So... laggy... @_@

Need help with speed problems...

Hey, I'm trying to run EV on Basilisk II, emulating MacOS 7.5.3. I gave the thing 192MB of RAM, and I'm running it in 1024x768 in full screen. However, when I try to play EV, it is surprisingly laggy. In fact, I don't think it's EV, I think it's just the performance in general while running Basilisk. Not sure about virtual memory or any of that because I'm not TOO familiar with the Mac interface, so...

Does anybody have any detailed solutions? Thanks in advance... ^_^;''

Bashes the PC user upside the head with a root beer.
Hmm... This may be a Just Tech Question.

Get EVN and use the TC...

emainiac, on Dec 11 2004, 12:48 AM, said:

Bashes the PC user upside the head with a root beer.
Hmm... This may be a Just Tech Question.
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This is not Boozy!!!

To fix this problem, get a real Mac.

XionTeikiatsu, on Dec 10 2004, 09:10 PM, said:

Hey, I'm trying to run EV on Basilisk II, emulating MacOS 7.5.3. I gave the thing 192MB of RAM, and I'm running it in 1024x768 in full screen. However, when I try to play EV, it is surprisingly laggy. In fact, I don't think it's EV, I think it's just the performance in general while running Basilisk. Not sure about virtual memory or any of that because I'm not TOO familiar with the Mac interface, so...

Does anybody have any detailed solutions? Thanks in advance... ^_^;''
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I don't think the emulated Mac should need quite that much memory... I ran EVC fine on a Quadra 610 @ 20MB of RAM and Sys7.5.5. It was at 832x624 though (if I remember old Mac video resolutions properly, that is.) I'm pretty sure that VM isn't necessary, either. You might want to try 32MB total for the Mac, depending on what else you run.

XionTeikiatsu, on Dec 11 2004, 02:10 AM, said:

Hey, I'm trying to run EV on Basilisk II, emulating MacOS 7.5.3. I gave the thing 192MB of RAM, and I'm running it in 1024x768 in full screen. However, when I try to play EV, it is surprisingly laggy. In fact, I don't think it's EV, I think it's just the performance in general while running Basilisk. Not sure about virtual memory or any of that because I'm not TOO familiar with the Mac interface, so...

Does anybody have any detailed solutions? Thanks in advance... ^_^;''
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Well, first off, telling us your system specs wouldn't be a bad idea. I wouldn't expect performance in Basilisk to be very favorable for anything less than a Pentium III.

That said, EV Nova also runs terribly regardless. But I'll assume that by EV, you mean EV.

Now, I guess the first issue is memory. As long as you have sufficient memory allocated to Basilisk II (192 MB would be considered sufficient), that setting shouldn't be a problem. Virtual memory in this case would be absolutely unnecessary; the only time it'd help you is if you're running a PowerPC machine, and not only are you not, but Basilisk II only emulates 68K. However, the third issue may be important...

Make sure you have enough memory allocated to the EV application itself. Click on it, go to Get Info, and increase the memory allocation (recommended, not minimum) to something around 20000K. That might be a little bit of help.

Other than that, I'd also make sure you're not running much in Windows at the same time. It's nice to have background music playing, but if you don't have the computer to support that I wouldn't do it. The only other thing I could suggest is to try looking for the '040 software FPU emulation works better than Basilisk's own FPU emulation.

Personally, I've gotten EV to run quite smoothly ( least not laggy -- it still has a noticeable jerk to it occasionally) on my 800 MHz Pentium III with similar memory specs.

First, kill that screen rez. Drop it to 800x600, tops. No wonder you're having trouble.