EV Classic music (extended) - Where?

After getting nothing from BnB, I feel like wasting some hope here, too...
I want a reliable link to a longer or higher quality version of the EV classic theme music in any format. Don't force me to continue looping it... I've searched the boards, and everyone says its "the dramatic sample from killertracks.com", but the site has been completely redesigned and it's not quite there. Also, those thread died very quickly and spun off topic. Don't do that here =P
Surely, someone must have it...?

My tiger was trained for war, he's grrrreat!

Well, I don't know about longer, but it's in MP3 format in the Nova Classic plugin files..

33 seconds, 24 khz..

I could upload it, since it's just 332 kb, but I'm not sure if it's copyrighted music. Maybe someone will tell.

And maybe you have that one already.

It's funny until someone gets hurt.
Then it's hilarious.

Hm, this board seems active enough for me to re-ask this question... so, where's a long version of the EV music

My tiger was trained for war, he's grrrreat!

I heard the theme on TV during the preview of a movie once. i didnt catch the name though. I would also like to see a complete running of the theme song...

Insanity has its advantages
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

No, not gravedigging. I'm desperately re-asking this question.
So, anyone know where to get the extended EV Classic music?

Yes gravedigging. Read the posts.

al2d2, on Nov 23 2004, 02:21 PM, said:

No, not gravedigging. I'm desperately re-asking this question.
So, anyone know where to get the extended EV Classic music?
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There is no longer or higher quality version. Stop asking.