Escape Velocity Main Missions

I've heard this question come up a lot but I need to ask it again. How is it that one actually starts the main story in EV (if it helps I want to be with the Confrederates)? Also where is it that you pick up the main story line from?


If memory serves, the Confed string starts on Earth and the Rebel string starts on Palshife. Kill things of the opposite allignment to get on one or the other's good side.

Welcome to the boards!

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Originally posted by whitedevil:
**I've heard this question come up a lot but I need to ask it again.

(url="http://";=6")No, you don't.(/url)

Welcome anyway! 🙂

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I'll leave this topic open just in case he has any more questions...

Live free or die

I don't think they start on Earth and Palshife, 'cause I remember racking up pirate kills in the northern east of the map (Can't remember system names) so I could improve my danger-level-thingy and my rebel social status, although I may be wrong...

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

I'm not sure about Earth, but I know that I started the Rebel missions on Palshife.

(url="http://"")D(/url)o not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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Originally posted by -esw-dragoon_77:
**If memory serves, the Confed string starts on Earth and the Rebel string starts on Palshife. (snip)


No, I think you can get Rebel and Confed missions anywhere in their own space.

The great space parrot is a biped


Originally posted by Trugati:
**No, I think you can get Rebel and Confed missions anywhere in their own space.


I think your right you might not be though I have only started the rebel missions on Palshife, if you can you should check the resources to see.

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Originally posted by whitedevil:
**I've heard this question come up a lot but I need to ask it again. How is it that one actually starts the main story in EV (if it helps I want to be with the Confrederates)? Also where is it that you pick up the main story line from?


You can get Confed strings in Confed planets and you can get Rebel strings in their planets! I usually get my strings in Turin V... That's my fav planet and they like me the most anyways.

I love Confed butt kicking

Any system of their own gov't, and you need a decent combat rating. It will be a mission to deliver some docs to another system. Later you will get better missions.

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me!
-Ultimate Rebel