Best ship in the game?

I reckon, the best ship in EV (of the original ships ie. not a custom or edited one - Confed and Rebel included) has got to be either the Kestrel or the Rebel Cruiser. they both look damn cool, when tweaked can be fast, they have good weapons to start with, a large crew and a decent fuel capacity. Not to mention they are both cruisers so come with fighter bays.

The Dark before the Light is upon us...

My favorite is the Rebel Cruiser, when upgraded its pretty awesome. If only there was that mod from Nova where you could add more turrets and cannons.

"Freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." 1984 by George Orwell
-Ultimate Rebel

The scoutship. It is cheap, can haul some cargo, is reasonably fast and can even be upgraded for light combat. Oh, and the fuel capacity doesn't hurt either.



About 60% of the EV community when i registered would argue and even kill to prove that the Rebel Destroyer was the best of them all. :rolleyes:

The Kestrel is the best ship to make money though.

Insanity has its advantages

EDIT: oops, forgot 2 words

(This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 11-01-2003).)

I would say the Corvette. I usually remove the homing missiles and heavy rockets, then add the regular speed and sensor upgrades, keep the Javelin pods, and you've got an almost perfect ship. The only downside is that the Corvette(the original) costs about 2 million credits. But it's still a great ship. ๐Ÿ™‚

Maniak hacks like

Confederate Cruiser. Built to kill. Mwa ha ha.

You know, I was going to let you become part of my most erotic fantasies, but you can just forget it, write it off!
I keep thinking there has to be something better out there, because if there wasn't, I'd just curl up in a larval position and weep.

It depends ... on what you're doing with it.

Overall: Rebel Destroyer. I put more of a premium on speed than sheer mass or firepower.

(I've visit this board this sporadically and we're doing this topic? "It's deja vu all over again...!")

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Confederate Cruiser. Built to kill. Mwa ha ha.


You're dead to me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

"Freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." 1984 by George Orwell
-Ultimate Rebel

Then again, the shuttle is best. It's the cheapest.

You know, I was going to let you become part of my most erotic fantasies, but you can just forget it, write it off!
I keep thinking there has to be something better out there, because if there wasn't, I'd just curl up in a larval position and weep.


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Then again, the shuttle is best. It's the cheapest.


That's the way to think. ๐Ÿ™‚

"Freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." 1984 by George Orwell
-Ultimate Rebel

My favorite ship is the Rebel Destroyer.

The best ship is the Alien Fighter.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.


Originally posted by Destroyer E:
**My favorite ship is the Rebel Destroyer.

The best ship is the Alien Fighter.


Now your talking! I forget about the Alien Fighter too much...

Insanity has its advantages

Yeah, in terms of sheer invulnerability the Alien Fighter is hard to beat.

However, in terms of a realistic ship I can't argue with the Rebel Destroyer. Load it up with torpedos and proton weaponry and it is amazing.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
Look over their! There doing a weird dance with they're hats! - Shenlon

You're forgetting that the Cruiser has even more capabilities than the Destroyer. Now, granted its slower, but upgrades can make its speed quite decent.

"Freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." 1984 by George Orwell
-Ultimate Rebel


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**You're forgetting that the Cruiser has even more capabilities than the Destroyer. Now, granted its slower, but upgrades can make its speed quite decent.


Yes, but the destroyer starts out with 'quite decent' speed and with upgrades it's amazing for a capital ship.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
Look over their! There doing a weird dance with they're hats! - Shenlon

For me, the Destroyer is just to slow and not manuverable enough. Anyway, in reply to some previous posts, I don't agree that just becuse a ship is cheap makes it one of the best. Besides, you can make a cool 10 million in a couple of days (not game time) once you've dominated some planets.

The Dark before the Light is upon us...

Destroyer is the best. I made a ship for EV Destroyer 2.0 (Coming soon) the Rebel Destroyer "E Series" it carries two hawks, torps, and plenty of space. It's a nice ship.

(url="http://"")Destroyer E(/url) is the (url="http://";=Destroyer+E")name(/url) of my ship and the name has a good meaning.


Originally posted by Destroyer E:
**Destroyer is the best. I made a ship for EV Destroyer 2.0 (Coming soon) the Rebel Destroyer "E Series" it carries two hawks, torps, and plenty of space. It's a nice ship.


Even... a cheat ship? ๐Ÿ˜›

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
Look over their! There doing a weird dance with they're hats! - Shenlon

My favorite ship is the Manta. Its really fast, has much better shields than the defender and has more space. I love speed.

"Reality continues to ruin my life" -Calvin & Hobbes


Originally posted by EVWeb:
**My favorite ship is the Manta. Its really fast, has much better shields than the defender and has more space. I love speed.


Ugh. Mantas are the most fragile fighter existing after Defender. And indeed one of the most fragile ships existing. It does have more shields than a Defender, but only twice; it doesnt even have the standard shields of a fighter, 25! It has more space, but only if you sell Missiles off, and not so much. Speed doesnt make up if the ship otherwรญse รญs excruatingly horrible. Thats the reason most people dont fly Defenders... ๐Ÿ˜‰

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