cant find escape velocity

i used to own a power mac and i came across the game escape velocity. im sure many of you will agree that this game is quite possibly the best ever. anyway, my macintosh died, and my parents bought a pc. does anyone know if there is any form, version, or possible way i could get the game back on my computer?


Welcome to the boards!

You can play EV on a PC if you use an emulator. Click (url="http://"")here(/url) to see how.

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Erm, it's not that hard. It's on the site you're on right now as you read this. Go to (url="http://""), Click Games, Go to Strategy, Go to Escape Velocity. Click Download near the top right.

Douglas Adams, "I love deadlines. I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by."

You can easily emulate it just check the weblinks at (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...v/weblinks.html(/url) to find out how.

They are however making a windows version of the newest Escape Velocity Nova.



Originally posted by pooper:
They are however making a windows version of the newest Escape Velocity Nova.

To which EV will be ported.

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"")

Erm, it's not that hard. It's on the site you're on right now as you read this. Go to (url="http://""), Click Games, Go to Strategy, Go to Escape Velocity. Click Download near the top right.

not that easy. Also running Nova on basilisk is hard and in the end not worth it. I can't wait for the PC version!

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Originally posted by General Rak:
**To which EV will be ported.


What do you mean EV will be ported to PC EV:N?

Douglas Adams, "I love deadlines. I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by."


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
What do you mean EV will be ported to PC EV:N?

The Escape Velocity scenario is being ported to the EV Nova engine. Therefore, users of EV Nova -whether it's the Macintosh or Windows version - will be avle to play the Escape Velocity scenario in it.

David Arthur
As Roosevelt said, there is nothing worse than the fear of fear. - (url="http://"")Jean Chrétien(/url)
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Wow. The entire thing of EV will be ported to EVN? Is that what you're saying?
If so, who's doing this? And how are they going to convert every single mission and the like to EVN? Sounds like a huge project to me. And what about EVO? Do I have too many questions?

"I love deadlines, Douglas Adams once said, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by."


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
The entire thing of EV will be ported to EVN?



Originally posted by phantompenguin:
If so, who's doing this?

TomWoozle is completing the conversion, using the as of yet unreleased plug-in converter "PortAuthority" by Dr. Ralph Sutherland.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
And how are they going to convert every single mission and the like to EVN?

With the conversion app, and then manual tuning.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
Sounds like a huge project to me.

Not really. The drag and drop part is easy enough. All I can think of that would be challenging would be fine tuning the app and EV.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
And what about EVO?

That might be done in the future.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
Do I have too many questions?

I don't know, how many do you have?

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"")


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
And what about EVO?

At the moment I don't think TomWoozle and Co. plan to adapt EV Override, but since the drag-and-drop PortAuthority utility will be released once Escape Velocity is ported, I'd be very surprised if nobody ports the EV Override scenario.

David Arthur @ (url="http://"")
As Roosevelt said, there is nothing worse than the fear of fear. - (url="http://"")Jean Chrétien(/url)
(url="http://"") Now offering private forums for plug-in developers - no fees or ads.

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 11-02-2002).)

Wow, that's really really neat. EV, EVO, and EVN all on one.....thing. But is it just me or does EVN run slower than EV? Maybe it's just my friends Mac which I play it on. And for another thing, what about all the new features in EVN? Some of them may change the game a bit. I don't know all the changes that have been imlented, but for one thing asteroid mining. Oh Boy!!! I've got 100 tons of asteroids which just sit and rot! 🙂 Maybe I'm just worrying too much.

"I love deadlines, Douglas Adams once said, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by."


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
Wow, that's really really neat. EV, EVO, and EVN all on one.....thing. But is it just me or does EVN run slower than EV? Maybe it's just my friends Mac which I play it on.

Chances are, the EV Nova engine is slower on older Macs, but it's certainly better if you're running Mac OS X, since the older engines are Classic-only.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
And for another thing, what about all the new features in EVN? Some of them may change the game a bit.

It's because of the work required to compensate for the unavoidable new features that it's taking so much work to do the port, even with the drag-and-drop utility.

David Arthur @ (url="http://"")
As Roosevelt said, there is nothing worse than the fear of fear. - (url="http://"")Jean Chrétien(/url)
(url="http://"") Now offering private forums for plug-in developers - No Fees, No Ads

I see. But just because I'm stupid, let me make sure, you're saying EV, EVO, and EVN are supposed to run at the same speed?

Oh yeah, and is there a site or something where I could find out more about this project? It sounds really neat.
"I love deadlines, Douglas Adams once said, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by."

(This message has been edited by phantompenguin (edited 11-05-2002).)


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
I see. But just because I'm stupid, let me make sure, you're saying EV, EVO, and EVN are supposed to run at the same speed?

The system requirements get progressively higher, but apart from that, there shouldn't be much difference. The only thing is that the first two games don't automatically adjust their speed, so they may end up running too quickly on new computers.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
Oh yeah, and is there a site or something where I could find out more about this project? It sounds really neat.

The only place you'll find information on the port is on the boards.

David Arthur @ (url="http://"")
As Roosevelt said, there is nothing worse than the fear of fear. - (url="http://"")Jean Chrétien(/url)
(url="http://"") Now offering private forums for plug-in developers - No Fees, No Ads

Wait, I thought we were on the boards.

"I love deadlines, Douglas Adams once said, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by."


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
Wait, I thought we were on the boards.

We are, and there's nowhere else you'll find much about the port, although there are a few quotes from the developers and other miscellaneous notes in (url="http://"")'s Fact of the Day archive.

David Arthur @ (url="http://"")
As Roosevelt said, there is nothing worse than the fear of fear. - (url="http://"")Jean Chrétien(/url)
(url="http://"") Now offering private forums for plug-in developers - No Fees, No Ads