Stuck in Rebel Storyline

Could somebody please help me? I´m playing EV through Nova, and started out pretty well in the rebel storyline. Now I seem to be stuck, however, since I get the same missions over and over without anything new happening. Does someody know what I should do to get new missions? (and maybe get to buy some of their ships soon :))

The recurring missions are Weapons shipment from Clotho Prime, Capturing cargo from UE Weapons Freighters and a few more (rebel defense, destroying VIP UE official etc.)

Any help or suggestions appreciated!

Oh, and here's my pilot log:

EV Nova pilot data dump

Output on 7/21/2004 at 11:13 PM

Game version: 1.0.6

Plugins loaded:

Pilot name: Yoshi Yang
Pilot nickname: Ace
Pilot gender: male
Strict play: no
Seen intro screen: yes
Ship name: Yin IV
Ship type: Corvette (146)
Current system: Atropos (191)
Legal status: 2166 (in system 191)
Game date: 2/9/2260
Fuel: 600.00
Cash: 17187497
Kills: 11068

Current cargo:

Active missions:
Ferry Passengers to <DST> (197):
travelObjComplete: no
shipObjComplete: yes
missionFailed: no
flags: 0180
flags2: 0000
canAbort: yes
timeLeft: -32000
destStellar: 179
returnStellar: 179
initialShipCount: -1
specialShipCount: -1
specialShipDude: -1
specialShipGoal: -1
specialShipBehavior: -1
specialShipStart: 0
specialShipSyst: 77
specialShipsKilled: 0
specialShipsBoarded: 0
specialShipsDisabled: 0
specialShipsJumpedIn: -1
specialShipsJumpedOut: 0
specialShipNameIndex: -1
specialShipSubtitleIndex: -1
specialShipPreselectType: -1
auxShipCount: -1
auxShipsLeft: -1
auxShipDude: -1
auxShipSyst: 0
cargoType: 6
cargoQty: 0
pickupMode: 0
dropoffMode: 1
cargoLoaded: yes
scanMask: 0000
compGovt: -1
compReward: 0
datePostIncrement: 0
pay: 10000

Transport Cargo to <DST> (198):
travelObjComplete: no
shipObjComplete: yes
missionFailed: no
flags: 0100
flags2: 0000
canAbort: yes
timeLeft: -32000
destStellar: 205
returnStellar: 205
initialShipCount: -1
specialShipCount: -1
specialShipDude: -1
specialShipGoal: -1
specialShipBehavior: -1
specialShipStart: 0
specialShipSyst: 63
specialShipsKilled: 0
specialShipsBoarded: 0
specialShipsDisabled: 0
specialShipsJumpedIn: -1
specialShipsJumpedOut: 0
specialShipNameIndex: -1
specialShipSubtitleIndex: -1
specialShipPreselectType: -1
auxShipCount: -1
auxShipsLeft: -1
auxShipDude: -1
auxShipSyst: 0
cargoType: 4
cargoQty: 12
pickupMode: 0
dropoffMode: 1
cargoLoaded: yes
scanMask: 0000
compGovt: -1
compReward: 0
datePostIncrement: 0
pay: 12000

Mission bits currently set:

Lightning (137) - captured
Lightning (137) - captured
Clipper (151) - captured
Lightning (137) - captured
Lightning (137) - captured
Clipper (151) - captured

Items currently owned:
4 Proton Bolt Cannon (130)
2 Missile Rack (133)
15 Missile (134)
2 Proton Turret (137)
2 Mass Expansion (140)
4 Shield Capacitor (145)
1 Shield Booster (146)
1 Durasteel Armor (148)
1 Thrust Enhancement (150)
1 Engine Upgrade (151)
1 RCS Upgrade (152)
2 External Fuel Tank (153)
1 Density Scanner (155)
1 IFF Decoder (156)
1 Missile Jammer (158)
1 Javelin Pod (163)
479 Javelin Rocket (164)
1 Cloaking Device (167)
1 Meizner Ramscoop (168)
1 Auto-Refueller (169)

Stellars currently dominated:

Stellars currently destroyed:

Active ranks:

Active disasters:
A wing-racing festival (138) on Merlin (146) - 0 days left
A fuel spill (139) on Enyo Fuel Refinery (149) - 0 days left
The discovery of a new ore deposit (140) on Samson's Planet (151) - 0 days left
A mining accident (141) on New Providence (154) - 0 days left
A newfound ore deposit (142) on New Providence (154) - 0 days left
A patrol ship breakdown (143) on Antares Station (155) - 0 days left
A large fire on a distant world (144) on New Istanbul (156) - 0 days left
An enormous party (145) on Beeblebrox (159) - 1 days left
A new group of recruits (146) on Palshife (161) - 0 days left
A food shortage (147) on Alkaidion (163) - 0 days left
Increased demand (148) on Zaxted Starport (165) - 0 days left
Decreased demand (149) on Zaxted Starport (165) - 0 days left
An increase in tourist arrivals (150) on Atropos (171) - 0 days left
A cultural festival (151) on New Scotland (173) - 0 days left
A recession (152) on New Ireland (174) - 21 days left
A bumper crop of seaweed (153) on Diphidia II (176) - 16 days left
A rockslide (154) on New Columbia (177) - 0 days left
Extreme crew boredom (156) on Syntex Refinery (187) - 4 days left
A manufacturing surplus (157) on Syntex Refinery (187) - 10 days left
A manufacturing surplus (158) on Darkstar (192) - 11 days left
A communicable animal disease (159) on Palomino (194) - 0 days left
A volcanic eruption (160) on Murphy's World (199) - 0 days left
The banderfrog breeding season (161) on Virgo (208) - 0 days left
A manufacturing surplus (162) on Sirgil III (209) - 5 days left
Increased demand (163) on Sirgil III (209) - 0 days left
Decreased demand (164) on Sirgil III (209) - 4 days left
A manufacturing surplus (165) on Sirgil Starport (210) - 0 days left
Increased demand (166) on Sirgil Starport (210) - 0 days left
Decreased demand (167) on Sirgil Starport (210) - 1 days left
A grain surplus (168) on Deneb III (212) - 13 days left
A Lethean air raid (169) on New Cydonia (213) - 3 days left
Cydonian orbital bombardment (170) on Lethe Prime (214) - 0 days left
A new product line (171) on Sirius Station (144) - 0 days left
A parts shortage (172) on Stardock Alpha (129) - 5 days left
A dome pressurization accident (173) on Mars (130) - 0 days left
A special sale (174) on Landfall (131) - 0 days left
A new warship constuction order (175) on Luna (132) - 0 days left
A record fish harvest (176) on Levo (133) - 0 days left
An increase in tourist visitations (177) on Capella (135) - 3 days left
A mining accident (178) on Spica (137) - 0 days left
The discovery of a new vein of uridium (179) on Spica (137) - 0 days left

Active cron events:

- end of log -


What's the last non-repeating mission you did?

-- ** (url="http://"")Mazca(/url)**

Guess it was transporting rebels to Clotho Prime or something.. Not sure though, has been quite a long time :frown: ...

Sorry I can´t be clearer... was hoping someone knew how to read the missionbits, since I didn´t find a walkthrough... (I guess my mind mind has become all blurry because of to many repeated missions) .... 😕

(This message has been edited by Rinre (edited 07-23-2004).)

(This message has been edited by Rinre (edited 07-23-2004).)

(This message has been edited by Rinre (edited 07-23-2004).)

Try doing the other missions like ferreying passengers for a while, some times EV just needs to work out the mission bits you have set. Especially if you play it through Nova

Good luck captain...

I'm interested to know how you viewed the "Pilot Log". Perhaps somebody could explain


Make a blank text file, call it 'pilotlog.txt', and put it in the Nova folder. Open Nova, load the pilot you want the log for, and quit. Pilot information should be in the pilotlog.txt file.


I'm sorry, I play EV Classic is it possible to do the same opperation there


M´kay, I´ll try that Flamingblade, thanks for the suggestion..

Just out of curiosity, though; are there any missionbits listings for classic EV anywhere on the web?? I looked but found none..

Guess you get spoiled with all the resources and survival guides (EVula) for good old (new) Nova.. 😉



Originally posted by Martinfl:
**I'm sorry, I play EV Classic is it possible to do the same opperation there


Sorry, it only works in EV Nova.
