whats a good plugin thats out there?

Are there any good plugins floating around out there that are worth downloading?

Ive had escape velocity for about four or five years now and ive played just about every old plugin out there that is worth playing. Plus ive been making my own plugins for a while now. I was just wanting to know if there are any new plugins out there that are worth checking out.



Well if you haven't yet, Override and Nova are worth checking out. 🙂

(url="http://"http://www.thangorodrim.net/")Angband(/url) in action! Constant escalation to new depths to find angrier,
meaner letters and more punctuation! -- Mattneu

How about Realm of Prey?


Realm of Prey is one of the best plugins I've ever played. There are almost no bugs, except for only one: sometimes, your mission destination changes. This only happens rarely, however, and you get your pay anyways when you go to the changed destination.

The great space parrot is a biped

Not a cheat plug, when you use those its not realy a game.

Visit the Rebels
webboard at (url="http://"http://www.voy.com/115814/")http://www.voy.com/115814/(/url)

Well thanx alot guys for the help, but Ive played the realm of prey plug and its a really good plugin. But Ive currently bought a new computer and it runs windows, I know call me at traitor, but the 68k mac wasnt cutting it, and I dont have the money to by a new G3 or G4. So I am running A mac emulator called basilisk on my PC for now to play escape velocity and override. But I think im going to wait for the ported version of nova to come out to play it on my PC.


You can try out Elite Frontiers unless you've alread done so. To the Elite-newbie it looks rather drab (simple graphics, few in depth descriptions), but it's supposed to look that way as it's an adaption af another classic game of space trading. Try it out, it's a little difficult in the beginning, but you'll soon see yourself progressing gradually up the ladder as a space merchant and mercenary.

Personally I've really enjoyed it, it's a good challenge. BTW, best ship to have IMO is the Viper.

Here's something funny: System 7.5.2


Originally posted by ghostdog:
You can try out Elite Frontiers unless you've alread done so. To the Elite-newbie it looks rather drab (simple graphics, few in depth descriptions), but it's supposed to look that way as it's an adaption af another classic game of space trading. Try it out, it's a little difficult in the beginning, but you'll soon see yourself progressing gradually up the ladder as a space merchant and mercenary.

I'd like to second the vote for Elite Frontiers - it's quite a good plug-in, although I remember having had to go to quite a bit of trouble to get it when it was first released. I also suggest Ben Singley's Pale plug-in; it doesn't replace the entire universe or anything, but it's still one of the better plug-ins out there.


Originally posted by ghostdog:
Here's something funny: System 7.5.2

What's so funny about a minor release of System 7.5 that served only to add support for a few new Macintosh models and was soon replaced by 7.5.3?

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net/")davidarthur.evula.net(/url): MissionComputer 2 for EV Nova Released
(url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/faq/")EV Nova Gameplay FAQ(/url) - Now Hosted by (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")EV-Nova.net(/url)!


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**What's so funny about a minor release of System 7.5 that served only to add support for a few new Macintosh models and was soon replaced by 7.5.3?


The fact that it was a mere remake of System 6.0.6 in the bug-department. I found it a lot of fun... but only AFTER the 7.5.3 update arrived of course. Before that I vowed to chase it around the moons of Nibia and through perditions flames! 😉

Here's something funny: System 7.5.2

(This message has been edited by ghostdog (edited 01-14-2003).)

Thanks a lot I'll have to try out the Elite Frontiers Plugin. Thats one I havent tried yet

And its all about OS 7.5.3!


The Windows port for Nova is currently in beta. (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=26&SUBMIT;=Go")Check the Nova Board for posts on its progress.(/url) There is a very recent post about it from Andrew Welch (andrew on the Boards). A bit of advice from a fellow lay member: Don't post a topic asking about when it will be released for Windows. It will be released when it is done.

Lit Nerd

Could it be both on fire and a software problem?
"And now, for something completely different."

(This message has been edited by Lit Nerd (edited 01-14-2003).)

Lit Nerd, that was a little off topic. Read the thread closely.



Originally posted by kauthor:
**Lit Nerd, that was a little off topic. Read the thread closely.


I didn't think so, considering:
1. He said he haid a PC;
2. Blackdog told him that "if you haven't yet, Override and Nova are worth checking out :)."

Upon further review, I did not originally see the part where Mac 3:16 said he was waiting for the Nova port. I abhore myself and repent.

Lit Nerd


Originally posted by Mac_3:16:
**Thanks a lot I'll have to try out the Elite Frontiers Plugin. Thats one I havent tried yet

And its all about OS 7.5.3!


If you decide you'll like it, you are going to have quite a few hours of gameplay ahead of you. There's lots to be done in that universe.

Here's something funny: System 7.5.2

heres something off topic and cool:
OS X and new G4 with 23 inch LCD screen!

So far I have destroyed
about 5,000 bounty

Hey Lit Nerd Look Six Post down form the top and you should see were I mentioned about the Nova Port.


Galactic Scourge and Pale - two excellent plugs.

No soup for you!!!


Originally posted by Mac_3:16:
**Are there any good plugins floating around out there that are worth downloading?

Ive had escape velocity for about four or five years now and ive played just about every old plugin out there that is worth playing. Plus ive been making my own plugins for a while now. I was just wanting to know if there are any new plugins out there that are worth checking out.



Yes have you seen the Star Wars Plug in, I put a link to it but I don't quite remember where it is. Sorry

Take it easy! It's just a stupid signature!