EV Webstory

New Bavaria
"Sir, the Warbirds are on their way back."- unimportant
"Good, send a message to Den'zar:"- Aaron
(Message to Den'zar)
(From Pres. Aaron)
A job well done. I was planning on taking New Antigua but it is too far from my space to be of any use to me. Your pay has been sent. I have just one more job for you: get some R&R;, you deserve it.
<council meeting>
"All ships on borders have been doubled, but Jadzia has had very little updating. We still have out origanal defence fleet. Orders?"- Winfield
"Sell the old ships and replace them with new ones."- Aaron
"Aye sir"- Winfield
"A Heavy Destroyer class ship is not enough to keep us above groud. We need a Battleship. Red, work on a design and prototype. Here is the criteria(hands Red some documents). Now get on it!"- Winfield
"Will do"- Red

income: 1.5M cr./post
outside income:
Trade with Rebels;400Gcr./post
Mining in Zebetrious; 99.15M/post
Treasury: 19.95Mcr
Assult Fleet:
18 Warbirds
30 Destroyers
M. Fleet Stats:
1 Clipper
7 Warbirds (defence)
22 Destroyers (defence)
158 Bulk Freighters
12 Scoutships
Notes: Built 60 Destroyers, 15 Warbirds(Jadzia defence fleet)
Planetary Shield Grid: 3 posts
Beam Weapon: 1 posts
Stardock Theta will arrive in Pelegon in 3 posts.
2 bulk freighters up for sale, must have Confederate naval approval.

Insanity has its advantages


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**i read the story. and i for one have no interest in having a map. But to humor you slightly: i control Nexus, Pelegon, Zebetrious and Jadzia. Stardust controls the rebels, and Beeblebrox controls the confeds. i took both pirate stations and have turned them into stardocks beta and theta. The confeds have launched an attack on evildrom and havnt said a word about it for a while. happy?


Your tactless sarcasm aside, I do have an interest in having a map. It aids greatly to understanding a webstory, especially for someone like me who has joined late. In any case, thank you for the information.

And expect me to rant like that if people never answer.


Den'Zar's fleet entered the Yemuro system and recieved a message that reported that the Confeds had broken off the attack on Palshife. He moved into orbit of New Istanbul, and purchased another Kestrel and two Corvettes to add to his fleet, decreasing his availible credits a bit.

Meanwhile, he sent an encrypted message to the Rebels....


(Message to Rebellion)
(Subject: Possible Aid)
(Greetings. I am Den'Zar Carnotaur, a mercenary, and I greatly sympethize with your cause. I have no jobs at the moment, and I would be willing to aid you. My fleet is powerful and I myself am an experienced tactician. If you wish, I could launch an attack on Matar and claim it for the Rebellion.)
(End Message)


Meanwhile, Den'Zars forces on New Antigua enlarged the shipyard there and many other parts of the base, which included installing land-based torpedo and missile launchers, as well as giant proton turrets, and a moderately-powerful shield grid.


Former Credits: 30M
Cost of Kestrel: 12M
Cost of Corvettes: 4M
Cost of Upgrade in New Antigua: 4M
Current Credits: 10M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
(Message to Rebellion)
(Subject: Possible Aid)
(Greetings. I am Den'Zar Carnotaur, a mercenary, and I greatly sympethize with your cause. I have no jobs at the moment, and I would be willing to aid you. My fleet is powerful and I myself am an experienced tactician. If you wish, I could launch an attack on Matar and claim it for the Rebellion.)
(End Message)

(Reply to Den'Zar)
(Subject: Re: Possable Aid)
(Sure you can take it for me, ill send you a Firebird to help)

He then dispatches a Firebird to matar.

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------MOD OF THE (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002544.html")EV WEBSTORY and the (/url) (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002552.html")OOC Discussion(/url)-----

Centipede lands on palshife to get some R&R.; As he walks t the bar he is stopped by 2 bruly men.
"what do you want?"
"your Credits"
'ill give them to you if you can beat me in a battle"
"ok howmuch you got?"

The men leave Centipede alone after that. After stopping in and out of the bar he returns to his ship. His crew greets him, they lift off to meet the pepole who want his CR. (how should this battle commence?)

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

New Bavaria
"Do we have any ships that have no orders?"- Aaron
"yes, 28 Warbirds and 12 destroyers."- Winfield
"I want 8 of the Warbirds added to Jadzia defence."- Aaron
"Aye sir"- Winfield
"How's the new ship coming?"- Aaron
"Quite well. You can expect a final product in 6 weeks."- Red
"Good, how goes everything else?"- Aaron
"The Beam Weapon is complete. I will have a name for it soon(no i havn't thought of one yet!). The planetary shield grid will be in place in 2 weeks."- Red
"Is there a way to make a robotec suit for our soldiers? One with better weaponry than they can carry themselfs."- Aaron
"No doubt. Not a hard task. Ill have one ready in a week."- Red
(Message to Stardust)
(From Aaron)
I want the systems Sirgil, Virgo, Topaz, and Nemesis. What do you want for them? I dont like the idea of taking them by force. This is not a threat, simply a request.
(Message to Confeds)
(From Pres. Aaron)
I want the system of Capella. What do you want for it? I dont like the idea of taking it by force. This is not a threat, simply a request.

income: 1.5M cr./post
outside income:
Trade with Rebels;400Gcr./post
Mining in Zebetrious; 99.15M/post
Treasury: 19.95Mcr
Assult Fleet:
18 Warbirds
30 Destroyers
M. Fleet Stats:
1 Clipper
14 Warbirds (defence)
44 Destroyers (defence)
158 Bulk Freighters
12 Scoutships
Notes: Asked for several systems to expand my little Union(at least they wouldn't be a warzone anymore, thus making the people very happy). I had forgotten to change the shipcount for Zebetrious oops. Check OOC topic for full Jadzian Union shipcount/stats.
Planetary Shield Grid: 2 posts
Beam Weapon: Complete. Will be fitted to all Warships in 2 posts.
Stardock Theta will arrive in Pelegon in 2 posts.
2 bulk freighters up for sale, must have Confederate naval approval.

Insanity has its advantages

After spending a few days in a bar mourning the loss of his thrown DeadBeat sobers up.

DeadBeat then decides to take revenge on the Pirate Council. After getting word that they are traveling from Evildrome to an Independent station he set's off to intercept them and their escorts.

Ship: Jolly Roger
Income: 500 thousand a round
Bank: 50 million
Fleet: None

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/deadbeat/") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

New Antigua

The mercenary colony had started attacking nearby Pirate ships. The disabled hulks were sold off and the cargo also traded with neighboring planets. The mercenaries also got a hold of some frieghters and began trading with such places as Kathoon, Levo, and Yemuro, which brought in more credits.

The base was furthur expanded, and already an Argosy had been built by the new shipyard.



The Mercenary Fleet, aided by the Rebel Firebird, entered the Matar system. The Firebird's IFF transponder had been re-programmed to transmit a Mercenary IFF signal, and so the Confeds ignored them.

By the time they realized their mistake, it was too late.

The three Confederate Frigates in the system were suddenly ambushed by the entire Mercenary fleet. Missiles, torpedoes, proton bolts, laser blasts, heavy rockets, and javelin rockets all came pounding down into them. One Frigate's shields went down and its hull was soon turned into molten slag.

The other two frigates got away, heavily damaged, and attempted to recharge their shields. Meanwhile, a fourth frigate had entered the system, but once again was ambushed by the mercenaries. A heavy rocket smashed through its shields and annihilated the bridge of the vessel. Immediately a Corvette moved forward and docked with the frigate.

A Confederate Cruiser was then launched from the planet, as well as several patrol ships and gunboats. They, however, suffered a somewhat easy fate. Den'Zar immediately saw them coming up and dispatched two Corvettes to take them out. Launching several space bombs, the patrol ships and gunboats were annihilated, and the Cruiser took heavy damage, but not before destroying one of the mercenary frigates.

The Confed Frigates had gotten their bravery back and charged the Mercenaries. Den'Zar waited until the last possible limit, and then unleashed a hail of heavy rockets and proton blasts into the frigates. One was destroyed, the other was disabled and badly damaged, and a Kestrel quickly boarded it.

By that time, the first disabled frigate had been captured, and was quickly piloted out of the system and back towards New Antigua, as was the second captured frigate.

The Confeds recieved another frigate, but even with the help of the powerful Confederate Cruiser, they were badly outgunned by the superior Mercenary force...


New Antigua - Research & Design Facility

With the capture of the two Confederate Frigates, the Mercenary base began work on designing their own variant of the frigates. The stats would be as follows:

Mercenary "Tigershark" Frigate
Shields: 300
Armor: 150
Shield Recharge: 85
Speed: 325
Turning: 3
Acceleration: 400
4 Proton Turrets
2 Torpedo Launchers + 15 Torpedoes
4 Missile Launcher + 40 Missiles
1 Heavy Rocket Launcher + 5 Heavy Rockets
6 Javelin Rocket Launchers + 300 Javelin Rockets

Research would take about a week, seeing as how it was only an upgrade and not a totally new design.


Ship Stats

New Antigua
2 Argosy's
2 Corvettes
6 Rapiers
2 Confederate Frigates (captured)

Main Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
5 Kestrels
6 Corvettes

New Antigua Colony Upgrade: -2M
Frigate Research Cost: -2M
Trade with Independent Worlds: +2M
Captured Vessels: +2M
Current Credits: 10M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-17-2002).)

New Bavaria
"Are you done with the suit?"- Aaron
"That i am. Ready to show it off i am."- Red
(later at R&D;)
"This is a Mech. It has durasteel plating, a low level shield grid, a rapidfire disrupter cannon, several advanced sensor functions, and a small missile rack with 3 missiles. Top of the line, no one else has them and wont think to get them untill we show them in combat."- Red
"I'm a little amazed that you could put all this together in just one week. How did you do it?"- Aaron
"Trade secret ;)"- Red
"And they cost how much?"- Aaron
"150 grand. Not bad if it saves a life if you ask me."- Red
"I agree."- Aaron
(returning to the meeting)
"Well Russ, i can guarantee you wont lose many men next time we attack someplace."- Aaron
"Sir, other nations may see our doubling of forces as a threatening act."- Winfield
"That's the point. A deturent(sp). The more we discourage possible enemies from attacking our systems the more influance we have. However we will need more than just one fancy ship. That Warbird is not going to keep us on top for long, we need to advance along with everyone else."- Aaron
"What are the reports from other systems?"- Aaron
"Nothing beyond normal pirate activity. A clipper here, argosy there."- Winfield
"There shouldn't be any activity at all! We took 3 of their bases and the Confeds are working on Evildrome."- Aaron

income: 1.5M cr./post
outside income:
Trade with Rebels;400Gcr./post
Mining in Zebetrious; 99.15M/post
Treasury: 31.00Mcr
Assult Fleet:
18 Warbirds
30 Destroyers
M. Fleet Stats:
1 Clipper
14 Warbirds (defence)
44 Destroyers (defence)
158 Bulk Freighters
12 Scoutships
Notes: Build 600 Mechs for 90M.
Planetary Shield Grid: 1 posts
Beam Weapon: Complete. Will be fitted to all Warships in 1 posts.
Stardock Theta will arrive in Pelegon in 1 posts.
2 bulk freighters up for sale, must have Confederate naval approval. Come on, i need a buyer here!

Insanity has its advantages


"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(This message has been edited by Unreal Centipede (edited 10-17-2002).)

"Send a message to the mercs and ask them to take Regil"
"will do sir"

(to Den'Zar)
(Encrypted like rats ***)
(Subject: re: Possable Aid)
(i see how well you did, so i am giveing you matar if you win and take Regil for me. I am sending 10M to you so you can repair and rearm your ships. you now have complete control of the firebird, but rember it has nukes and so do its mantas...)

"sir, message sent"
"good, transfer the Credits to Den'Zar"
-Rebel income 10M
Bank: 10,000,000 CR
Personal Fleet:
5 Firebirds
3 Cruisers
Important news for rebbelion (sp):

Hamster Dance---http://www.hampsterdance2.com/intro.html
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(This message has been edited by a rats ass!)

(This message has been edited by Captin' Stardust (edited 10-17-2002).)

OOC: Er, Stardust, I haven't captured Matar yet. I'm still waiting for a reply from the Confeds about my attack.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**OOC: Er, Stardust, I haven't captured Matar yet. I'm still waiting for a reply from the Confeds about my attack.


ooc: oh ill edit it

Hamster Dance---http://www.hampsterdance2.com/intro.html
(url="http://"http://www.voy.com/111547/")Join My Board (/url)
(url="http://"http://mindbender.20megsfree.com/") Mind benders website(/url)
------MOD OF THE (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002544.html")EV WEBSTORY and the (/url) (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002552.html")OOC Discussion(/url)-----

New Bavaria
"Send a fleet to Evildrome. I want all pirates eliminated. All Idle ships are to depart ASAP"- Aaron
"Aye sir"- Winfield
The fleet refuels and heads for Apollo and will arrive next week.
(Message to Rebellion)
(From Pres. Aaron)
I want the systems Sirgil, Virgo, Topaz, and Nemesis. What do you want for them? I don't like the idea of taking them by force. This is not a threat, simply a request.
The Jadzian attack fleet jumps in and begins jump to Vulcan.

income: 1.5M cr./post
outside income:
Trade with Rebels;400Gcr./post
Mining in Zebetrious; 279.15M/post
Treasury: 43.05Mcr
Assult Fleet:
18 Warbirds
30 Destroyers
M. Fleet Stats:
1 Clipper
14 Warbirds (defence)
44 Destroyers (defence)
518 Bulk Freighters
12 Scoutships
Notes: Built 600 Mechs for 90M. Bought 360 bulk freighters for 40M.
Planetary Shield Grid: complete, Shield grid in place.
Beam Weapon: Fitted to all Warships
Stardock Theta has arrived in Pelegon and is in orbit of Opal.
2 bulk freighters up for sale, must have Confederate naval approval. sold to passing trader that works for confeds.
Beeblebrox, if you dont recall we are working on a joint project, i put on it what i wanted, it's your turn to put something onto it them mine them yours untill 12 of our posts have passed.

Insanity has its advantages

(To Aaron)
(Capella!, Capella!)
(Hmmm, Capella is worth, 800,000 credits plus an entire fleet
(of warships.)
(I don't think you will be getting it easily.)

Beeblebrox walks into the R&D; labs at Luna and looks at the work on the new Cruiser. He notices with interest the amount of turrets the could be installed on the warship.
He also notices that his own scientists have developed a new guided energy weapon that could be useful.

-Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox

A lone bulk frieghter hypers into the Zebetrious station, the words Astex Mining Inc. etched on the side. BFs are common in this system, ever since the Bavarians started asteroid Mining. But something is wrong. As the ship slows down from hyperspeed, its crew module blows off the cargo containers and continues on towards the Arrakis system at half hyperspeed, 8 light-years away.

On the Zebetrious mining platform, everything was quiet. The roar of the great electromagnetic turbines that powered the station even seemed more muted than usual.

If you could hear sounds in space, you would hear in the abandoned cargo containers the rumble of the sublight engines, the gentle sloshing of 700,000 gallons of slush-fuel deuterium/oxygen mixture in zero-g, and the quiet ticking of a computerized quidance system. If you could see through the three layers of armaplast shielding the hazardous cargo from the cold of space and the heat of the engines, you would also see a impact-triggered explosive device in the fore holds.

Several million kilotons of explosive force hading towards the mining platform from a distance of 5000 kilometers out and gaining.


(Lies are in your head.)
Ia! Ia! (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula(/url) fthagn! | (url="http://"http://users.adelphia.net/~cyberger/Ben/")Mostly-functional link(/url)

Seeing the cargo containers floating toward the station, the commander orders a Destroyer to tow them away. The destroyer locks a tractor beam onto the containers and tows them to 20,000 kilometers. desiding to have some fun, the captain stupidly charges weapons and shoots the cargo containers blowing himself and his crew to high heaven.

(OOC: before you say i dont have tracter beams you may notice that in the game you get a "longer range verion of the standard tractor tug's" )

Insanity has its advantages

(To Astex)
(We have detected something in the Zebetrious systems.)
(What happened?)
(Do you need Confederate assistance.)

-Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
Seeing the cargo containers floating toward the station, the commander orders a Destroyer to tow them away. The destroyer locks a tractor beam onto the containers and tows them to 20,000 kilometers. desiding to have some fun, the captain stupidly charges weapons and shoots the cargo containers blowing himself and his crew to high heaven.

OOC: That is insane. You are using OOC knowledge in that you didn't even know that the frieghter would collide with the base. All you know is that it was just moving towards it; maybe just to dock.

Also, what's this about nukes on MANTA'S? Give me a break. That's insane.


New Antigua

The refit design of the Tigershark had been completed, and immediately the two captured frigates were refitted, and several new ships were started on and would soon be completed. The research base also completed designing a variant to the Corvette, which would be called the Shrike Missile Boat.

The base also continued to be upgraded and expanded, and several hundred colonists also arrived. Trade with neighboring colonies was increasing, which brought in more funds.

Meanwhile, the research centers began looking into the ESG; Expanding Sphere Generator. The ESG releases shockwaves out in a sphere around the ship. It doesn't go very far, but lasts for a very long time, and has a special effect; it is designed to destroy all incoming missiles, torpedoes, or rockets.


OOC: Sorry about this, but, sadly, the Confeds have not responded. This should teach you to read all the posts and actually respond to them.



The Confederate commander stupidly did nothing, waiting for reinforcements that wouldn't arrive. His slothfulness cost him his life, and the system of Rigel.

While the Confederates were procrastinating, Den'Zar was acting. Immediately he launched his attack wings of Lightnings and Mantas, which moved around to the sides and began blasting the Confeds will missile fire. The Firebird fired off several salvoes of nukes, which, though they didn't really destroy any Confederate vessels, did give the Confederates quick a shock. While they were recovering, the Mercenaries pounced on them.

Moments later, if anybody had been watching the battle from the distance, would see over 1,000 tons of debris float away from where the Confederate ships once stood, intermingled with dead Confederate crewmen.

The defenses on Matar surrendered immediately, partially because the Firebird still had some missiles left. Soon, the system was in mercenary hands.

Later, while inspecting the colony, the Mercenaries discovered three damaged Confederate Frigates, and quickly refitted them to the specs of the Tigershark Frigate. They also purchased another Kestrel, and two more Corvettes, and added them all to their fleet.


(Message to Rebellion)
(Matar is ours. I will commence the attack on Rigel shortly. However, first, I would prefer to keep the Firebird, if possible. Also, I suggest you assemble a fleet and capture Polaris. The Confeds there are mostly cut off and can easily be destroyed, though watch out; they may yet have some tricks up their sleaves.)
(End Message)


Shrike Missile Boat
Shields: 100
Armor: 50
Shield Recharge: 70
Speed: 450
Manvr.: 4
Accel.: 600
2 Laser Turrets
4 Missile Launchers + 80 Missiles


Fleet Stats

New Antigua
2 Argosy's
2 Corvettes
6 Rapiers
2 Tigersharks

Main Fleet
1 Modified Kestrel (flagship)
1 Firebird
3 Tigersharks
5 Shrike Missile Boats
6 Kestrels
8 Corvettes

New Antigua Colony Upgrade: -2M
ESG Research Cost: -2M
Trade with Independent Worlds: +4M
Captured Vessels: +2M
Payment From Rebels: +10M
Captured from Matar: +25M
Cost of Kestrel: -12M
Cost of Corvettes: -4M
Cost of Refitting Frigates: -2M
Cost of Researching Shrike: -5M
Cost of Building Shrikes: -10M
Current Credits: 10M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-18-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-18-2002).)

Would anyone mind if I joined this webstory as Chairman & CEO of Atinoda, with my headquarters being a space station built in Altair?

Edit: Carno's given me the OK to join, so I'll just go ahead and make my first post.
General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net

OOC: The messages were encrypted, so Beeblebrox hasn't seen them.

Beeblebrox, really pissed, heads to Rigel with a fleet of 26 Cruisers, 18 Frigates, 22 Gunboats, 6 Patrol ships scouting ahead, and 10 captured Rebel Destroyers being flown by trainee pilots.

They wait for the next battle to come.

(To Aaron)
(Encryption: Ox Carcass)
(You must help us.)
(They have taken over Rigel, and you must help us.)
(We are ready to destroy the fleet in Matar,
(but can you please go to Tigelr and attack the ships there.)
(In return we will provide you with 60,000 credits, a new station in your system,
(and a fleet of upgraded, captured Rebel warships.)
(I hope you understand our position.)

-Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox

(This message has been edited by Beeblebrox (edited 10-18-2002).)