Starwars plugin help

I just downloaded the starwars plugin for EV and it will not work. I am curently using Star Wars-ANA Data plugin, Super SUPER!! Star Destroyer, ~Star Wars ANA Graphics PPC, and ~~SW-ANA Mission Update, aswell as instawarp plugin. I am useing 1.0.5 on a Mac OS 8.5, and the memory alocation of EV is 8000 and 9000, I am useing a new pilot. If any one can help I would Realy apreciate it.


Do you get any errors when you open EV? My first suggestion would be to up EV's memory allocation to at least 20000. I know that EV wouldn't run with less than 32000 if you're using Tim's plugs.


No. Not while I am loading up EV but during gameplay. For example when I first enter all the graphics are the same as the usual EV. The system and missions are starwars but ships and outfits are the same.So you start out with a regular shuttle craft not a satrwars shuttle.


What the heck are you doing on OS 8.5!!!

I don't know if that specific plugin is extremly reliable, I suggest updating your operating system. I keep having problems because my drive crash bumped me back to 8.0 and I haven't been able to fix the problem.

Cmon people, the (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.


Originally posted by INC:
**No. Not while I am loading up EV but during gameplay. For example when I first enter all the graphics are the same as the usual EV. The system and missions are starwars but ships and outfits are the same.So you start out with a regular shuttle craft not a satrwars shuttle.


Increase the memory allocation - that is almost certainly your problem. EV is first loading the original EV data, then loading the Star Wars data on top of it: It appears to be running out of memory at this point, so the graphics are not loaded. As a result, it shows the Star Wars data (which fits in memory) with the original EV ships. There wasn't room in memory for the Star Wars graphics.

Throw the memory up to at least 15,000 (preferably as much as 30,000 if you have the RAM) and see if it's fixed.

(url="http://"")mazca(/url), mazca, king of pork
He is not a fundamentalist jew
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Right now the memory is at 20000-32000.


Is it working now?

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Suprisingly no. It has worked in the past but it just wont now.

😕 (I have evan raised the memory up to 39000 and 40000) still wont work


(This message has been edited by INC (edited 05-14-2004).)

If memory serves, this plug was never very reliable to begin with. However, the files may just be corrupted. If you still have the plug-in in its compressed form, unstuff it again and put it in the plug-ins folder. If that doesn't work, download the whole plug-in again.

-esw-dragoon_77: Doing what he can to fsck people up since September 2001.
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how do i increase my memory allocation?


In OS 9, select the application (in this case EV), and get info (command-i or from the file menu). From there you should be able to increase memory allocation.

In OS X, you cannot, because it's done automatically by the superior operating system.

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Originally posted by mrxak:
In OS X, you cannot, because it's done automatically by the superior operating system.

Wrong. If the application can run in Classic, you can change memory allocation regardless of which OS is currently in use. (url="http://"")Look, see?(/url)

-esw-dragoon_77: Doing what he can to fsck people up since September 2001.
Official member of WORRPBOITATMPSH
"Your values suck. Fix it." - Captaintripps
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It's always a smart move to run EV with 50KB of memory or more. The game itself requires very little, but there are various plugs (such as Galactic Scourge) that can be quite demanding at times.


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Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:

Perhaps you mean MB?

(url="http://"")mazca(/url), mazca, king of pork
He is not a fundamentalist jew
As hard as that is to believe


Originally posted by -esw-dragoon_77:
**Wrong. If the application can run in Classic, you can change memory allocation regardless of which OS is currently in use. Look, see?


Too true, the Classic compatibility environment needs to be told what memory to give (OSX don't manage it), it rather depends not on the system you're on, but on the system the game runs. Notice, however, that apps that can run natively on both will have the option to have the available memory changed, but it will only be considered if run in the Classic environment, OSX will disregard it.

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There are things money can't buy or that are free, for everything else, there's indeed Mastercard.


Originally posted by Zacha Pedro:
Notice, however, that apps that can run natively on both will have the option to have the available memory changed, but it will only be considered if run in the Classic environment, OSX will disregard it.

I didn't know that. Thank you.

-esw-dragoon_77: Doing what he can to fsck people up since September 2001.
Official member of WORRPBOITATMPSH
"Your values suck. Fix it." - Captaintripps
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