I know works (I've done it before, albiet with a different computer), but I can't get the game to finish starting-- while playing the music on the load screen, the music goes all hyper fast, then the game crashes.

Any suggestions?


OK, I tried playing it via using the EV for Windows plug, then running it through the plugin converter, but all I get is a big mess-- I'm guessing the plugin convertor does not handle EV plugins quite right.

Before you can convert the EV plug-in to Windows format, you have to first run it through a program such as SpacePort (available for download from this website, in the EV Nova Add-ons section) to convert the plug into EV: Nova format. Then, you can use your plugin converter as normal.

As for problems with Basilisk II, I can't help you there, sorry.

Realm of prey is a plugin for EV Classic, not EV Nova. The Plug converter doesn't work like that. Its only made for EVN: Mac to EVN: Windows conversions.

SpacePort is unfortunately useless to me-- it requires a PowerPC to run, and unlike the 68k series, that can barely be emulated at all. =p

However, if some nice person were to run RoP through it for me and upload it somewhere, I can use EVNEW to handle the modifications to missile jamming and scanmasks that are required to make it work. I just need to be able to get it converted in the first place 🙂

(I may not be able to RUN SpacePort, but I can at least view the readme file :p)

Funny. pearpc.org was in English the last time I laid eyes on it.

PearPC emulates a PowerPC well enough to run OS X. You might try working from there.

Actually, there is a version of SpacePort that can run safely in old versions safely. I should know-I tested the thing (SpacePirate has great tech support; we were up all night on that thing). Anyway, there should be something somewhere that says about how to do it.
