EV Webstory

"sir, Astex freighter approching."- sensor ops
"Hail them."- Station Commander
"No responce."- Tactical
"It may be another suicide freighter sir." Second in Command
"Sir, it's coming fast."- Tactical
"It has Argosy engines sir."- Sensor Ops
"Any signs of slowing down to dock?"- Commander
"No sir, not even a request for docking."- Tactical
"That settels it then. Station shields to full! Give them everything the station has."- Commander
"Aye sir....... Shields at 150%. All systems other than those vital have been taken offline."- Tactical
"Get a Destroyer out there. Orders are to carfully disable and slow it down with a tractor beam. Tow it away if possible."- Commander
The destroyer launches and moves toward the freighter. It fires a heavy rocket disabling the suicide vessel. The Destroyer tows it to a safe distance and breaks away. After the destroyer gets to a safe distance a message is sent to the Confederation.
(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
I demand you keep Astex away from my space. There have been 2 incidents where they have entered my space with intent to destroy my installations. I have a disabled Astex freighter for proof. If they were not in league with you they would have been exterminated after the first attack.
(Message to Den'zar)
(From Pres. Aaron)
Are you currently on a job? I desire your services.
(Message to New Cydonia)
(From Pres. Aaron)
Greetings. I have sent this message with a hope of establishing a peace treaty.
You are no longer involved in a war that i have no right to enter, so i am able to offer this. Should Lethe break free however i will be forced to void the contract.

income: 1.5M cr./post
outside income:
Trade with Rebels;400Gcr./post
Mining in Zebetrious; 279.15M/post
Treasury: 64.7Mcr
Assult Fleet:
43 Warbirds
57 Destroyers
M. Fleet Stats:
1 Clipper
64 Warbirds (defence)
55 Destroyers (defence)
518 Bulk Freighters
12 Scoutships
Notes: Built 30 Warbirds + 35 Destroyers (sent to Matar)

Insanity has its advantages

The defence fleet is out numbered in both ships and firepower. as the Escapes approach the distroyers the distroyers send out all of their wepons on one battle group. the group is distroyed. another group attacks the Distroyers, the distroyers lose their bridge, Engens and crew modual (sp). Sirgil Starport is taken over. Sirgi III surenders before tribute is demanded.

"sir sirgil is gone..."
"Ahh... the rebelion is falling at the hands of New Cydonia!"
"what should we do?"
"bulid a fleet capable of takeing back Sirgil"

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

(To Aaron)
(We have sent 5 Cruisers and a Frigate to every one of your systems.
(They will keep out enemies.)

(To New Cydonia)
(Your unorthodox ways do not conform with our liking.)
(Our trade treaty is officially over.
(We still have a cease fire, but if necessary we will will destroy you.)

In the Vulcan system Beeblebrox found a mercenary by the name of Shadow. He flies a heavily-upgraded Kestrel and agreed to fight against Hikeeba.
In the Gymkata system, hundreds of Defenders are sent out by the planet Hikeeba. But in a showering of laser fire, the are all destroyed. As more and more waves come out from the planet, now including some heavier vessels such as Corvettes. But these are also destroyed, especially by some of the weapons that Shadow uses, weapons that Beeblebrox had never seen before.

When no more ships came, Beeblebrox flies down onto the planet in his Cruiser, and with several bodyguards, marches to the planet's headquarters, killing anyone opposing him. He enters the headquartes and, finding the President, executes him and his bodyguards in a shower of bullets. Sadly, both of Beeblebrox's bodyguards and mortally injured, and Beeblebrox leaves them to die, before walking off to his ship.

Message Buoy: The system of Gymkata is now under the control of the Confederation. Any Rebels or Pirates entering the system will be killed.

-Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox

(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
Take your ships back and form a fleet out of them. The Jadzian Union does not need Confederation assistance yet and i fear there may be a small rebel faction rising that may attack your ships. If I am in need of help i will contact you. With the ships you take back from my systems you should be able to take Tiber without too much trouble.
If those ships are to keep Astex away from me it wont do much good. All i ask is to be authorised to attack incoming Astex vessels.
Where is my payment for the defense of Matar? I need it as soon as possible.
The Rebels hoplessly out numbered surrender giving up Darkstar and their ships to the Jadzian Union.
30 Warbirds and 35 Destroyers jump in and shower the small moon's military installations with fire knocking them out. The 16 Cruisers that make it off the surface launch their fighters and rain missiles on the Jadzian ships. Jadzian Destroyers dodging missile fire rush in and hit the enemy cruisers with Disrupter Beams(i finally came up with something). 7 Cruisers drop and so do most of the mantas.

income: 1.5M cr./post
outside income:
Trade with Rebels;400Gcr./post
Mining in Zebetrious; 279.15M/post
Treasury: 97.75Mcr
Assult Fleet:
Disbanded and added to Nemesis Defence.
M. Fleet Stats:
1 Clipper
64 Warbirds (defence)
55 Destroyers (defence)
518 Bulk Freighters
12 Scoutships
Notes: Built 30 Warbirds + 35 Destroyers (sent to Nemesis)

Insanity has its advantages

Beeblebrox takes all the ships back and constructs them into a fleet before heading to Tiber.

(To Aaron)
(I have done as you suggested.)
(You are authorised to destroy any Astex ship, unless we tell otherwise.)
(Remember, we still have trading agreements with them.)
(60, 000 credits is being sent to you now and we will build a station wherever
(you order it.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

(Message to Confeds)
(From Pres. Aaron)
Build it in Nemesis please.

Insanity has its advantages

(To Aaron)
(It is being built right now.)
(You must allow any Confederate ships dock there.)

25 Bulk Freighters full of building materials and 3 Argosys full of engineers reach the Nemesis system and start building the station directly next to Darkstar.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
That shouldn't be a problem. How many weeks(posts) can i expect to wait for it?

Aaron orders that all Astex ships are to be destroyed at long range.
Luna, Confed R &D;
Understanding that the confed cruiser would be useless without a decent speed the Jadzian engineeers added one of each speed upgrade to the prototype.
New Bavaria
"I want a Destroyer. If my ship were to be attacked what defence would i have in an unarmed fighter? Strip all the weapons off of it and give me a destroyer."- Diplomat
"Very well." Winfield

An unarmed Destroyer heads for Aries.

income: 2M cr./post
outside income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Mining in Zebetrious; 729.15M/post
Treasury: 31.3Mcr
M. Fleet Stats:
1 Clipper
64 Warbirds (defence)
55 Destroyers (defence)
518 Bulk Freighters
12 Scoutships
Notes: Built 30 Warbirds + 35 Destroyers (sent to Topaz doubling the ships there)
Bought 900 Bulk Freighters for Zebetrious. Total income per post is now 731.55

Insanity has its advantages

(This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 10-21-2002).)

New Antigua

Research of the ESG was completed, and immediately they were installed on all Tigersharks and Dragons. The Shrikes could not be equipped, as they were already pressed for space.


(Message to Atinoda)
(Very well. We should have the availible funds shortly.)
(End Message)


ESG Research Cost: -2M
Trade with Independent Worlds: +8M
Current Credits: 14M

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Astex is and has been dead for quite some time, in case you hadn't noticed.

(Lies are in your head.)
Ia! Ia! (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")EVula(/url) fthagn! | (url="http://"http://users.adelphia.net/~cyberger/Ben/")Mostly-functional link(/url)

Dressed in grease-covered overalls, Harry Clark looked more like a menial laborer than a powerful executive. He made it a policy to personally inspect all of the vessels that he sold, and he would be damn sure that every flagship product he sold would be absolutely perfect. The four Kestrels C heavy assault frigates floating in front of him fit that profile. The state-of-the-art production facilities installed inside Atinoda stardock made his job easy; there were virtually no imperfections, and any existing were extraordinarily minor.

The scene, four of the galaxy’s most powerful warships looming ominously over the tiny observation corridor, impressed even him. A dozen more production facilities were installed in the docking rings adjacent to his. This station could build nearly forty-eight Kestrels C in under a week, an incredible amount of firepower. Already orders were piling in; every mercenary this side of Palshife wanted his hands on the new most powerful civilian warship.

Atinoda was ready to hit it big. The newly priced down Kestrel was a steal at four million, easily outselling the Corvette. This was only the beginning though. There were rumors circulating around the corporation that an even more powerful warship was in the works. One that could shift the balance of power in the galaxy dramatically. If Harry was able to sell the new Kestrel C, he knew he’d been the VP of sales in no time. And if the rumors were true Well, then he’d be made.

---- ---- ----

The opening of the bays doors to production facility number five was heralded by a five-gun salute from the station. The four birds of prey slowly exited from the docking bay, their graceful motion caught on camera by the assembled journalists. Almost immediately, the first frigate ripped a hole in the fabric of space and rocketed towards its destination. The second one followed.

The final pair of Kestrels C accelerated towards the assembled press. Making a rapid pass by the journalists, they spun on their z-axis while leaving a trial of fire behind them. The show was spectacular, but as soon as it dissipated they were gone.

---- ---- ----

_Begin Hyperspace Transmission
To: Unreal
From: Executive Vice President Harry Clark, Atinoda Corporation
Encryption: 1024 bit Encryption

Your two Kestrels C are on their way to Opal. They will arrive within hours. When can we expect payment?

End Hyperspace Transmission_

---- ---- ----

_Begin Hyperspace Transmission
To: Den'Zar Carnotaur
From: Executive Vice President Harry Clark, Atinoda Corporation
Encryption: One time cipher pad; key as long as message; double encoded

Mr. Carnotaur,

Very well. They are en route to New Antigua, and should arrive in several hours.

End Hyperspace Transmission_

---- ---- ----

_Begin Hyperspace Transmission
To: All Interested Parties
From: Atinoda Corporation
Encryption: None

The venerable Kestrel escort frigate has been reduced in price from ten million credits to four million credits. This powerful warship can be yours for a paltry amount of credits, due to the introduction of newer vessels. Order today!

End Hyperspace Transmission_

---- ---- ----

Atinoda Fleet:
12 Kestrels C
5 Kestrels
15 Lightnings

10 Kestrel C at base price (60M)

Liquid Capital:
No credits

54M credits (blowout sale of Kestrels, rapid sales of the Kestrel C, Unreal's payment)

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net

{Reply to Kestrel C)
{ i allready sent you the CR. You should have it by now.)

The Kestrels enter the system and land on opal. we imeaditly load the kestrel with the Escape Fighters. "What do you know you can fit 4 in!" - Unreal

"I came, i conquered, i ate pie" - me

After one day DeadBeat counts the arrival of 2 Kestrels, 5 Corvettes, 7 Argoseys and 16 Lightnings.
DeadBeat gathers all the captains into his war room. "In 24 hours a team of terraformers is going to begin work on the planet of P-805 in the system of NGC-0805. This will be our new base of operations," he announces." It will take about a week for them to complete their work, I will inform you once they're done along with orders to preceed immediatly to the planet. Dismissed!"

If I lived in paradise I'd take a vacation to hell to cure my depression.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/deadbeat/") Requiem for the Insane(/url)

(This message has been edited by DeadBeat (edited 10-21-2002).)

(To Aaron)
(it should take approximately four more weeks to complete.)
(I have heard the improvements your engineers have made on the Cruiser
(and I am pleased.)

The structure for the station in Nemesis is nearing completion and engineers are already working on the outside of the station.

Beeblebrox and his fleet reach the Apollo system and get ready for conquest.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

New Bavaria
"So, what shall we do with the new income rate?"- Aaron
"More ships! The more the marrier."- Winfield
"More ships wont do much good without better technology and weapons."- Red
"I've a better idea, we can make all of our ships twice as effective by fitting them with cloaks."- Russ
"Great idea. I'll get on it as soon as i get back to R&D.;"- Red
"How is the Battleship coming?"- Winfield
"It's coming, slowly however."- Red
(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
We do our best 😉
A single unarmed Jadzian Destroyer jumps in and requests to speak with New Cydonia's high command.
Stardocks Beta + Theta
A fleet arms filling all avail space with space bombs and takes off toward Levo.

income: 2M cr./post
outside income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Mining in Zebetrious; 954.15M/post
Treasury: 1.85Mcr
M. Fleet Stats:
Desided you didnt need to know.
Notes: Built 75 Warbirds and 120 Destroyers(Attack fleet Alpha)
Bought 450 Bulk freighters(50M)
Cloaking Device: 5 posts

Insanity has its advantages

As the enormous station will be a military base as well as trading, 100s of Laser cannons are built over the surface of the station.

The battle in Apollo was an easy one. Defenders and Lightnings are no match for a Confederate fleet although they do lose all of their gunboats in the battle. The planet is easily conquered, but Beeblebrox worries about Rebel attacks on it.

At the same time, Confederate engineers are planning a new military space station in the Centauri system. This station is larger than the planet of First Centauri and will construct huge warships as well as defend Rebel invaders. it is estimated that it will take 8 weeks to complete.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

Beeblebrox smokes a joint.
Then he gathers up all his ships, making a massive fleet of 35 Cruisers, 18 Frigates, and 39 Gunboats as well as 15 Patrol ships. He heads for Satori.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

The station was going well, and when finished would have disrupters in place of the temperary lasers.
(Message to Atinoda)
(From Pres. Aaron of the Jadzian Union)
I wish to buy a pair of Kestrel C warships. 16M has been put aside to pay you as soon as they arrive at New Bavaria.
New Bavaria
"Get those mechs ready to board the Kestrels. We dont want to fall behind schedual."- Dockmaster
"They are ready, all we need are the Kestrels."- Dockworker
Jadzian Attack Fleet Alpha comes out of hyperspace and lands to refuel.

income: 2M cr./post
outside income:
Trade with Nemesis;400Gcr./post
Mining in Zebetrious; 4554.15M/post
Treasury: 1.85Mcr
M. Fleet Stats:
Desided you didnt need to know.
Notes: Donated(sp?) remainder of this post's income to charity(i forgot to add it into the treasury so i need an excuse)
Bought 7200 Bulk freighters(800M)
Cloaking Device: 4 posts

Insanity has its advantages

(Message to Confederation)
(From Pres. Aaron)
Recall your forces. I dont think you're quite up to an attack yet. (meet at levo remember. attack at one time.)

Insanity has its advantages

The Confederate fleet also stops to refuel, and Beeblebrox swaps some words with Aaron.

The structure and exterior of the station has been completed. Disruptors are also being installed.

9 Bulk Freighters reach the Centauri system and start building the framework for the enormous Confederate station. Engineers from Luna and Sirius have been sent especially for the purpose.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

(This message has been edited by Beeblebrox (edited 10-22-2002).)