Registered game wont let me load or play further

Hi, I downloaded the full version a few days ago, and after playing for 10 minutes ordered a registration number. Got that while I was at the office, so installed it at my office machine and played for the rest of the day (slow day at the office).
Now I am up to level 13 or so, squire etc. and on my way to High Garendall.
Took the game home for the weekend, mailed mysef the saved game.
Installed it at my home machine, enterd my registration code. Start up the game and it says registered to P. Berghout as it should.

but it wont load my game with 'load', I can work around that by doubleclicking the saved game.
But it also wont let me continue beyond a certain point on the map.

Tried throwing the game away, the preference file and reinstalling from the diskimage. No luck.

Dont want to go to the office this weekend to continue playing...

Any help? Anyone?


solved it myself, dont know how exactly, reinstalling, saving, loading, fiddling around



Originally posted by Daan:
**solved it myself, dont know how exactly, reinstalling, saving, loading, fiddling around


Well, ok. I was going to suggest you e-mail your prefs file from your office to your home.