
I finished the vell-os missions and are now in the bounty hunter guild but i cant seem to get any other missions except bouty missions... and nothing in any of the other alien systems. any ideas??

See the sticky topic above this one.

You're in the wrong forum, but don't worry, lots of people do it 🙂

Try looking here, try doing a search first, but it sounds to me that if you've finished a main string. In which case, you need to start a new pilot if you want to do anything else. You can also use one of the many reset plugs that are around, but you need to restart if you want to be true to the game 😉


Lektor, on Apr 15 2005, 07:51 AM, said:

See the sticky topic above this one.

You're in the wrong forum, but don't worry, lots of people do it 🙂

Try looking here, try doing a search first, but it sounds to me that if you've finished a main string. In which case, you need to start a new pilot if you want to do anything else. You can also use one of the many reset plugs that are around, but you need to restart if you want to be true to the game 😉

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Destroyer E, on Apr 15 2005, 03:00 PM, said:

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I knew you'd do that...


Lektor, on Apr 15 2005, 11:18 AM, said:

I knew you'd do that...

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It's my new thing for ignorant n00Bs. 😄