im gonna ex frigging plode! i HATE emulators and i HATE my REAL mac for breaking, and i HATE stuffit expander for not knowing how to expand its OWN FORMAT (.sit) and i HATE the oreste plugin for being an idiot. lets see if i think of anything else i HATE, besides the fact thats its taking WAY to long for this freaking port of EV Nova to come out, because then i wouldnt have to mess around with executor mac emulator (another thing i HATE) so much! arrrrrg! IM A PIRATE! okay there ive ranted, now i need something to drink....


A pointless topic that is not even about EV. I'd send it to the Nova board, but I'm sure that Jericon and pipeline are getting tired of using the lock command, so I'll save 'em the time.

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"Damn, everybody wants something up their ass today! Yeah, I'm cool like that." - forge