Fringe beliefs VIII OMFG

Ok, First of all Fringe Beliefs VIII is an Earth COnfederacy/FMG Mission in Realm of Prey, you know the one where you have to take ofer DREC headquarters.

So am i Right in thinking that I actually have to Hail the Planet and press the Demand Tribute button cause the Mission Briefing seems quite certain that i should.

So how many ships are there! Im in A Guild Terminater and its gonna take me froever if i have to keep running away from torpedos to avoid getting destroyed. Is there something I'm Doing wrong please help i need it!


Yes, you have to Dominate the planet by hailing the planet and demanding tribute. It takes a while, but this is nothing compared to dominating Faction planets. One took me a half-hour straight. The Guild Terminator is the one good way to go! I don't like BattleCruiser, or AB Advanced Warship, but something is coming that is better than the Guild Terminator. THe Earth String is very good, but has some spelling errors that I noticed. It won't take you forever this time, but dominating Faction planets might seems like it would take forever. There is nothing that you are doing wrong.
I am not sure how many ships there are in the defense fleet of DREC Headquarters, but it should be weakened. Be glad!

(This message has been edited by kauthor (edited 05-20-2003).)

According to ResEdit, DREC Headquarters has a defense fleet of 60 ships, which come out in waves of 5 ships each (12 waves). Yep, you do have to dominate the station. Make sure to destroy the orbital defense pods, as well. Have fun!

~Ace 😄

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

Ok thx guys,

I hope the "better ship" you were talking about was the Syndicate Behemoth cause otherwise I just wasted a whole lot of money! yeha I'm up to faction planets now I feel really bad about the first one cause I went straight in there and landed so i didnt have to jump back every time i died, but when i landed it seemed to think that the mission was completeand i couldnt get any other missions. So i looked in Ev Edit and it said i had to have Dominated the planet to get the mission so i changed that because I lost my escorts and couldnt get the mission back, so i was basicaly screwed. As I said i feel quite bad about that and might go and domintae it with one of my other escort fleest from a different mission 😛

Thx for the help I'm now up to the second Mission in taking over faction space.

A couple of questions,

  1. is there any ship that im gonna be able to get thats better than the behemoth (Dont tell me what, just a yes or no will do)

2)Whats better Plasma Driver or Antiparticle Gun???


For the ships, I've been in: Earth Confederacy string: the Guild Terminator, MSC Cruiser, Earth BattleCruiser, AB Advanced Warship, and SAC GMD; Faction string: Guild Terminator, ADB Condor, ADB MegaKestrel, and SAC GMD. Haven't flown any of the FMG or DREC's ships, but I have flown the Faction Light Frigate and Heavy Warship (RusCon--Empire series), as well as the RusCon Dreadnaught (which did not make an appearance in this plug). I also haven't tried the SAC Behemoth. Plasma Driver vs AntiParticle Gun? Plasma Driver!! I took a look at their stats via ResEdit and decided that (unfiddled-around-with) the PD is the better weapon. I also make it a point to get rid of the pulse/laser weapons and stock up on Scatter guns/turrets and Shockwave guns/turrets. I also make use of my Tac Bombers quite extensively.
Ya know, something hit me when going through the plug. Didja know that all the named Earth Confederacy ships start with "T.S.S." instead of "E.C.S."? I guess Tim just copied it from one of his Empire plugs.

~Ace 😄

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 05-24-2003).)

Shockwave Turrets has short distance. I prefer Scatter Turrets. It is long-range weapons.


According to ResEdit, Scatterguns/turrets have a count of 35 (which means each "projectile" has a life of little more than one second (actually 1.16 sec)) while Shockwaves has a count of 40 (1.33 sec) should mean that the Shockwave should be a longer-ranged weapon than the Scattergun. Why it isn't I have no idea. Still, I got rid of my Shockwave guns/turrets and am sticking with Scatterguns/turrets and Plasma Drivers.

~Ace 😄

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild