EV Webstory


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**OOC: did anyone say what the engines were made for?)

Yes I did, in case you need to know they are able to stop, turn, and jump in through another spot (user intended)

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

Unreal starts assembleing a fleet that could (but wont) take over every planet in the Sol System. He sends out some Escourt Freighters to enlarge the Fuel dumps

"I cam(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url), i conqu(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)r(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)d, i at(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url) pi(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)" - m(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)
Join the empir(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url). All hail th(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url) gr(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)at (url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")E(/url)Vula! Join us. (url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)

Rak’s footsteps echoed loudly in the bare steel corridor. Bright florescent lights flooded the small passage with light, rendering the florescent wall panels inert. Rak observed several groups of scientists pass him, uttering regards as they moved on by. The hallway seemed to descend into the pits of hell, as it kept going and going. Finally, after nearly forty minutes of tireless walking, the ending emerged. Two thick steel elevator style doors greeted him, tinted square windows placed in the top center of each. Two heavy turrets silently tracked him, seeming eager to pound him into oblivion and annihilate his remains. As Rak approached the exit, the doors began to groan. As the dual blast doors opened, Alan observed that they were nearly ten feet in depth. The revelation surprised him, despite the fact that he had already reviewed their specifications in depth.

Inside he found a small waiting lounge, replete with auto-tracking turrets and security monitors. Taking a seat, the Chairman jumped at the long bang emitted by the blast doors slamming shut. Quickly retaking his seat with a hint of embarrassment, Alan caught his breath. At that moment, the double doors in the front of the lounge swung open, and the familiar sight of Charles Scalding greeted Rak.

“Charles! I was beginning to think that I would never see another human being again in this place. This facility is armed and armored like a military fortress, what could possibly be so important?”

“I let the doctor explain. Please, come with me Alan. It seems that Atinoda is more technologically advanced than we thought.”

Scalding led the CEO of Atinoda Corporation through a maze of offices and hallways, until finally entering a cavernous chamber containing several large machines.

He introduced Rak to Doctor Larry Byrnes, one of the finest physicists alive.

“So, Dr. Byrnes, what is your specialty?” Alan inquired.

“Applied thermodynamics and applied nuclear physics.” Byrnes replied.

“Indeed. I see you have constructed some interesting things here. Mind explaining them to me?”

“Of course, Chairman Rak.” Byrnes bowed his head respectfully. “Exhibit A,” he pointed to a rather large power core with a complicated series of machinery hooked up it. “This is your standard anti-matter / matter combustion chamber. With a few of my special enhancements, of course. Utilizing my groundbreaking new theories on subatomic interactions and dynamics, I have been able to increase the gross output by nearly fifty percent, and the energy output by nearly thirty percent. Guaranteed to give a huge boost in the speed and acceleration of your vessels.” He winked, and then moved on to the next model. “Exhibit B. Your standard fusion reactor. This one is highly concentrated, and can produce twenty percent more power.” He excitedly moved on. “And now to the final exhibits: c and d. These two are my crowning achievements. Both have the ability to drastically alter life as we know it. The first is a combination cold fusion reactor / matter – anti-matter reactor. The four-chambered system is capable of producing nearly double the energy required to puncture the space-time continuum. This energy is then funneled”, he pointed out a thin pipe leading to another machine,” to this device. Now this is the real meat of the project. While reactors capable of producing Plank scale energy have existed for generations, there has never been a power concentrator capable of handling it. This baby can pump out fifty percent more energy than required to tear space-time in a directed energy beam. This energy beam can project a wormhole, which the ship can then travel through. The energy beam could, conceivably, be able to project an inverse wormhole, which could prevent shots from hitting the platform, yet still allowing it to fire unhindered. A comprehensive grid of beams could act as an impenetrable shield.”

“Most impressive, Mr. Byrnes. When can these units be ready for installation?”

“We can accelerate the prototype tested with a significant infusion of capital, and begin production in a matter of days.”

“Very good, Vice President Byrnes. I hope to see continued development in the future.”

Rak strode commandingly out of the bay.

---- ---- ----

Meanwhile, implementation of the advance defense program was going along well at Atinoda Station.

---- ---- ----

Atinoda Fleet:
40 Kestrels C
5 Kestrels
15 Lightnings
10 Rapiers
10 Bulk Freighters

10 Kestrels 😄 30M
15 Integrated Torpedo Banks; 15 Torpedoes per Bank: 15M
20 Integrated Proton Batteries: 5M
Reinforced, phased shielding upgrade (5000 points): 10M
Plank Scale Directed Energy Beam: 30M

Liquid Capital:
0M Credits

70M credits (sales of Kestrels, rapid sales of the Kestrel C, due to my extended absence, I felt that double the normal amount would be acceptable)
20M credits (mining for ore)

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net

OOC: I justify the power of the battlestation due to the long amount of time I spent on it and the amount of credits I pumped into the thing. All the technology and techniques employed in it are completely realistic.


Research on Venom Weaponry was quickened due to a possible invasion that could occur soon. A new technology was also began; the Tachyon Field. The field encased the ship in a powerful tachyon energy field, right up next to the hull. The field not only improved shield power, but it also improved engines and increased the firepower of weaponry, as well as making the ships hard to target. It all revolved around the basis of how tachyons acted; they were extremely unstable, but when stabilized, they could be utilized in many different ways.

Research would be costly, but as many funds as possible were being pumped into the project, and it would hopefully be completed soon. Venom weaponry would also be completed soon, so funds would soon be diverted from that project as well.


(Message to Unreal Centipede)
(Do you really think I am that stupid, that naive as to let you slip into my system unnoticed? If you want to send me something, you can let one of my frieghters into the system right outside mine, and then I'll send it back. Oh yes, and please move your defenses, because I know you have them. Every bit of cargo will be personnally inspected by my troops. Is this clear?)
(End Message)


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
3 Independence-class Carriers
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
15 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
6 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
2 Firebirds
8 Sovereign Light Cruisers
15 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
140 Shrikes
225 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

New Vessels: -20M
Mining Operation: +40M
Tachyon Field Research: -10M
Venom Weaponry Research: -10M
Current Credits: 10M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(Message to Xenocide)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(Encryption: One time cipher pad; key 2 times as long as message)
Maybe when the price goes down a bit 😉
New Bavaria
With the Addah Emiter complete Red takes it through it's paces in from of the council.

The ship used for the experiment fires the mighty cannon at a group of asteroids small and large, thick and thin. Though the council was displease at it's supposed inaccuracy the asteroids are quickly pulled toward the area where the emiter was fired. Within moments they are crushed by the massive force being applied to them. Next the weapon was used against the now direlect station(slightly rebuilt).
The emiter is fired and the shields of the station collapse within 3 seconds followed by the explosion of the station 0.6 seconds later. Next, the entire defence fleet of New Bavaria begins to fire salvos of nukes and missiles at the test ship but all are pulled into the addah.
Council Meeting
"Certainly impressive. How fast can it fire?"- Russ
"Not very, in fact very slow. It takes about two minutes to recharge to fire again."- Red
"What are it's power requirements? It must be very large."- Aaron
"It can only be fired by a ship larger than a Destroyer."- Red
"All i want to know is when they can be installed on my ships!!"- Winfield
A Battleship is built with the Addah Emiter lodged in the nose of the craft. It sets out for NGC-5465 with the plans for the Addah Emiter.

Income: 4.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 64.7Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-5465; 20M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9817; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus A: 0M worth of metel+rock
Surplus B: 0M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-6548; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-5465; 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus A: 255M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus B: 5M worth of Tritanium alloy
Classified Project(Addah Emiter): Complete

Insanity has its advantages

ENCRYPTED to UE admiral

Are we sad because it rains or does it rain because we are sad?

(To Unreal)
(I cannot help you at the time.)
(All ou resources are used up.)

{Two new saints have recently been announced by
{the Pope.}
{These are the first new saints since the Catholic Church
{was overthrown by the Brotherhood of God's Word.}
{People rejoice throughout the streets as the saints,
{St. Jonahad, Patron Saint of Execution,
{and St. Jarel, Saint of the Pact between Jadzia
{and the Holy Confederation.}
{May the Lord shine down on the Confederation,
{as it did on the Shepard so many years ago.}

Luna R &D;
The engineers finish the 'Needles'. They are distributed to all worlds.

(To Aaron)
(The new weapon is complete.)
(We will distribute them to you as soon as possible.)
(And may Den'Zar, the messiah of Satan,
(be smote on this most holiest of days.)

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

Research on Venom Weaponry was at last completed, and immediately all ships were outfitted with the new weaponry which would make them unparalleled in their close-combat power. After its completion, research on another item began, with the Tachyon Field being second in priority.

The new weapon was the Acheron Missile. It would replace all of their current missiles, and would prove to be extremely powerful. It relied to a degree on Tachyon technology, making it invulnerable to point-defense systems, unaffected by gravity wells, and extremely fast and powerful. Basically, it would be faster and stronger, as well as miniaturized, allowing for larger amounts of missile loads.


(Message to Beeblebrox)
(Your attempts to remove me will never be successful. You will never defeat me. You have started this, and it is on your death that this will end. Messiah of Satan am I? If this is so, then Satan will soon have his day. Good day, Beeblebrox.)
(End Message)


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
8 Kestrels
5 Argosy's
10 Corvettes
10 Rapiers

1st Fleet - New Antigua
3 Independence-class Carriers
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
15 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
6 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
2 Firebirds
8 Sovereign Light Cruisers
20 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
160 Shrikes
250 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

New Vessels: -50M
Mining Operation: +70M (mining resumed at mining station)
Tachyon Field Research: -5M
Acheron Missile Research: -15M
Current Credits: 10M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(To Captain Carnotaur (can't be traced back to me))
(Encryption: Sub-atomic hyperspace particles (impossible to intercept))
I have broken all bonds with the Confederates, and now Beeblebrox has declared himself God. Unfortunately while I cannot abide this at this moment I can do nothing to prevent it so I will remain passive. Please do not reply by anything that can possibly be traced)

(Discussion behind closed debugged doors)
A fresh recruit reports, "Sir, our first ships have arrived in NGC-9758, 12 Ligthnings, 1 Kestrel, and 6 Rapiers."
"Good job son, I would like you to inform them to deploy all space bombs that these ships contain in a orbit to reduce incoming threats. Dismissed"
"Yes, sir." The young man walks out.
(Open to the public)

To Xenocide:
(Encrypted: Flutist's folly)
I will accept no price this proposterous, I will pay no more then 1 Million credits.
I also will pay off my debt for the use of your freighters.
(End Encryption)

Academy applicants line up by the million:
300,000 acceptable found, being shipped to Academy base. Will pay in increments on arrival. Admissions price increased to 1,000 from any accessible territory. Scholorships: 3.

Income: 2.3 Million
Academy: 300,000
Debt to Xenocide paid: 500,000
Bank: 1.5 Million

"Paranoia is Life"

Upon hearing of the newsflash from the Confederation, the civillians on New Antigua were shocked and dismayed. How could the Confederation become so vile, so corrupt, so misguided? They prayed that Beeblebrox would soon be killed, thus releasing even religion from his evil grasp.

Meanwhile, more and more ships were constructed, and research continued urgently. Time was short indeed. The standard defense fleet of New Antigua was also scrapped and modernized.


(Message to Paranoid)
(Don't worry about tracking; I've been developing some Tachyon technology which renders my messages not only untracable, but also undetectable. As for encryption, my government is a master of it. I will do what I can to support you, but unforunately, there is little that I can do either. Maybe, perhaps when Beeblebrox is dead, we can help each other more.)
(End Message)


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel C
1 Dragon
8 Kestrel Cs
12 Destroyer Mk.IIs
20 Stingray Fighters

1st Fleet - New Antigua
3 Independence-class Carriers
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
20 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
10 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
2 Firebirds
10 Sovereign Light Cruisers
25 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
160 Shrikes
250 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

New Vessels: -40M
Defenses of New Antigua: -10M
Mining Operation: +70M (mining resumed at mining station)
Tachyon Field Research: -5M
Acheron Missile Research: -15M
Current Credits: 10M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(To Denzar)
(Highest encryption possable)
(I am not sided wth anyone. I just want to get some cr foe the damages you brought upon my empire. 3M in ship damages, 4M in proporty damages. if you dont accept then ill hit you as hard as i can with my new hyperdrive.)

Unreal keeps massing the force but has the advanced hyperdrive (AH)

"I cam(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url), i conqu(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)r(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)d, i at(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url) pi(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)" - m(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)
Join the empir(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url). All hail th(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url) gr(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)at (url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")E(/url)Vula! Join us. (url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)
"I find that humans can b(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url) divid(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)d into only two m(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)aningful cat(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)gories: D(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)c(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)nt Humans and Sonsofbitch(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)s; both typ(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)s appear to b(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url) (url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)v(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)nly distributed among all shap(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)s, colors, siz(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)s, and nationalities."-- M(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")e(/url)

I am now offering 3 million, final offer to anyone who wants to buy my wepon.
Encrypted: pulled strings
to paraniod:
( I need your help for starting my new enterprise on a certian planet. I need stuff sent to (Highly encrypted (subharmonic relay){THX-1138} I know that the planet has many problems but I have sveveral plans to reverse this. It is fertile and good and I will alow you to have people here or the acadmy.
En route to -------------
2 Bulk freighters
10 light freighters
5 Argosys
2 Luxury Liners
30 lightnings (escorts)
5 Rapiers
Arrival time- 5 posts
5 Bulk freighters
Flagship- pater
I am begining to market my wepon. (Profit 50,000)
Medical costs:70,000
Total Income: 550,000
Bank: 3.02 million
2 bulk frighters
Bank:1.02 Million
Gov: Guild of independent traders

Are we sad because it rains or does it rain because we are sad?

(Message to Unreal Centipede)
(I will gather the necissary funds for the payment, though this is only because I do not wish for war, only peace. Do not overestimate your power. In the meantime, shall we have a truce?)
(End Message)


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel C
1 Dragon
8 Kestrel Cs
12 Destroyer Mk.IIs
20 Stingray Fighters

1st Fleet - New Antigua
3 Independence-class Carriers
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
20 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
10 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
2 Firebirds
20 Sovereign Light Cruisers
25 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
160 Shrikes
250 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

New Vessels: -40M
Defenses of New Antigua: -10M
Mining Operation: +70M (mining resumed at mining station)
Tachyon Field Research: -5M
Acheron Missile Research: -15M
Current Credits: 10M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(To Aaron)
(Encryption:Really High (yes, i'm lazy))
(I must speak to you on a more secure channel.)
(The Lord shines down to you on this day.)

{Television message to all peoples on all
{civilised worlds.}
{The faiths that you believed in till now are gone.}
(All that is left is the true path.}
{For Beeblebrox is the messiah of a new age.}
(An age of peace.}
{An age of prosperity.}
{An age of power.}
{An age of The Brotherhood of God's Word.}
{But Satan comes to you in a new form.}
{He lurks in all of us.}
{His name is Den'Zar, and he will corrupt us all.}
{The only way to peace is power.}
{Power that only the Confederation can offer.}
{To become one of the Lord's own children,
{you must only follow his word, and his commands.}
1. Unity
You must be one with your brothers. If you are not, you will fail.
If you disagree with your brothers, then you are not worthy of God.

2. Trust
You must trust your brothers, and only your brothers.
Satan lurks in many places, but not in your brothers.
If you do not trust in your brothers, then you do not
trust in God.

3. Pride
You must be proud of yourself and your brothers.
If you are not, then you are nothing more than a beggar.
{So throw down the curtain that was clouding your sight,}
{and join the Brotherhood of God's Word.}

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

(Message to Beeblebrox)
(From Pres. Aaron)
(what he said ;))
Feel free to use the secure channel any time.

New Bavaria
With the first generation of Jadzian Fighters built the stats come in...

Jadzian Fighter
Speed: 550
Accel: 500
Turn: 5
Shields: 70
Regen: 10
Armor: 20
Guns: 8
Turrets: 0
Space: 30
Cargo: 5
Fuel: 500
Standard Weapons:
6 Disrupter Cannons
2 Disrupter Beams(downsized, down powered, not turreted)
An order for 50 of the new fighters is placed and awaited.

Income: 4.5Mcr/post
Outside Income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Treasury: 64.7Mcr
Mining in Zebetrious; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in Topaz; 35M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-5465; 20M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9817; 35M worth of metel+rock
Surplus A: 0M worth of metel+rock
Surplus B: 5M worth of metel+rock
Mining in NGC-9846; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-6548; 35M worth of Tritanium alloy
Mining in NGC-5465; 15M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus A: 210M worth of Tritanium alloy
Surplus B: 20M worth of Tritanium alloy
Notes: 50 Jadzian Fighters built by next post.

Insanity has its advantages

(Message to the Galaxy)
(No Encryption)
(My friends, I call to you in dark times. Today, Beeblebrox has proclaimed himself, essentially, God, and has begun creating his own religion. He has sacrificed hundreds of ships in his pointless attacks against me, and for what? Yes, I attacked the Cydonians and Jadzians, trying to help my allies. And now, even my allies are against me. How can this be? How would you like to be blockaded within your system for months, cut off from the outside world. This is how I feel, and what is even worse, I have done nothing except for a military attack in a war, and now I am branded as Satan himself.

Aside from the obvious evils being done against me, we now have a problem even greater than that; Beeblebrox, the new "Messiah" of a new age of "Peace" and prosperity. Peace, I ask you? How can there possibly be peace when he insists of attacking me for no reason? How can you have prosperity when he wastes millions of credits in damages as he attempts to eradicate me.

He claims to be the messiah; I say he is a false prophet. He has been diluded by his own claims and power, corrupted and vilified into something not even resembling logic. There is no Messiah, only a fool on a mission of destruction and death.

I implore you all not to accept this new religion and see it for what it really is; an attempt to take control of all corners of the galaxy, by using every means possible. He is using even religion to extend his control.

If you truely love the one and only true God, then take up arms against the Confederation, or at least do not embrace his new religion. I have nothing to hide; I am not God, nor am I a messiah. I am simply a person who does not want to see billions decieved by a man who believes himself a messiah or God. If he really is one, I challenge him to strike me down this instant! Prove to me his divinity! He cannot, and I will tell you why; he is no more that a poor, selfish fool, and he is straight on his way to hell.

I thank you for your time. Once again, I implore you; do not accept this new religion, lest you be swept away and vilified by it.

-Den'Zar Carnotaur)
(End Message)


(Message to Unreal Centipede)
(Untracable -- Undetectable)
(I have managed to gather the necissary funs; 8M credits total for property damages and the like. Its a little more than you wanted, which should make you happy. Now, I suggest a perminant peace treaty. What do you say?)
(End Message)


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel C
1 Dragon
8 Kestrel Cs
12 Destroyer Mk.IIs
20 Stingray Fighters

1st Fleet - New Antigua
3 Independence-class Carriers
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
20 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
10 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
3 Firebirds
25 Sovereign Light Cruisers
25 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
160 Shrikes
250 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers

New Vessels: -40M
Defenses of New Antigua: -10M
Mining Operation: +70M (mining resumed at mining station)
Tachyon Field Research: -5M
Acheron Missile Research: -15M
Payment to Cydonians: -8M
Current Credits: 2M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

To: Captain Carnotaur
From: DeadBeat
Subject: Alliance

My ships are ready to assist you in any battle that takes place, free of charge. Just tell me where I need to be...


Flag Ship: Jolly Roger
Income: 500 thousand a round
Bank: 35.5 million
Fleet: 2 Kestrels
2 Corvettes
2 Argoseys
7 Lightnings
2 Cruisers
6 Frigates
Note: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, my internet has been the ****s.

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/deadbeat/") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

Jon West sits at his desk on his flagship, the Wildcat. He calls up to his secretary.

"Jen, has the demonstration team come back with that holovid yet?"

"No sir, they just called though and they will be here shortly."

"Thank you, let me know when they arrive."

Jon then looked over the message he would transmit to the leaders of every government in the galaxy once the Demo footage had arrived. Just a few minutes later, Jon's secretary walked in with a small memory chip containing the demo footage. Jon thanked her and then sent her out of the office. He placed the chip in a receptacle on his desk then began transmitting

Transmission Header
Transmission Recipients... Leaders of all Governments in the Galaxy
Transmission Origin... Jon West, CEO Jericon Corporation.
Location of Origin... Carrier Trace Anamoly
Begin Transmission

The transmission begins with Jon sitting at his desk.

"Hello, leaders of the galaxy. As you may have heard the Jericon Corporation is returning from a period of silence. Before I actually tell you anything, let me show you a short demo of what we have in store for you."

The transmission fades from Jon to a JeriCorp Stinger and a Modified Kestrel on opposite ends of a small arena type area. Text appears on the screen, "New Weapon Technology Demonstration." The text dissapears and new text appears on the bottom corners of the screen showing the shield and armor status of the Stinger and the Kestrel. Then the Stinger and Kestrel begin to scream towards each other. The Stinger, before it moves very far at all, launches a barrage of torpedos. The Torpedos travel much faster toward the Kestrel than conventional torpedos, much closer to the speed of normal missiles, with the same classic maneuverability that is found in normal missiles. The first of the torpedos hits and the shields on the Kestrel drop dramatically. Then the second and third torpedos hit, continuing to drain the Kestrel's shields. It is quite obvious that these torpedos are very superior to anything on the market, but the Stinger stops firing them. Instead, the Stinger and Kestrel begin to close on each other even faster, and once the Stinger is just a bit outside of Proton range, bright purple weapons fire on the Kestrel with deadly accuracy. The Stinger makes one strafing run on the Kestrel and the Kestrel is already down to just armor, the Stinger turns around and makes one more run, while firing another torpedo and the Kestrel's hull begins to buckle and explode. After the Kestrel has blown up entirely, the video ends with a dramatic shot of the Stinger doing a flyby of the camera, with the video freezing and fading out on the JeriCorp logo on the belly of the Assault Boat.

Jon appears back on the screen, "What you have just witnessed was a recent test of our new Quantam Torpedos and Polaron Cannons & Turrets. Pretty powerful, aren't they?" Jon Chuckles to himself, "As you no doubt know, the Jericon Corporation sells much of their technology to the highest bidder, which could be you. And remember, the highest bidder doesn't necessarily have to be the biggest government. If you are interested in seeing an up close and personal demo of the techology seen here today, please meet me in the Zebetrious system within 2 weeks. I will be arriving there later today. If you are late, count yourself out of the bidding. Bring only your ship, one, and I mean ONE, escort, and one frigate/destroyer type ship that would not be an issue if it was destroyed. Don't you want to see how this stuff works on a ship that isn't owned by us? And come with your peace hats on. If there is any attacking of each other, it will be dealt with accordingly..." Another display comes up on the screen, showing the Zebetrious system on it, "As you can see, one of the JeriCorp Defense Fleets, 3 Police Fleets, and the BoneBreaker fleet are all in the system. My fleet will be joining them later. If you are interested in attending, let me know. I hope I will see you all there soon. This is Jon West, CEO of the Jericon Corporation. Out."

End Transmission...

Jon ended the transmission then looked at the computer on his desk, hoping that he would see quite a few responses soon.

Posted Image

^-- JeriCorp Logo

Meanwhile, JeriCorp R&D; Begin to design a new type of armor Upgrade, an ablative armor. This armor is a coating that goes over the hull of a ship. When a ship's armor is hit, this ablative armor liquifies slightly absorbing the energy from the blast. After a short period of time, the armor cools back down into a solid, remaining just as strong as before. The only way to work through the Ablative armor is to repeatedly hit it in the same location to melt it away. This also proves to be tricky as heat spreads, and when one area heats up it heats up the surrounding area and even if one section gets thin the liquid features of the surrounding area will cause it to fill in. This research is estimated to take 4 weeks and 100 M Cr.

JeriCorp Income: 10 M Cr
JeriCorp Expenses: 100 M Cr (research)
JeriCorp Treasury: 60 M Cr

Personal Income: 1.5 M Cr
Personal Treasury: 51.5 M Cr


"Being a Mac user is like being a Navy Seal: a small, elite group of people with access to the most sophisticated technology in the world, who everyone calls on to get the really tough jobs done quickly and efficiently."

(This message has been edited by Jericon (edited 11-19-2002).)

Acheron Missile technology was finally completed, and immediately the old missiles were moved and the new ones installed on all ships. The Shrikes would benefit especially well from this, seeing as how their payload of missiles were already devastating enough. Now, they were an even greater threat.

A small upgrade was also made on the Independence-class Carriers, upping their max fighter compliment to 230 each. Along with that, all Firebirds were upgraded into a new ship; the Freedom Missile Cruiser. Most of the modifications were small, mainly improving upon the use of space.


(Message to Deadbeat)
(Untracable -- Undetectable)
(Subject: Alliance)
(Stay at New Antigua and guard the system. In order to help out your ships, I'm giving you Venom Weaponry technology, but be careful not to give it to anyone else. The Jadzians and Confederates will most likely attack soon, and we must be ready for them.)
(End Message)


Fleet Stats

New Antigua Defense Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel C
1 Dragon
8 Kestrel Cs
12 Destroyer Mk.IIs
20 Stingray Fighters

1st Fleet - New Antigua
3 Independence-class Carriers
1 Modified Dragon (flagship, the Nemesis II)
20 Dragons
2 Kestrel Cs
10 Hornet Heavy Cruisers
5 Freedom Missile Cruisers
25 Sovereign Light Cruisers
25 Destroyer Mk.IIs
35 Tigersharks
160 Shrikes
250 Devil Ray Fighter-Bombers (carried in Independence Carriers)
200 Stingray Fighters (carried in Independence Carriers)

New Vessels: -50M
Defenses of New Antigua: -10M
Mining Operation: +70M (mining resumed at mining station)
Tachyon Field Research: -5M
Payment to Deadbeat: -2M
Current Credits: 5M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

To Paranoid: Encrypted
(I have personaly inspectd george's world and the earthquakes may be a problem but it stll follow's basic laws of science and I hopfully will be able to reduce this. The thing is I need your help on bulding two things, 1) a mining platform in NGC-2468. And 2) a station above George's world. If you can I need help on both ships or minerals would be exepted.)

En route toTHX-1138
2 Bulk freighters
5 Light freighters
5 Argosys
2 Luxury Liners
30 lightnings (escorts)
Arrival time- 4 posts
5 Bulk freighters
Ships En route to NGC-2468
5 Rapiers
5 Light freighters
Arrival time 2 posts
Medical costs:70,000
Special Income:
Total Income: 600,000
Bank: 1.62 Million
Gov: Guild of independent traders

Are we sad because it rains or does it rain because we are sad?