My resignation

"I Will Fight No More Forever" - Chief Joseph

Today, I end my status as a moderator.
Moderators over the years have left for a variety of reasons, sometimes even in haste, some take months in making the decision. I have based my decision on months of careful consideration. A decision based solely upon my lack of ability to perform my duties.

I'm out of time, today is a significant date for me, so I've decided to end it today.

I has nothing to do with members or moderators, with policies or administration, it is an issue of time. I got a new job, one that involves a lot of hours, this is on top of school and life. I have no choice but to pass on the torch.

I don't plan on leaving the boards, simply... visiting them less. This will give me more time to devote to EV-related projects too (such as porting EV and EVO to Nova), so it will help the community in a way.

I would like to think I've made a positive difference here. That's what everything should be about, work, life, family... not the mistakes, but the overall net value.

I've made mistakes, I've screwed up a few times and apologized for them. But I have always, always tried my hardest and best to follow the rules, treat everyone with respect, and make the boards a better place.

I've spent hours trying to help out and solve a lot of disputes. I've cleaned up and spent a lot of my time helping the boards.... helping the community. And I don't regret it for a second, despite the fact most of you will never know what happened, but that's the point, isn't it?
I also admit to coming off strong at times, often too much... but the one thing I'm proud of, is that I was honest. You may not like what I say, even how I say it... but you knew I wasn't tricking you.
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Mat 16:26)

While I regret having to do this, it is the right thing and the right time.

I hope I've proved to you all as I have myself, that I'm than just an annoyance or a thorn in the side. That I can help out. Despite my views and reputation, I am a caring person....
but, I'm only human...
a human that must move on.

If you all feel compelled to reply to this, you can at the banter and brawl: (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...ML/008514.html#(/url)

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