Boozerama Bar: The Return

Trogdor find a monkey and dances with him, he then takes out an AK 47 and shoots the monkey and kills it, he then sucks out all the organs and blood and everything in its body and puts a lot of air into so its like a raft, he then uses the dead monkey to sail to Puerto Rico.

Excuses are like armpits, everybody has em and they stink.

(This message has been edited by Trogdor (edited 08-28-2003).)

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Everything is crazy! DE explodes put comes back to life in 2 seconds. I should be around more in a week and my plug should be out. see ya later.

Destroyer E is the name of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

I can't belive I lost three Karma Points in three hours. That's a new world record! Posted Image I'm on fire baby!!
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(This message has been edited by tuskawillamac (edited 08-29-2003).)


Originally posted by tuskawillamac:
I can't belive I lost three Karma Points in three hours. That's a new world record!Posted Image I'm on fire baby!!

I wouldn't be proud. If you get in the positives, then we'll talk. Alrighty there, macadoodle? 😛

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DeadBeat walks in and starts selling cheap street karma. He walks up to Tuskawillamac and opens up his overcoat. "I gots the goods but it aint cheap." Tuskawillamac choses a 3 point bottle and walks away.

After consuming the contents of the bottle Tuskawillamac suddenly feels more intelligent, witty and unnewbish.

The next day Tuskawillamac wakes up with a massive headache and the horror that the karma has worn off. "Blast cheap street karma!" Tuskawillamac says like he's challenging god himself. Feeling his way towards his keyboard to check the extent of the damage he realizes his instant loss. His hands automatically reach for words like "l33t" and "haxor", besides his total loss of punctuation.

After that day Tuskawillamac shrivled into a mushy tub that could no longer be called a human being. He was wheeled into a mental hospital the next day where he shared a room with Jimbob, who had gone crazy after sharing signatures.

The morale of the story: Never buy cheap street karma.

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)


Originally posted by DeadBeat:
**DeadBeat walks in and starts selling cheap street karma. He walks up to Tuskawillamac and opens up his overcoat. "I gots the goods but it aint cheap." Tuskawillamac choses a 3 point bottle and walks away.

After consuming the contents of the bottle Tuskawillamac suddenly feels more intelligent, witty and unnewbish.

The next day Tuskawillamac wakes up with a massive headache and the horror that the karma has worn off. "Blast cheap street karma!" Tuskawillamac says like he's challenging god himself. Feeling his way towards his keyboard to check the extent of the damage he realizes his instant loss. His hands automatically reach for words like "l33t" and "haxor", besides his total loss of punctuation.

After that day Tuskawillamac shrivled into a mushy tub that could no longer be called a human being. He was wheeled into a mental hospital the next day where he shared a room with Jimbob, who had gone crazy after sharing signatures.

The morale of the story: Never buy cheap street karma.



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Originally posted by Jimbob:


😄 😄 ( :p)
UR sits down in one of the couches and watches the fun.

"Freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." 1984 by George Orwell
-Ultimate Rebel

/Me wishes I knew exactly where EVula's smile archive thingy is.

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Infinite gives everyone a glass off water and ask them to calm down.

Then Inf starts singing the holy mac song:
Macs macs are so cool,
macs macs rule the school,
macs macs we'll never doubt,
macs macs give a shout!!!

"Saying Windows 95 is equal to Macintosh is like finding a potato that looks like Jesus and believing you've witnessed the second coming." -- Guy Kawasaki Don't click (url="http://"")here(/url) | (url="http://"")Click here(/url)
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DeadBeat drinks the water then suddenly realizes it contains Ritalin. After consuming the beverage he mellows out and feels quite tired. "I guess the drinks really did calm us down....." says DeadBeat before he collapses.

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

BOOOOM! An explosion rocks the boozerama bar. Unreal walks in chared in places he doesnt want pepole to know. He stumbles over to the bar and colapses. He hits his head on the tile and falls into an infanate void of darkness....

-Unreal Centipede
(url="http://"")My Profile(/url) "When sliding down the banter of life, hope that the splinters arnt pointing the wrong way." - Me
"Bill Gates will die, by choking on an Apple" - Black Cacodemon (url="http://"")Trogdor The BURNANATER!(/url)

DeadBeat starts selling tickets for the "Infinate Void of Darkness". It becomes a overnight success and DeadBeat becomes a millionaire and solves global overpopulation at the same time.

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

plexrom steals all of Deadbeats tickets and sells them to rich people for a billion dollars each. He then finds a bookie that wil take a large bet and throws down 12 bil. After Plexrom wins his bet he goes and buys Bill Gates.

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.

Unreal gets up and walks over to the pool. He dives in then realizes, ITS the acid pool! Unreal dies then gets regenerated and he keeps jumping in forever and ever.

-Unreal Centipede
(url="http://"")My Profile(/url) "When sliding down the banter of life, hope that the splinters arnt pointing the wrong way." - Me
"Bill Gates will die, by choking on an Apple" - Black Cacodemon (url="http://"")Trogdor The BURNANATER!(/url) (url="http://"")Trogdor the game!!!(/url)


Originally posted by Plexrom:
**plexrom steals all of Deadbeats tickets and sells them to rich people for a billion dollars each. He then finds a bookie that wil take a large bet and throws down 12 bil. After Plexrom wins his bet he goes and buys Bill Gates.


Jimbob kills Bill Gates so that Plexrom virtually throws away 12 bil.

Jimbob then looks at the mysterious water, takes a swig, and also collapses from it. He thinks someone else should start examining the water. Hint....

(Oh. I'm two away from 2,000 posts...)

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(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 09-01-2003).)

Plexrom looks at the water and realizes it is pure petrolium. He lights a match and throws it at Jimbob (I fugured he would choose creamation) and he blows up into a billion pieces. Plexrom then steals from all the banks in the world and gets his 12 billion back.

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.


Originally posted by Plexrom:
**Plexrom looks at the water and realizes it is pure petrolium. He lights a match and throws it at Jimbob (I fugured he would choose creamation) and he blows up into a billion pieces. Plexrom then steals from all the banks in the world and gets his 12 billion back.


Of course, Plexrom forgets that the pure petroleum in the bar's stores, when ignited would easily disintigrate the bar and its members. So, thats exactly what occurs, and Jimbob regenerates along with the bar. 😛

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DeadBeat, who was taking a piss on the bar when it exploded in flames, is now madly running around attempting to extinguish his pubic hairs. DeadBeat while running goes through an invisible time portal to the past, taking him back 10 seconds. He quickly jumps into the bar's patrolium (thinking it was water) causing the explosion. Now DeadBeat has been stuck in this constant circle of time for what equals a millenium, until he was rescued by the cheap producers for America's Funniest Home Videos who went to film the event.

There are two choices, life and death. Eventually everyone chooses death.
(url="http://"") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

Plexrom regenerates and goes over to jimbob. He sticks a bomb down his throat. Plexrom doesn't run away fast enough and the bomb detonates. When he regenerates he regenerates as a hybrid of Jimbob and himself. The two headed mutant starts to rebuild the bar out of titanium so it can't blow up as easy.

Life is like New York City, if you go to fast you will trip and fall in a manhole.

UR, disgusted at the hideous hybrid mutation, pulls out a storm chaingun from evn and shreds the flesh and inner vitals of the repulsive preternatural hominid. 😛

"Freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." 1984 by George Orwell
-Ultimate Rebel