Wanting EV NOVA for Windows please tell me were to get it.


Originally posted by WraithSniper:

Yes, Ambrosia has thought about an online version of EV, but they have decided against it. So even if an online game that came from somewhere was based off EV, Ambrosia wouldn't be the one to make it.
Wecome to the boards by the way. Enjoy Nova and the ports of EV.
Downloading EV: Nova for Windows and great plugins from Internet: Free, excluding Internet access costs.
Registering EV: Nova for Windows: $30.
Finally being able to play EV on your Windows computer: Priceless.
There are some things that Windows users couldn't buy. For those, there are Window's ports.

Where can I find this if I may ask?

Also I will be away on vacation for the next 2 days so please don't feel offended if I don't respond.


You can download EV Nova from this page (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/games/evn/")http://www.ambrosiasw.com/games/evn/(/url). BTW,I'm not sure if you know this or not, but there is an EV Nova webboard as well that will give more information about it since it was just released today.


(This message has been edited by firestorm (edited 07-11-2003).)


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