EV 2 EVN pilot file conversion utility

For those of you wishing you could play EV with the EVNgine's features (and don't want to restart your pilot):

Open Beta test for Pilot Converter 3.0

Pilot Converter converts the original EV and EVO pilot files into EVN formatted pilots files for use with the EV and EVO TCs made for the Nova engine. It also converts Macintosh EVN pilot files to Windows EVN pilot files, and vice-versa.

All testing to this point has show it to be working 100%, but I need more input from users before I post the utility to the add-ons page. SO, if you are interested, please give it a shot and email me at seant@hellskitchen.org to let me know what results you get; even if you try it and find no problems, just drop me a line letting me know it seemed to work. Alternately, post something here. I don't hover on the boards, but when I announce a new utility, I try and check things at least once a day.


"Create enigmas, not explanations." -Robert Smithson