Rebel string

I got the first courrier mission for the rebels where you take some documents to diphidia. Where do I go from their. Here's my pilot log:

EV Nova pilot data dump

Output on 8/26/2003 at 8:32 PM

Game version: 1.0.6

Plugins loaded:

Pilot name: Stud Beefpile
Pilot nickname: Scar
Pilot gender: male
Strict play: no
Seen intro screen: yes
Ship name: Friend
Ship type: Argosy (132)
Current system: Sol (129)
Legal status: 1 (in system 129)
Game date: 9/3/2253
Fuel: 600.00
Cash: 49189
Kills: 2

Current cargo:

Active missions:
Defend Turin V (183):
travelObjComplete: yes
shipObjComplete: no
missionFailed: no
flags: 1000
flags2: 0000
canAbort: yes
timeLeft: -32000
destStellar: -1
returnStellar: 160
initialShipCount: 6
specialShipCount: 5
specialShipDude: 165
specialShipGoal: 6
specialShipBehavior: 0
specialShipStart: 1
specialShipSyst: 41
specialShipsKilled: 1
specialShipsBoarded: 0
specialShipsDisabled: 1
specialShipsJumpedIn: 6
specialShipsJumpedOut: 0
specialShipNameIndex: -1
specialShipSubtitleIndex: -1
specialShipPreselectType: -1
auxShipCount: -1
auxShipsLeft: -1
auxShipDude: -1
auxShipSyst: -1
cargoType: -1
cargoQty: 0
pickupMode: -1
dropoffMode: -1
cargoLoaded: no
scanMask: 0000
compGovt: -1
compReward: 0
datePostIncrement: 0
pay: 20000

Cargo Delivery to <DST> (143):
travelObjComplete: no
shipObjComplete: yes
missionFailed: no
flags: 0100
flags2: 0000
canAbort: yes
timeLeft: -32000
destStellar: 160
returnStellar: 160
initialShipCount: -1
specialShipCount: -1
specialShipDude: -1
specialShipGoal: -1
specialShipBehavior: -1
specialShipStart: 0
specialShipSyst: 48
specialShipsKilled: 0
specialShipsBoarded: 0
specialShipsDisabled: 0
specialShipsJumpedIn: -1
specialShipsJumpedOut: 0
specialShipNameIndex: -1
specialShipSubtitleIndex: -1
specialShipPreselectType: -1
auxShipCount: -1
auxShipsLeft: -1
auxShipDude: -1
auxShipSyst: 0
cargoType: 5
cargoQty: 11
pickupMode: 0
dropoffMode: 1
cargoLoaded: yes
scanMask: 0000
compGovt: -1
compReward: 0
datePostIncrement: 0
pay: 10000

Mission bits currently set:


Items currently owned:
3 Proton Bolt Cannon (130)
1 Proton Turret (137)
1 Fighter Bay (138)
2 Hawk Light Fighter (139)
5 Mass Expansion (140)
1 Armaplast Plating (147)
1 Durasteel Armor (148)
1 Thrust Enhancement (150)
1 Engine Upgrade (151)
1 RCS Upgrade (152)
2 External Fuel Tank (153)
1 Density Scanner (155)
1 IFF Decoder (156)
1 Afterburner (157)
1 Missile Jammer (158)
1 Meizner Ramscoop (168)
1 Auto-Refueller (169)
1 Flare Launcher (174)
50 Decoy Flare (175)

Stellars currently dominated:

Stellars currently destroyed:

Active ranks:

Active disasters:
A wing-racing festival (138) on Merlin (146) - 0 days left
A fuel spill (139) on Enyo Fuel Refinery (149) - 0 days left
The discovery of a new ore deposit (140) on Samson's Planet (151) - 0 days left
A mining accident (141) on New Providence (154) - 0 days left
A newfound ore deposit (142) on New Providence (154) - 0 days left
A patrol ship breakdown (143) on Antares Station (155) - 0 days left
A large fire on a distant world (144) on New Istanbul (156) - 0 days left
An enormous party (145) on Beeblebrox (159) - 9 days left
A new group of recruits (146) on Palshife (161) - 6 days left
A food shortage (147) on Alkaidion (163) - 0 days left
Increased demand (148) on Zaxted Starport (165) - 0 days left
Decreased demand (149) on Zaxted Starport (165) - 0 days left
An increase in tourist arrivals (150) on Atropos (171) - 0 days left
A cultural festival (151) on New Scotland (173) - 0 days left
A recession (152) on New Ireland (174) - 0 days left
A bumper crop of seaweed (153) on Diphidia II (176) - 27 days left
A rockslide (154) on New Columbia (177) - 0 days left
Extreme crew boredom (156) on Syntex Refinery (187) - 11 days left
A manufacturing surplus (157) on Syntex Refinery (187) - 0 days left
A manufacturing surplus (158) on Darkstar (192) - 0 days left
A communicable animal disease (159) on Palomino (194) - 0 days left
A volcanic eruption (160) on Murphy's World (199) - 0 days left
The banderfrog breeding season (161) on Virgo (208) - 0 days left
A manufacturing surplus (162) on Sirgil III (209) - 0 days left
Increased demand (163) on Sirgil III (209) - 7 days left
Decreased demand (164) on Sirgil III (209) - 0 days left
A manufacturing surplus (165) on Sirgil Starport (210) - 1 days left
Increased demand (166) on Sirgil Starport (210) - 0 days left
Decreased demand (167) on Sirgil Starport (210) - 0 days left
A grain surplus (168) on Deneb III (212) - 8 days left
A Lethean air raid (169) on New Cydonia (213) - 0 days left
Cydonian orbital bombardment (170) on Lethe Prime (214) - 0 days left
A new product line (171) on Sirius Station (144) - 12 days left
A parts shortage (172) on Stardock Alpha (129) - 0 days left
A dome pressurization accident (173) on Mars (130) - 0 days left
A special sale (174) on Landfall (131) - 0 days left
A new warship constuction order (175) on Luna (132) - 0 days left
A record fish harvest (176) on Levo (133) - 0 days left
An increase in tourist visitations (177) on Capella (135) - 0 days left
A mining accident (178) on Spica (137) - 0 days left
The discovery of a new vein of uridium (179) on Spica (137) - 0 days left

Active cron events:

- end of log -

P.S. Walkthrus are welcome too.

Nevermind.Site no longer exists.
<Insert Clever Saying Here>
(url="http://"")Schlichtinator Site of stuff(/url) | (url="http://"") The Escape Velocity Guide(/url) (Not my site) (url="http://"")Penny Arcade!!!(/url) | (url="http://"")Hyperiums(/url)
Got a question? (url="http://";=6")Search(/url) first.

(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 08-27-2003).)

(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 08-27-2003).)