Your favorite civilian activity

My personal favorite civilian activity was blowing the heck out of pirates. Before I could afford a Kestral though about the only thing I could do was trade.

~Matt (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...2000/index.html(/url)

(This message has been edited by (EV4life) Matt (edited 06-28-2003).)


Originally posted by (EV4life) Matt:
**My personal favorite civilian activity was blowing the heck out of pirates. Before I could afford a Kestral though about the only thin I could do was trade.

I always hated trading unless it was an extremely profitable route, and I never really found one in the original EV. I liked running missions from the Mission Computer.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

Are you kidding me? Gambling! 😛

I'd have to say mission computer missions- Especially the emergency medical ones.

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blasting pirates. most def.

"The way I see it God put
me here to do a fixed
amount of things; by now

Destroying pirates, running around the systems looking for interesting (maybe illegal) items, and doing the really well paying missions.

LabRat may go off at any time so please wear your helmet.

I get a light freighter and possibly a few escorts and become a humble trader of luxury and medical supplies.


A mixture of mission computer missions and pirate-blasting.

By the way, I don't see the use of "illegal" items... if they're illegal, why not get chased by police ships or patrol ships all over the galaxy? They always want to scan you when you're on some illegal cargo-bearing mission, so why not during your civilian activities?

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One Ring for the Dark Lord on his dark throne in the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
J.R.R. Tolkien


Originally posted by Trugati:
**A mixture of mission computer missions and pirate-blasting.

By the way, I don't see the use of "illegal" items... if they're illegal, why not get chased by police ships or patrol ships all over the galaxy? They always want to scan you when you're on some illegal cargo-bearing mission, so why not during your civilian activities?


Hey! I do the same too. Plus some repeating missions. Like Bounty Hunting. Because its for the story. It would get you chased by police ships if the EV galaxy was real. Getting attacked for having illegal items was not introduced before Nova. Even in EVO you could just get a legal status drop for a illegal item. And that was in 1.02.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

I used to encourage ships to follow me around. I may not have been powerful enough to handle the "T.A.G. you're it" or the alien missions (never got to that one, but my Kestral and I would just hang out in the NGC or "outer-rim" systems just looking for ships to plunder. That is usually where I got most of the kills and cash----raiding pirate Kestrals. I would just send out my hawks and lightnings, disable each ship, loot it, then blow it.


Blasting Pirates. If you can take it like me, you start when you get a Defender.

"Reality continues to ruin my life" -Calvin & Hobbes


I'll pick up as many missions as possible from the mission computer for about an hour in my shuttle....

And then it's on to the real stuff.

The cops took down my resumé, but I'm working on getting a Geocities page.

Blastin Pirites is cool, but I would not use a Defender to do it. I will just upgrade a Clipper. This way, you can hold more than 1 ton of an Argosy's cargo and sell it too make a big profit.

Destroyer E is the name of my ship and the name has a good meaning.


Originally posted by Destroyer E:
**Blastin Pirites is cool, but I would not use a Defender to do it. I will just upgrade a Clipper. This way, you can hold more than 1 ton of an Argosy's cargo and sell it too make a big profit.


And I would not use a Clipper to do it. They lack the speed of Lightning and Rapier, the speed and power of Corvette, and the sheer power of Kestrel. Really, get a Corvette or Kestrel and stick with it. Clippers are all-purpose ships which sadly lack enough cargo space to be a heavy freighter, enough speed to be a fighter, or enough space to be a warship. Also, the Defender has 5 tons of cargo, not 1. Just a correction, 4 tons doesnt make it more useful by much.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

My mistake... Just give the Clipper some missles and move away form an Argosy pirate. They only have laser turrets. If you keep hitting him with missles, he'll be down in no time. It's easy!

Destroyer E is the name of my ship and the name has a good meaning.


Originally posted by Destroyer E:
**Just give the Clipper some missles and move away form an Argosy pirate. They only have laser turrets. If you keep hitting him with missles, he'll be down in no time. It's easy!


I didnt think of it that way. But what about other Pirates? Lightings have 4 Missiles, meaning that if you dont launch your Missiles faster than him, youre dead. I should know because I hit them once at close range just to see how weak they are. And God forbid should he ever get near because you werent careful or fast enough. He'll unleash 2 Heavy Rockets against you meaning you are very dead very quick. Not to speak of 4 Laser Cannons and 25 Javelins. Rapiers have 4 Torpedos, meaning you will be dead even more quick. I know, because 4 Torpedoes are enough to disable a Argosy. Just forget Corvettes, because their 8 Missiles are enough to heavily shake Kestrels if you are not quick enough. Kestrels dont even need a mention.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**I didnt think of it that way. But what about other Pirates? Lightings have 4 Missiles, meaning that if you dont launch your Missiles faster than him, youre dead. I should know because I hit them once at close range just to see how weak they are. And God forbid should he ever get near because you werent careful or fast enough. He'll unleash 2 Heavy Rockets against you meaning you are very dead very quick. Not to speak of 4 Laser Cannons and 25 Javelins. Rapiers have 4 Torpedos, meaning you will be dead even more quick. I know, because 4 Torpedoes are enough to disable a Argosy. Just forget Corvettes, because their 8 Missiles are enough to heavily shake Kestrels if you are not quick enough. Kestrels dont even need a mention.


Well if you see anything tougher than a Clipper or Argosy one word: RUN!!!

Destroyer E is the name of my ship and the name has a good meaning.

I like to use a Courier when I start hunting pirates.

Yet another meaningless post
<(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

It's not the size of the fight in the dog, it's the size of the dog in the, wait...

my first pirate-hunting ship was, in fact, an argosy wtih maxed-out proton cannons, shields, and armor. i could easily take on mantas, argosies, clippers, and even a lightning or two if i was lucky...

my favorite activity as a civilian is cruising for non-civilian work 😉

Well, in the Defender you can take on Kestrels as you can dodge really well and you can outrun any weapon.

"Reality continues to ruin my life" -Calvin & Hobbes

My first ship i used for pirate hunting was a clipper. She served me well, then i advanced to my Uber Argosy!
Armor, Shields, Torpedos... it was capable of killing a kestrel with ease.

Just because i hate seeing a great ship mocked with the wrong spelling i will mention once again in a line of posts:

When you are refering to the great ship of civillians, use the correct spelling!
Not Kestral, not Kestrol, not Kesrel, not Ketrel! UNDERSTAND?!?!?!


i apologise for the rudeness.

Insanity has its advantages